

This morning I started to sleep while sitting on the table drinking the morning coffee.

This day didn’t start so well, did it.

Inside hospitals you can physically perceive death as a concrete creature, basically standing bere beside you, watching silently, and waiting.

It’s here, breathing, polluting the air like a contagious virus, and suddenly you feel it infecting you as well.

You feel death.

You can even touch it.

And suddenly, it can touch you too.

Woke up at 6.am (and I didn’t for months, so I’m definitely not used to it)

It’s raining, I have no umbrella.

I’m late due to traffic.

The bus is crowded with some of the people I hate the most: teenagers.

When I arrive at university, the handle of my bag gets stuck into a chair and it literally falls off.

After the lesson I rush to work just to stay there 10 minutes staring blankly at my boss because there’s no shit I can do. They send me to do a pointless chore in a different part of the town. I take my dose of rain again.

I have to explain to the security guard who I was ( and trust me, it wasn’t easy) so they would give me the key.

The key does not work, the door won’t open.

After 5 minutes of failures, I turn my head slightly to the left.

Wrong door.

After this, I have to bring my brother to a hospital for a surgery.

Now I’m sitting here in this abandoned creepy storage thing drinking a coffee machine- tea, just accepting that some days you just can’t fight the universe.

You have to accept that everything will go wrong.

Somehow, acknowledging this fact, makes me feel at ease.
