#curtis sister





“Dallas,” you said as you walked into Dally’s room at Bucks"What is that?“

"It’s our Christmas tree,” He answered.

“No, it’s not. That’s the most pathetic tree I’ve ever seen.” The tree in question barely decorated at all, and the ornaments were in the same spot. “why is the bottom of the tree decorated and not the top?”

"Shhh, you’ll hurt it’s feeling,” Dallas whispered.

“It hurts my feelings, Now can we please fix the tree and make it look like an actual Christmas tree this time.”

“No,” Dallas said, folding his arms across his chest. You knew that he made the tree look terrible just to tick you off. You could tell by the massive smirk plastered across his face.

You laughed as you put your hands on your hips. “What do you mean ‘no’?”

“I mean no. We’re not getting rid of Branchy.”

You raised an eyebrow. “Branchy? You named the tree?”

“Of course I didn’t name the tree,” Dallas said, grinning. “Two-Bit named it.”

“Well then Two-Bit can have the tree”

“Two-Bit already has a tree.” Dallas’ grin widened.

“We are not keeping the tree that way. Either you can go get the decorations and help me decorate tree, or I’ll do it myself and invite Steve and Soda to help.

"Well Soda helped us pick this one out and Steve thought it had class.”

“It’s a dead pine sapling. In what world does that have class?” You asked.

Dally shrugged. “This one, apparently. Anyways, we’re keeping the tree the way it is”

“Dal, it’s our first Christmas together. Do you really want to have that,” she pointed toward the little pine. “As our first Christmas tree?”

He smiled brightly. “Sure. It means things can only get better from here.”

You smiled and cocked your head to the side. “I hadn’t thought about it like that.”

“Also I knew it would annoy you,” Dallas was grinning widely now.

“You’re lucky I love you,” Y/N said “Fine, we can keep the tree, but I get to put the star on top” he lightly ruffled your hair chuckling “FINE. You can put the topper on the tree.”
