

This is why I have been MIA; and I feel like you all deserve an explanation, you all supported my blog so generouly. I will return, but since the beginning of the year; I have been suffering depression over the state of human rights, health issues, and financial set backs. I lost my computer, which makes it extremely difficult to blog.

Share my belated birthday gift with me (that’s what I’m calling this->)

Unboxing Given Live Stage Production Items while discussing women’s rights:

We can’t change things if we don’t speak out loud and ask questions. (Im not great with political terminology so please anyone correct me if I use an incorrect term) We have a majority bipartisan Government of Democrat or Republican. On a scale of far left, to far right; our Democratic party rn falls significantly right from center. Our Republican party falls almost full far right; flirting with fascist ideals. Left = non capitalistic/ Right = Capitalism. Its so much more than capitalism though, because of seperation of Church and State. Because Capitalist values have been so over shot to the far right of the scale, and we are unbalanced by authorities with biased and conservative religious views, our highest court; The US Supreme Court is now biased and unbalanced. We are supposed to first and foremost have separation of Church and state. This goes directly back to the foundation of our separation from England. Certain human rights laws are supposed to be “settled” law, essentially meaning, they have been “tested” over and over and found to be laws in good standing, wether or not they independently appear in our Constitution. Laws like the right to an abortion, the right to decline to participate in religious ceremonies or adhere to regions views, in state sponsored environments, the right to equal medical care regardless of race sex gender class or creed.

Common sense things like an intersex or male bodied person has equal right to an abortion, as would a female bodied person. The right to birth control or personally initiated sterilization. An unwed or poor mother has an equal right to reproductive health care (pre or post). Queerness but particularly homosexuality (due to the wording of the legal definition) is infact a legal human right to the pursuit of happiness, regardless of gender expression or biological/ physiology or marriage rights. POC have equal access to reproductive health care and autonomy, without coeersion or state sponsored interference (ie disproportionate encouraging of sterilization) Yes this was a problem up until the 60s, and in some states into the 70s. Stimulus were given to wed white mothers, while ethnic mothers were disproportionately encouraged to undergo sterilization in order to receive benefits like Healthcare, childcare, educational support, and food stability from the government. Or the one that ties it all together; you cannot use or express religious views as a means to exert authority over another person, in a state sponsored environment. Ie you can’t make little Johnny say a prayer with the coach, or fear getting kicked off the football team.

Our Supreme Court had a draft, called an “opinion” leaked, a few days ago showing that they are set to overturn abortion rights, next month. The thing about “opinion drafts” is that they are informally written; almost like reading a transcript of the whole conversation between the judges. The draft clearly shows not only religious bias, but that the judges are now just creating and stripping laws; based on simply how they personally feel concerning a law. You can imagine; basically the highest court in the land is making decisions off whatever the hell they personally think. On top of that; many of these judges were recommended by Trump during his stay, and these people share eugenic ideological views that are racist and misogynistic; going back to AIFR propaganda. Ie the standards ingrained so deeply in our country, through colonial mindsets that ‘only “fit” persons should procreate, and that this is how American ECONOMIC values thrive.’ Which of course is insane and affects every citizen, yet is how this is so prevalent in far right capitalistic values. Even our Democratic party is now right leaning. This is also why age of consent laws are so important and are now at risk, and their undoing disproproportionaly benefitting heterosexual men concerning women’s rights/marriage. Which hypocritically undermines Seperation of Church and State through far right Christian majority, family planning fundamentals.

It’s not a matter of if one personally or religiously supports making abortions illegal; it’s that it’s directly tied to religious doctrine, meaning they’re supporting it as falling under the scope of Constitutional rights, but its blatantly coming from personal religious views. This is a gross abuse of twisting the Constitution. The judges in the opinion draft are recorded as stating that the Constitution itself never addressed abortion, so one can’t create laws concerning supporting abortion. (Then in the same breath, duscussing taking steps to create restrictions, AGAINST this right, which is obvious hypocracy)That’s why the laws are settled laws! The Constitution was written in a completely different American society than modern day. The judges know this, but they are twisting the purposeful function of our Constitution and Bill of Rights, to learn and grow with the people, to suit their personal opinions. The majority of US citizens do not support what they are planning on doing; I think at last count it was almost 70% but they are moving forward anyways, which is an outright breech of the Judges’ function as servants in a democracy.

