#credit to my girlfriend who made me remember all of this


in honor of my most popular post on this site I will be revealing my personal (and correct) headcanon of the breakfast club:

  • Allie went back to her old style and ran away to the the city to work in a gay disco club where she discovered her lesbianism
  • Andy was still in love with her and followed her, figured out quickly after she was a trans woman and then picked up drag because of her athletic physique thanks to all the wrestling
  • they are now lesbian lovers and rob banks together occasionally
  • Claire moved in with her stoner brother while going to beauty school to open her own nail salon and married Bender eventually
  • Bender is a stay at home husband, cooking, cleaning, everything for his wife, he occasionally fosters kids in need
  • Brian rekindles with Claire and Bender after going to college to become a teacher, where he joins them in a poly relationship, yes Claire pegs them both
  • he becomes a teacher at Shermer High where he implements classes to help spot and call out abuse of family members
  • they all go to therapy
  • they all stay best friends
  • none of them have kids