

For the gallery show, “About Time” at True Love Tattoo & Art Gallery. Opening this coming Thursday, 11/14, 6pm, as part of the Capitol Hill Art Walk

Aquele amigo cordial, homem comum, companhia agradável e de riso fácil mas que nu em minha cama se t

Aquele amigo cordial, homem comum, companhia agradável e de riso fácil mas que nu em minha cama se torna um comedor vigoroso, cujo pau enorme após muitas estocadas há de jorrar todo o seu esperma dentro da mulher que eu amo. Que a vida me presenteie com muitos amigos assim.

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My second teaser image from my fruit-centered body of work for Antler Gallery that opens June 29th!

My second teaser image from my fruit-centered body of work for Antler Gallery that opens June 29th! Many more images to come. Hope to see you there!


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British Shows I’ve Watched & You Should Too:


Like Degrassi, but way darker.

Sex Education

Must Watch. Horny teens learning about their sexual orientation and feelings.


It was a funny show; but I just don’t know why they would try to include an unnecessary American actor. It was a funny show without them.


A blend of Community and Friends.

Fresh Meat

University students doing shenanigans. Jack Whitehall is hilarious.

The Inbetweeners

Four best friends doing dumb stuff.

Feel Good

Comedian going through drug, family, and gender identity issues quickly falls in love with a “straight” woman, but their relationship turns sour.


Twist after twist after twist after twist.

Killing Eve

Assassin is being hunted by an MI5 agent. Their cat and mouse chase slowly turns into an obsession for both of them.




The curious dance moves of the Striped Cuckoo.

I’m sorry???? Excuse me sir???? You have hands and are a bird please explain

The “hands” seen here are really the alula – the bird’s feathered thumb!

So it’s basically doing this:

#reblog    #striped cuckoo    #cuckoo    #modern dinosaurs    
My first pizza since 2012 > #likedman #yikes #whatanimprovement #thatoldlnelookssobad #cringe #se

My first pizza since 2012 > #likedman #yikes #whatanimprovement #thatoldlnelookssobad #cringe #selectedtoppings #randomaftoppings #homemadepizzadough #storeboughtpizzadough #homemadetomatosauce #storeboughttomatosaouce #thatpokemonhasevolved #imthatpokemon #pikapika #cuckoo #peaceout

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A grey bird with a long, white-tipped tail, a dark grey bill, and yellow feet perches on a branch, surrounded by leaves, against a pale greenish backgroundALT

April 29, 2022 - Grey-bellied Cuckoo or Indian Plaintive Cuckoo (Cacomantis passerinus)

Found in much of South Asia, these cuckoos live in forests, shrublands, grasslands, and agricultural areas. Some populations migrate. They eat a variety of insects, particularly caterpillars. Brood parasites, females lay a single egg in the nest of a warbler, leaving their chick to be cared for by the other birds.

It can now be heard everywhere here: the call of the cuckoo. Usually far away from the top of a treeIt can now be heard everywhere here: the call of the cuckoo. Usually far away from the top of a treeIt can now be heard everywhere here: the call of the cuckoo. Usually far away from the top of a tree

It can now be heard everywhere here: the call of the cuckoo. Usually far away from the top of a tree. Sometimes the cuckoo wants to do a photographer a favour and lands on a lower location. But then there is terrible backlighting ;-).

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#cuculus canorus    #cuckoo    #animals    #british wildlife    
Smooth-Billed Anitwitter / patreon

Smooth-Billed Ani

twitter /patreon

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 Another Secret Santa art that I drew for vk.com/kykywka999

Another Secret Santa art that I drew for vk.com/kykywka999

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 “Sumatran Ground Cuckoo” 8"x8" oil on panel.As its name suggests, this large

“Sumatran Ground Cuckoo” 8"x8" oil on panel.
As its name suggests, this large ground-dwelling cuckoo is endemic to the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Current estimates suggest that there are between 70-400 left, and this species continues to decline due to the extensive deforestation on Sumatra. While these birds are often described as drab, I happened across an article from 2017 that contained two photos from a camera trap. The cuckoo was sunning itself with wings open, and the beautiful greens were striking and anything but drab. My painting was inspired in that moment.Part of Artists for Conservation’s Silent Skies Mural: http://festival.artistsforconservation.org/project/silent-skies

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Every year, when the cuckoo arrives and starts calling across the land, you realise that there has been a space waiting to be filled by his foolish two-note song. Most years, he arrives in the last week of April and, as the rhyme goes, ‘in May he sings all day’. This year, he didn’t turn up until the 8th of May, and then just called a few times and retreated into the hills, or moved on to some other place more to his liking.

So the Spring waits, incomplete.


One of the benefits of lockdown was getting to watch these wee beauties from the comfort of home.

Last spring I finally managed to get some photographs of pīpīwharouroa – Shining cuckoos – that I really like. They’re so elusive, noisy but sneaky and perfectly camouflaged. There were pairs chasing each other around the house I was staying in during the lockdown in Tāmaki Makaurau, and I had a few beautiful opportunities to capture them. Later in summer, I saw one of their chicks being tended…

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