#dairy is scary


The butcher of Gujarat (7)
Brought us the awful “Beef ban”: (7)
What a devious man: (6)
Acting like a friend of cows (7)
Expanding dairy somehow: (7)
What a self-serving brat. (6)

The beef ban divides the folks (7)
Like twisted purity jokes (7)
Animals are comrades too, (7)
They’re not here for me and you. (7)

Don’t buy his lies! (4)
Don’t buy his lies! (4)
Look! Look through his lies: (5)
Fascist in disguise! (5)

The butcher of Gujarat,
Added buffalo murders;
Gath'ring casteist herders
Waving the BJP flag.
Into fear, this path will drag.
What a divisive brat.


The butcher of Gujarat
Tried to hide his dirty past;
Shedding now more blood fast.
The Massacre of Oh-Two
Should remind all of you:
What a violent brat!


The butcher of Gujarat,
Subsidises violence
What’s our response: silence?
Don’t let your tastebuds deceive-
That’s what his PR achieves!
What a deceptive brat!

Look! Look through his deep lies: (6)
He’s a fascist to clear eyes. (7)


Today marks 4 years since I decided to go vegan. I evolve and grow more as a vegan every single year. I could not be more proud of choosing to be vegan. It is the greatest choice I have ever made. Not only has it vastly improved my health physically and mentally, it has expanded my knowledge on health, the way we treat animals, and the seemingly endless oppression that stems from the belief that some lives have more moral worth than others based on appearances or species(racism, sexism, speciesism, etc.). It has also shown me new, better ways to see and exist in the world. With compassion and empathy for all living beings, human animals and non human animals alike. I am so grateful to be celebrating 4 years of living vegan, and continuing to align my values with my actions.

“Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment.”

Since going vegan, these are some of the books that have helped me further understand veganism from psychological, nutritional, and moral perspectives:

The China Study” - T. Colin Campbell

Food Revolution” - John Robbins

Beyond Beliefs” - Dr. Melanie Joy

How Not to Die” - Michael Greger

Veganism in an Oppressive World” - Julia Feliz Brueck

Information on Dairy & Eggs:

->The Dairy Industry Explained

->Egg Truth

->Dairy Facts

Some of my favorite Vegan/Plant Based Doctors, Scientists & Pyschologists:

•Dr. Micheal Greger, author of “How Not to Die” & “How Not to Diet”, Founder of Nutritionfacts.org

•T. Colin Campbell, PhD, author of “The China Study” & “Whole” NutritionStudies

•Dr. Melanie Joy, author of “Beyond Beliefs”, “Powerarchy”, & “Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows” Carnism.org

•Dr. Milton Mills, Race & Nutrition Specialist, Plant Based Nutritionist “Dairy + Racism” , “The Truth About Dairy

•The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine PCRM.org

My friends and family have asked me to make a video regarding the Joe Biden disruption, so here it is! I was really hesitant to put this out, simply because I’m a really self-conscious person and I always stutter (I know. It’s kind of ironic that I can jump on a former vice presiden’t stage but I feel uncomfortable speaking in front of a camera lol).

Although I don’t have a massive platform, I wanted to make this video for the millions of non-human animals that are exploited every year. Thank you for your support!

Everyone says Jill Biden “handled” me. I didn’t go on stage to hurt anyone. I went on stage because politicians like Joe Biden ignore climate change and animal cruelty. So, if politicians won’t speak about these issues we will.

