#cowboy and canary


I’ve had Solrina’s disguises for a while now and was hoping to reveal all of them in one go, but the Human form and the Demon Royalty form will have to wait.

While it’s true that Solrina has been roaming Hell for a long time, many wondered how she hasn’t died by just her looks alone. Simple, Sol can disguise herself like Loona can. Her first form was her Succubus form during her Verosika Mayday days. Next is her Hellhound form. I’m planning on re-doing her hellhound form after finding out Hellhounds can be different breeds of dogs (She’s going to be a Collie). And last, but not least her imp form. She never explored an imp form until she met I.M.P. (story for that is gonna be in the works).

Fun facts (Imp form):

  • Her imp form is based off of all her imp friends (I.E. Striker’s tail, Blitzø’s horns, Moxxie’s legs, and Millie’s eye shape).
  • She has shock burns on her back, which Striker hates seeing because it reminds him he wasn’t fast enough to help her
  • Blitzø will randomly hug her in imp form because her horns remind him of his sister

Fun Facts (Hellhound form):

  • She would use this form as a means of comforting her friends even when they say they’re fine (they’re not)
  • She would use this form a lot with Verosika, especially if she was starting to drink again
  • Will act like an actual dog to make people forget that it is her (I.E. *paws at arm* No, gimme pats >:<)

Fun Facts (Succubus form):

  • Her Succubus form would only be seen in clubs and bars during after parties
  • Verosika, her crew, and many of her fans believed she was a method actor because she would act like her persona ‘Sudsy’ even off stage (she was actually being herself)
  • The pink highlight in her hair is a nod to Verosika because she didn’t know if she needed to have pink in her scheme or not

The latest chapter of Cowboys and Angels had this scene where Solrina was going to wrangle a bull for her final task and I wanted to draw that scene so bad! Again, I’m not good at drawing bovine, but I think I did an okay job on this one.

Knowing Blitzø’s sneaking streak, I wouldn’t be surprised if he decided to drop in on Solrina and Striker every now and then.

I might have had a little too much fun with this one, but can you blame me?

Heavy spoilers for Cowboys and Angels, but I just couldn’t wait as soon as I heard this audio on Tiktok.

With Chapter 4 of “Cowboys and Angels” up, I can finally upload this image.

This was the outfit Striker gave Sol to use for the day. Simple, but effective for the day to day life of a rancher

Even though this wasn’t the exact moment Sol fell in love with Striker, I just had to do the meme :3


Chapter 1 of Cowboys and Angels has officially dropped! Hope ya’ll will enjoy it and hopefully Chapter 2 will be done ASAP.

Well… After trying time and time again it seems I’ve finally snapped… I’ve certainly got a lot of explaining to do… <<;

To make a long story short, without spoiling the story I hope to write about this, Solrina’s taking the reins of this rodeo that is love.


While it’s true that there is a lot to unpack about Cowboy Imp and Canary Angel, it also meant that I was probably not going to be able to draw all of it.

Therefore, I’m going to write their story on Fanfiction and AO3 (as soon as I get signed up). I’d also like to apologize if my writing sucks; it’s been a little too long since I’ve written fanfiction.

I really need to give Solrina a different dress; it’s not even a dress it’s actually one of Striker’s shirts! XD

This may not be her official dress, but it’s a nice design and thought Sol would wear this.

Even though this doesn’t happen in the game if one of your characters is a vampire, I just thought this was a cute idea to play out.


Welp…unfortunately, I’ll be returning home tomorrow morning, so today will be my last day on here (for now). So while I’m still here, lets play a little game shall we?! ^^

Send a character of your choice an emoji and you’ll get something special!

= you get to ask them a personal question ( *question of choice*)

=they reveal a secret

= force them to reveal something embarrassing

= their worst fear?

☕= tea or coffee?

= their favorite quote

=favorite song?

/⭐= favorite constellation?

= day person or night person?

= favorite food?

=favorite season?

= favorite game?

= favorite movie?

= favorite weather?

