#damian x reader


Damian: I am the perfect child, anyone would have wanted me.

Y/N: not me

Damian: Tf why not?

Y/N: Cause your rude and Evil

Damian: Am not! I was a gift!

Y/N: You were a mistake

Damian: Shut up Y/N, that’s why your last boyfriend left you.


Dick: *le gasp*

Damian: yOu tAkE tHaT fUcKiNg bAcK-

Fuck Off!

Damian Wayne x Reader

Warnings: cussing, fluff, lil angsty not so much. Reader being total Domanitrix.
A/N: My first request!!!!
Requested by: @kakashis-formal-simp

“Out of my fucking way virgins!!” You snarled out loud, snatching the couple that were currently making out in front of you out of your way. The hallways were crowded as usual on the daily basis, needless to say you were the one that took up most of the space in between you and the others.

Your skirt flower against your smooth thighs as your hips moved side to side ever so gracefully, your hair bounced smoothly against your slender shoulders as you chewed on a strawberry-flavored bubblegum, blowing a big bubble before popping it around your lips.

Looking to your left to see the big sign the chew squad was hanging up in the wall for the whole world to see, and investigate

‘Come and Donate at our new and found charity for the homeless’

Oh wow…..

“Our of my way” A voice hissed out in the distance where you stood, his voice laced with anger and ignorance as he walked closer. Looking out in the distance to see Damian Wayne pushing the small girl out of his way, her back collided with the stack of lockers behind her as she tripped on her feet, the papers she had stacked on her hands dropped everywhere around her area, her glasses tipped out of her head and onto the floor.

Damian didn’t seem to care and only proceed with walking forward with his head held high. Pulling his backpack strapped behind him as his books and papers were held tightly against his hard chest.

Of course…..Damian is an asshole after all.

An idea popped up in your head as you walked ahead of you to the same direction as he was, biting your lip you grabbed the stack of books and papers from his arms as you dropped on the floor like garbage. The stacks of papers pooled a the tips of your feet, Damian’s head shot up to see who caused the disaster.

“What the fuck is wrong with you!” His deep voice coated in anger and disgust, you only smirked devilishly.

“Get out of my way” You repeated the same words and sentence the young man said as you proceeded to scatter the papers around your feet, pushing them away from your feet making them scatter along the halls. Damian sneered quietly as you walked away from him.


Damian studied you…..

Admired you……

He would call himself a stalker…..

He lost count of how many times he’s looked at you…

It started to get creepy….

I mean, you were the only person who had the balls to stand him up, unlike the low-life teenagers that went here, you were special.

No matter how many times Damian wanted to put you in your place for talking to him that way, and especially in that tone. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it, he was very nervous and sputtered if he were to even try and talk to you. Tapping his pen repeatedly on the small desk he stood at he desperately wanted to go home and write in his little journal he had and write about you.

You had your head down, your beautiful soft (H/C) hair laid comfortably on your slender and beautiful shoulders as you wrote notes and answers down on your paper, flipping it, biting your pen, putting a small strand of hair behind your ear, Damian though it was fascinating, you were fascinating.


“I like what your doing here Stacy” you smiled at the certain cheerleader who happened to be your best friend in the whole-wide world, Stacy returned gesture.

“Oh yeah! You know gotta save the homeless!” She showed her pearly white-teeth, her hair up in a pony tail as she fiddled with her skirt. The two of you chatted and laughed as several of civilians wandered around you as they chatted and donated there home-goods to the environment, the strong yet timid wind blew your strand always from your beautiful feature.

Damian stood with his mouth agape, the wind making his lips dry at how long he was staring at you. He received weird glances from people around him as he only settled his eyes on you and only you. Bruce of course being Bruce did donate stuff and so did his siblings, they were kind enough to come with Damian to the donation. But since your here, thing were better, and so much better.

“What you looking at Dami!” Dick slapped his hands on the younger Wayne’s shoulder, straddling the boy as he blinked for the first time in 5 minutes.

“Nothing, Leave me alone Grayson” the younger boy hissed, snatching his hands always from his shoulders. Dick raised his hands up in surrender, laughing innocently. Dick looked into the distance where his adopted brother faced as he saw you smiling and laughing along with other teen girls your age, Dick smirked teasingly.

“Oh? Are you looking at that girl Damian?” Dick nudge his shoulder, the young boy growled biting his lip preventing a string of of curse word to slip out of his mouth. And cuss out his brother in public for the whole world to hear.

“What’s everyone looking at?” Jason crossed his arms over his chest.

“Damian has a crush on that girl over there-“ Dick pointed out into the distance to find you.

“Shut the fuck up!!” He walked away from the two grown men, as Dick and Jason laughed at his pathetic attempt to get away with it.

“You know you do!!”

“Shut up Grayson!!!”
