

Cavendish walks into the living room to see Dakota on the floor with the room a huge mess: What happened??!???

Dakota: I lost a jelly bean

Cavendish: Dakota hit me on the head about 15 times today

Milo: Maybe it was because you said if someone had a crush on you they should hit you on the head so you know

Cavendish: Nah, he’s just being mean

Sara: *looks up from her Doctor Zone book* Sir-

Dakota: Did Cavendish just tell me he loved me for the first time?

Savannah: Yeah.

Dakota: And did I do finger guns back?

Savannah: Yeah, you did.

Dakota: It was Cavendish- I mean-

Cavendish: Wow you just said my name while you’re telling me who broke the TV. You are getting rusty at lying

Cavendish: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you guys… Dakota and I are dating

Dakota, Milo, Melissa, and Zack: *gasp*

Cavendish: Dakota, why are you surprised?!

Dakota: I sure showed those guys huh?

Cavendish: …..

Dakota: Did you see how uncomfortable they got when I started crying?


Dakota:[trying to roast Cavendish] you look like somebody took the onceler and tried to make him unattractive but fucked up at the end and made him attractive anyway

Cavendish: I thought that maybe-

Dakota: [cuts Cavendish off by kissing him]

Cavendish: -you’d love me again.

Dakota: Who says I stopped?

Everyone in alien ship: Awwwww!



Milo: We ruined the moment.


Cavendish: i’d hope that getting this punching bag for the office, Dakota would stop hitting me all the time.

Dakota: But it’s how i show affection!

Cavendish: well could you stop loving me so much before 6:OOam?

Dakota and Cavendish in bed after Treat or Treating:

Cavendish: Something is bothering me… I can’t sleep…

Dakota: You know you can tell me anything

Cavendish: *sighs* Alright…. did you say Frankenstean?

Dakota: Yeah… and?

Cavendish: It’s Frankenstein not Frankenstean

Dakota: You really woke me up just to say that?

Cavendish: Yes

Dakota: Why am I married to you again?

Milo: We can’t lose our dignity!

Dakota: I already lost mine to Cavendish

Everyone: …….????

Dakota: Wait you said dignity…?

Dakota: Oops sorry


Dakota: Uhhh Do you have a date for Valentine’s Day?

Cavendish: Yes… February 14th…

Dakota: ugh never mind

Just realized I never posted this art here… Dakota you will always be famous

FINALLY up to date on my mml art I just posted this on twitter like a couple days ago actually

I swear I am obsessed w drawing their First Impressions designs. Some young love goin on here

Finally thru pretty much all of my old mml art this ones for the fellow dakavendish die hards. They make me emo⚰️

Some more old dakavendish art they are in love

“haha yeah I hate you so much” he said neurodivergently

Some younger Cav and Dakota I drew a little while back they r so cute I hate them

“Ah! Aha! I KNEW IT! Powers unimaginable! Did you hear that Dakota? Did you hear? Mm! Yes. Vindicated!”

Did this scene redraw a while back it was so fun tbh. Even got to fool around w the colors a bit

But yeah. They r in love I hate them

Some mml pride art I did a while back love these kids (also added a couple more recent doodles bc I know yall are desperate to see anything from this fandom, I am too)

Finally getting into more recent art (that said it was still like. A good few months ago) this one was a hit w dakavendish fans. I mean just look at them they’re SO TWISTED!! love gay ppl

Uncovered some more old dakavendish sketches drew younger versions of them for fun a while back so thought yall might want it idk

I’ll post some more old mml art later dw am actually close to getting thru all of it

Posting more of my “old” art on here

You can see. A pattern ♾ these were all very self indulgent lmao

sorry dakota losing his mind pining suddenly took over my brain and i had to do SOMETHING

sorry dakota losing his mind pining suddenly took over my brain and i had to do SOMETHING

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