✈= a place they’ve traveled to or have wanted to travel to

=someone they miss

⏳= they reveal a memory

There are probably plenty more I could’ve listed here but I think this will do. (If you can’t find a particular emoji just ask it as a question) Also note that with stuff like this I likely wont get to everyone’s ask but I will answer as many as I can manage…cause I’m sure there’ll be a lot.

Have fun!! XD

Before Solrina had even met Striker, she had been in a partnership with Verosika Mayday for her ‘Angels and Demons’ tour (Her stage name was 'Sudsy’ because of her squeaky clean image). She would work as an opening for Verosika as the angel of the two. Her song may not have been the star attraction, but she was more than happy to help hype up Verosika.

After the tour they went their separate ways; Verosika continued her work in Lust and Solrina was off to the Wrath Ring (where everything was gonna be turned upside down).

“Now he’s afraid of me.”

I know the original song is about the girl being toxic, but these lyrics work really well with the situation going on.

After the nightmare, Striker wasn’t able to see Solrina for who she was anymore. Now she was a threat to his well being, be it she use him as a play thing or kill him when she had no use for him anymore.

‘Course, Solrina would never think of hurting the person who saved her life, even if they were completely different from each other, but seeing Striker act like this…. it scared her.


Story time: We all know that Striker saved Solrina from Valentino, but what I left out was that an image of the club’s aftermath was uploaded to the press. In that picture was Valentino laying there with three bullet holes on him; one in his right knee, one in the jewels, and one in the head. The most striking (pun intended) feature of the screenshot is the tail that was near the exit of the club.

That’s when rumors were spreading like hellfire that an imp was under the control of Solrina. The rumors ranged from the imp being blackmailed to being threatened to be killed if they didn’t follow the angel’s word.

The most upsetting thing about the rumors for Striker was hearing the lies of who Sol is. He knew she would never do anything to hurt anyone, so to hear sinners say trash about her boiled his blood. Worst part about it is he can’t correct them otherwise he would blow his and her cover.

Eventually the cowboy was plagued by nightmares, nightmares that were nothing more than a manifestation of people’s words; people who don’t know who Sol REALLY is. Then again… he didn’t know Sol that well either. Sure, he’s spent a few days with her, but that might not be enough for the cowboy imp to be convinced that the angel doesn’t have an ulterior motive up her wings.

Also, yes this was based off of Blitz’s trip.



I like how this started as ‘I wanted to draw Striker as a baby’ into 'We have a plot for this!’ (Thanks @detectiveashcroft).

So Cherub decided that in order to get back into Heaven is if they reform a sinner, however they took a 'shortcut’ that nearly effected the entirety of Hell. That shortcut was turning everyone into babies, and being the only one uneffected, Solrina is left to take care of five rambunctious babies until she finds a way to reverse it all.

This sounds like an AU I would post lmao. So I approve!

And now I have to add onto this:

Millie and Blitzo are the ones that would squish bugs for fun

Blitzo puts everything in his mouth

Striker, Millie, and Blitzo are hyper.

Moxxie cries at everything. He hears a toilet flush? Cries…explosion on the TV? Cries

Blitzo runs around the house pretending to be horse.

Loona gets mad whenever she doesn’t get what she wants

Moxxie tries to play music be aggressively strumming a toy guitar

They all try to get into the weapons and Sol has to stop them.

Striker is very aggressive with his toys

Oh now we’re cooking with gas! Let’s get some more baby adventure headcanons in here!

I wouldn’t say Solrina is a strict mom, but she’s a battle ready mom.

Sol has to make sure Loona gets no where near Moxxie

Striker and Blitz will fight each other to get Sol’s attention (Sol is Blitz’s Mom friend after all)

M&M is still strong, even in baby form (in an innocent baby way)

Everyone has to ride on Bird Mom, no questions asked (Sol flies two feet from the ground and that’s enough for them)

Bombproof (who’s a colt (hell creatures were also affected by the curse)) helps quell fights between Striker and Blitz (thank @detectiveashcroft for that headcanon)
