#animal liberation front

 “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”~Dr. Joseph Menge

“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”
~Dr. Joseph Mengele
(1911- 979) Nazi German SS officer and a physician in the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, known for performing grisly human experiments on camp inmates, including children, for which Mengele was called the “Angel of Death”

For more info visit www.269life.com

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(via angry-hippo) Old animal liberation zine that shows that animal liberationists have been talking


Old animal liberation zine that shows that animal liberationists have been talking about the “non-profit industrial complex” since the mid-1980’s.

The full zine, “State of the Movement #2”, can be viewed here

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My friends and family have asked me to make a video regarding the Joe Biden disruption, so here it is! I was really hesitant to put this out, simply because I’m a really self-conscious person and I always stutter (I know. It’s kind of ironic that I can jump on a former vice presiden’t stage but I feel uncomfortable speaking in front of a camera lol).

Although I don’t have a massive platform, I wanted to make this video for the millions of non-human animals that are exploited every year. Thank you for your support!
