#daisey ridley


Daisey Ridley

Rey in TFA: a thought

lol for some reason I always forget about how genuinely impressive Rey was from the start. How she literally has no experience or training with the Force or a lightsaber, but in her first real battle scene, slashes Kylo Ren in the face and literally puts him down on the ground..? oof, no wonder he fell in love so quick

Kylo and the Millenium Falcon: a thought

So I was watching the classic “blow that piece of junk out of the sky” clip for the millionth time and it’s highly entertaining, a meme, I understand. But it just occurred to me how deep this actually must have cut for him in that moment. Like just imagine little Ben growing up on that ship. Playing, running around, sitting on Chewie’s lap as Han takes him through light speed for the first time. Hearing all the stories of this scrappy, legendary little freighter. And then at this point in TLJ, Kylo is trying so hard to push through, to crush the rebellion and resist the Light. And that ship, his father’s ship, comes in out of nowhere. An incredibly hopeful and sacred symbol of his father’s legacy, a precious memory, turned against him. And he just can’t stand it.

(Now I’m watching it again and I feel like Adam totally understood this. We get only a few real outbursts from Kylo, believe it or not, and this is one of them. It makes so much sense.)

the interrogation scene pt. 2

Rey: take that stupid helmet off

Kylo: ok *takes it off*

Rey: and that stupid shirt

Kylo: wait what—

the interrogation scene

Rey: I’m not giving you anything

Kylo: we’ll see

Rey: except for my heart



Thoughts on Han and Luke

I was watching the originals and this just occurred to me. I wonder if Han’s presence would have made all the difference for Luke in TLJ. The most emotion we get from Luke in the whole movie isn’t even during his interactions with Leia or fight with Kylo. It’s in the moment when Chewie walks into his hut and Luke realizes that Han isn’t with him. After Rey tells him what happens, he probably even feels responsible for his death, since he believes he failed Ben and partially created Kylo Ren. Luke Skywalker had always been the brightest ray of hope and faith, but by TLJ he had lost it. Neither Leia or Rey could really restore it, but I think Han could have. Just imagine if Han had walked out of the Falcon on Ach-to and held out his hand. Forgiving him and reassuring him that he always had his back, that they’d fight together again. I just can’t help but feel like it would have changed everything.

Kylo: I always knew we would end up together

Rey: How could you possibly have known that?

Kylo:*reminiscing* the first day we met, I held you in my arms

Rey: Because I was unconscious!

Kylo: Minor details


Kylo:*whispers* I love you

Kylo:I think we should break up

Rey: but we’re not even together…?


Rey: wait, why do you want to break up?!

Kylo: if we’re not together then why do you care?



More thoughts about Ben Solo

I always die a little bit inside when I remember that they named their son BEN solo. like they knew he would need such a namesake to hold onto. and just imagine little Ben sitting at Luke’s feet as he tells him about how he first met Kenobi. and everytime leia or han called his name it was like an echo, a reminder of how their beautiful story began
