#damien haas



damien put his nipple on instagram and now i don’t know how to function. 

Hi 911 I’ve been personally attacked by this tweet


Send help this is gonna be the only thing I think about for a WHILE

me: Why do I enjoy watching Damien on-screen so much?

me: *looks over at partner, a cat-loving gamer and history nerd with dark eyes and facial scruff*

me: Yeah no I just can’t figure it out

Shouting into the void of the Internet making yet another blog on here since I recently learned Smosh’s Tumblr fandom is a thing.

A few quick bits about me:

  • I share a home state with at least three former (and one current) members of the Smosh roster
  • Like Shayne, I also majored in psychology as an undergraduate (looking to go to grad school eventually this blog may or may not be a coping mechanism for getting my first rejection letter yesterday oops)
  • My current cast faves are everyone except Ratt Maub (with Damien, Tommy, Kimmy, and Jackie in a four-way tie for the top spot)
  • My favorite former cast member is Lasercorn with Mari right behind him in second and Boze in third
  • My Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff, my astrological sign is Taurus (my birthday is three days after Lasercorn’s which I straight up forgot about until recently), and my brain’s an ADHD disaster of bisexual trainwreck and snippets of songs and random facts about anything except what I need to focus on
  • Lastly, I’ve been watching Smosh on-and-off since 2018 and started watching more regularly about a month ago given I finished college and job hunting has yet to be fruitful

I’ll stop running my mouth now but I’m here to make friends and vibe while bonding over the Smosh gang - if y’all have song or artist recommendations shoot them my way.

Damien is fine, as he said, but obviously send some healing & positive vibes as he has to quarantine for a while.

Damien’s Instastory (5/25/22)

Hey! This type of sh*t isn’t okay. You want to tell Damien something, tweet AT Damien! Don’t go into Saige’s tweets; just because she’s his partner it doesn’t mean she is a means of relaying your message to him. If you don’t get the engagement you want, just do what the rest of us do…move on with our day. NOT asking Saige to pass it along. Damien might have seen it, he just didn’t like it.

Saige’s Twitter (5/25/22)

Damien is having a bit of a self-care night ‍♂️ He looks a bit scary in this photo It’s nice seeing him taking care of himself while he is recovering from COVID & still in quarantine. But I think because Saige is out of town, he can leave his office & go into shared spaces in their place. He might just disinfect when he is done in those areas

Damien’s Instastory (6/9/22)

Damien dropped his ballot off today Damien (& Freyja) tell you voting is VERY important! As a poll worker, I agree with them. Also he managed to get sunburnt in just 10 minutes!? That has to be a side effect of something. Whether it’s covid, covid pills, or even his skin condition…

Damien’s Instastory (6/6/22)

Damien talking about a recent tweet & HIS own PERSONAL feelings regarding how he identifies. This is Damien’s thoughts towards him being/identifying as Demisexual & being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community. If you are demisexual, you are vaild & the label of LGBTQIA+ is available to you. I can see where Damien is coming from. His identity is his own business & journey. Just like everyone else.

Damien’s Twitch (6/2/22)

Earlier this year, in a SmoshPit video, Damien stated he would also considers himself demisexual. Well, to clarify, today Damien considers himself more of an ally. Which is fine! Figuring out your own sexuality & what label to use can be ever changing. However someone identifies is their business, that should be respected. A good reminder for this month. HappyPride!

Damien’s Twitter (6/1/22)

Photo: PoorlyDrawnSmosh on Twitter (6/1/22)


Happy 31st Birthday Damien Christian Haas

Hope you have a good Day of Birth today


Saige wishes Damien a very Happy Birthday And thats she loves him ♥️ Thats so sweet

Saige’s Instastory (11/23/21)



It’s literally textbook sexism to attribute a woman’s achievements to her relationship with a man. It’s incredibly degrading, not to mention embarrassing for the accuser. Imagine being a woman and calling yourself a feminist while saying so much shit about another woman simply because you don’t think she’s funny.

Was the hate directed at Saige’s personality always misogynistic? No, not really. It was annoying and unfounded, but that’s the type of stuff you run in to with every fandom. However, the assertion that Saige only got the job because she’s dating Damien is definitely misogynistic.  Especially considering that both Saige and Damien confirmed that they met at smosh and started dating after Saige was hired.


Damien is filming an Augustus video, maybe for Smosh Pit. Where it looks like we’re going to get a recipe by Augustus. Also Courtney & Shayne are fighting like they always do Maybe they are directing & producing the video together

Smosh’s Instastory (11/5/21)


Damien addressing things in the beginning of his stream tonight

Damien’s Twitch (11/2/21)


Saige addressing things at the beginning of her stream tonight

Saige’s Twitch (11/2/21)
