#darry x reader


how they are with babies

could you write something with how the outsiders act with their baby

of course! the only thing i’m changing for this particular request is i am excluding ponyboy, because his character is only fourteen years old

so sorry if this is disappointing! hope you like it xx

— when you first told him you were pregnant he was so excited but equally as terrified

— darry was there throughout the whole delivery and was so helpful after

— he just loves watching your baby grow everyday and happy he gets to witness his milestones

— your son is only six months old but this doesn’t stop darry from spoiling him

— at first he was so overwhelmed and anxious whenever he got the chance to hold your daughter

— he’d be scared but excited to take her home to meet the rest of the gang

— at night when she sleeps soda insists on sleeping on the floor in case she cries

— when you wake up in the morning he’s still sound asleep on the floor…next to her crib

— wanted a paternity test as soon as he found out you were pregnant

— deep down he knew your baby was his but he was scared of the responsibility

— when your son was born he was with you and even got a little lightheaded

— dallas loves him to death and would do anything to protect him

— he was super embarrassed and mad at himself for not being more carful

— but he knew he had to support you and this baby even if that meant getting multiple jobs

— when your daughter was born he cried…A LOT

— johnny calls her your little miracle because of your young age the pregnancy was high risk


— literally jumps up at down like a child when you told him the news

— when you first brought your little boy home two-bit had decorated the room a Mickey Mouse theme

— didn’t quite understand how to care for something so fragile but he was still very gentle and loving

— never leaves your babies side unless he has to

— steve was the most scared of out of everyone about being a parent

— he wanted your babygirl to have the best life possible and would do anything to ensue that

— when she was born he tried to convince the doctors to let him sleep in the nursery

— buys her whatever she wants, and i mean WHATEVER SHE WANTS*spoiled*

hcs where you die in the fire instead of johnny + gang reactions also ur my fav


aww thanks babe, hope you like it!! this definitely pulled at some heartstrings while writing

  • the entire gang is in absolute shock
  • the horrible sound of your parents screaming from the distance  
  • the saddened looks as the firefighter carries your limp body out of the flames 
  • johnny tries to forgive himself for not making sure you were behind him as you two ran out
  • darry tries his best to calm everyone even though his heart is broken 
  • dallas feels bad for not holding you back
  • ponyboy wishes he showed up sooner
  • sodapop is tightly gripping your sweater you tossed him right before running in the church
  • and two-bit and steve are comforting your parents as best they can 
  • but the boys can’t help but feel guilty
  • why did you and johnny have to go in there alone?
  • why couldn’t they have been braver?
  • why did it take so long for the fire department to show up?
  • dallas starts cursing at emergency responders when they refuse to continue compressions
  • he knows in his heart that there’s nothing more they can do
  • but it doesn’t make it hurt any less
  • your mom is completely mute and your dad hasn’t stopped crying 
  • the police approach them dreading to tell everyone that you have been pronounced dead
  • sodapop is the first out of the gang to cry 
  • darry pulls him in for a hug but soda rejects
  • he wishes he had the chance to tell you he’s loved you since the first grade 
  • the thought of you being gone is unimaginable
  • johnny runs over to the ambulance where your body had been placed
  • he ask the paramedics if he can say goodbye 
  • two-bit follows not far behind to comfort him  
  • they pull the white sheet down
  • exposing your soot covered face
  • johnny runs his hand over your cheek
  • two-bit wipes a few tears away
  • steve can’t even look at you
  • ponyboy and dallas just stare blankly 
  • darry gives his condolences to your parents and helps your mom into the ambulance 
  • she insists on riding with your body to the funeral home 
  • “i’m going, she’s still my daughter”
  • the gang stays behind
  • left to face the emotions of this horrible day
  • they each speak briefly at your funeral
  • giving beautiful sentiments and eulogy’s
  • your mom is grateful they were in your life
  • even if it was just for a few years
  • after the service they make sure to place your favorite flowers on your grave
  • they can’t help but laugh as they think about what you’d be saying to them at this moment
  • “she’d probably say this is the nicest she’s seen any of us dress” -ponyboy
  • darry is the last person to leave
  • “rest easy, kid”

Johnny’s big sister falling in love with Darry please

it’s been awhile since i wrote some headcanons so i hope this format is okay with you!! xx

  • you never meant to develop these types of feeling for darry
  • you’ve known him your entire life
  • the two of you are the same age
  • and practically grew up together
  • also johnny and ponyboy are best friends
  • which makes things even better for you
  • darry is the sweetest guy in your life
  • well besides johnny of course
  • he’s never been cross or disrespectful to you
  • he may come across as intimidating or mean to others but it’s just a facade
  • you feel yourself falling harder the more you spend time together
  • sometimes you wonder if he shares the same type of feelings
  • but when you start getting really close he shuts himself out
  • many times you’ve tried to break him out of this internal fear of his
  • it’s like he’s afraid to open himself up to love
  • one night he catches you off guard
  • he asks you out on a date
  • well not really out
  • he offers to cook you a nice dinner at his house
  • since he does have a lot of responsibility for his younger siblings
  • and he’s worried they’d try and throw a party or something in his absence
  • which is another thing you two bond over
  • you both constantly worry about your family
  • but he seems nervous
  • way nervous that he usually is around you
  • darry surprises you with your favorite pasta
  • you’re actually shocked at how good it is
  • since you haven’t seen him cook like ever
  • after dinner he takes your plate for you and heads into the kitchen
  • when he returns he has two cupcakes
  • he hands you one and you thank him
  • “so what’s the special occasion?”
  • “the truth is, i like you y/n i always have”
  • tries to keep calm
  • unfortunately the boys walk in right when you and darry are about to kiss
  • johnny is a bit shocked but not surprised
  • and ponyboy has a wide grin across his face
  • “it’s about damn time..”