#cute date ideas


aries:go bowling and whoever wins picks a weird ice-cream/froyo flavour that the loser has to try

taurus:create a thrifting scavenger hunt list (ugly sweaters, weird cow statues, old books, etc) and go out to find all your items

gemini:go to the library together and tell each other about your favourite books; leave notes for future readers in those books

cancer:go for a walk in the park at night, sit on the swing sets and exchange spooky stories

leo:go to a pet shelter together and compete to see who can pet the most dogs

virgo:you each build a fort and have a war with pillows/socks/paper airplanes/etc

libra:go out to the countryside at night and stargaze; make up silly stories about the stars

scorpio:go out together and visit as many people as you can in one day. try to move things in their place without them noticing

sagittarius:stay up to watch the sunrise together. make each other breakfast out of weird things you find in your/their fridge

capricorn:go out in search of the perfect climbing trees. you don’t have to climb them if you don’t want to, just appreciate the tree

aquarius:make your own kites and try to fly them. whoever is most successful gets to receive a piggyback ride

pisces:go out on a walk and point out all the pretty flowers you see. if you can, pick them and keep them


the best first dates are in empty parking garages <3

Dream Date #1:

On a rainy day we stay inside and gather comfy blankets, make some tea, and let swing music echo in our place as we cuddle to the small pats of rain drizzle on our home

I want this❤️

I want this❤️

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