Its so intertwined with women’s rights; it’s not just abortion legalities that would almost instantly unravel. Upfront; women would no longer be able to aquire reproductive health care unless it favored pregnancy potential. This then affects even persons who could potentially have future pregnancies, who say want to have hysterectomies, or be on birth control. And further brings into play, if the State has the right to deem if it is medically necessary, which circles back to religious and personal views, and seperating Church and State. Yet our Healthcare system is privatized…..so again the hypocracy. Theres an abundance of conflict of interest as many of these law markers have stock in pharmaceutical and medical companies. Controlling women’s rights, particularly the institutions of marriage and pregnancy, creates revenues for them. This obviously affects restrictions on what does or does not constitute legal birth control. Which affects male bodied and intersex person’s autonomy; if they do or do not wish to retain the ability to become pregnant. It expressly affects what constitutes rape. Specifically between a married man and woman. Whatever they now declare IS a man or woman. People forget, it was legal in the states, up until a little over a generation ago; for a man to commit non consensual acts against his legal wife. This immediately not only affects female bodied citizens, but the laws tied to these settled laws, are also tied to laws that make homosexuality legal. Specifically addressing by legal term; the act of sodomy, same sex marriage, and even cohabitation. It by default impacts queer people in general, mostly intersex non binary and trans persons. If the court strips these settled laws; it throws us into legal regression immediately concerning what determines sex and gender.

So just being outside of a binary legal definition of sex or gender, technically would make it illegal to express yourself or even live in your own home as a person outside of that legal definition. Even teaching your children sex, gender, and body positivity, has already been stripped in several states since the beginning of the year. One woman on state level was already charged with murder, for obtaining an abortion, but fortunately on the federal level; it was over ruled. What is happening right now, means it would not have been over ruled and she would be sitting in prison on a felony. Several parents across the country have already had their children removed from their care, and are facing felony charges for seeking gender affirming medical care for their children. If these settled laws are over turned next month; their charges would be valid. They are currently in court and the State in at least one case; appears to be stalling, as if hoping to see these human rights regress, so they can move forward with the charges. Other cases have been dismissed; as the laws still currently protect the defendants.

Right now, people are focused on oh my god; they can’t just overturn abortion rights. They’re only just beginning to get a glimpse of everything else it over turns or places such tight restrictions on, it might aswell be over turned. These laws aswell are also connected to separation of church and state. It has already begun to strip transgender health care, our freedom of speech to use words that are indicative of sexuality and gender out side of a designated binary, within a state sponsored environment such as a government institution or a school. The human right to just exist as a trans (umbrella) person in such an environment. Infact last week a Republican Representative openly questioned on the floor, wether or not a fellow representative who is known to be transgender, even had the right to use the bathroom at all within the government building, because that is indirectly expression of gendered terminology. Ie it says male or female on the bathroom doors. They were alluding to questioning the technical legality of wether or not this person could exist as transgender within the building. Ie can transgender persons legally function as government officials. It’s overgeneralization is focused on the hot take of bathroom laws, which is blatant misogyny, affecting almost always feminine males and trans women; but it immediately affects so much more. Right now another case is in the court, concerning a football coach and his right to lead students in prayer, at school (ie state) sponsored games. The laws that are being returned and likely to be overturned, include wording allowing for coercion. Meaning an authority figure such as a teacher in a State sponsored school could soon have the legal right to require or at least coerce their students to participate in religious acts, and be subjected to their own religious personal views. This then affects views on gender, genderoles, sexuality, and marriage.

Recognizing how dangerous a turning point this is, is not an attack on religion. It’s not an attack on one’s personal beliefs. It’s that these laws are in place, or are “settled” through “test” to create inclusion and equality through seperating Church from State/capitalism from personal views against the acutal majority vote. The bias comes from people in positions of authority clearly using their collective religious or personal views (obviously monetarily driven through far right capitalism) to hypocritically NOT do their jobs. If the law was functioning correctly, these authorities would be evaluated as to wether or not they are even fit to perform their duties, due to what is now absolutely (per the leak) clear conflict of interest and abuse of power. Yet because they are judges in the Supreme Court; no one really has the power to stop them. Stripping women’s rights, then strips everyones human rights by default, and restricts/regresses LGBTQIA+ rights, and again by default unhinges the Seperation of Church and State. It would very quickly make marital rape potentially legal, gay panic defense indisputable, intersex existence LEGALLY unacknowledged, same sex or gender non conforming marriage up for debate based on a legal definition of gender, male homosexual sex illegal, forced pregnancy legal, denial of equal rights to reproductive health care, and all of that is a round about way of making cis women and AFABs second class citizens. It’s not even a wonder why these people are so concerned about transgender women being able to use public women’s restrooms but not transgender men, or keeping legal authority over female bodied persons being able to become pregnant.

This is 100% Given related. If you consume BL or enjoy stories like Given that are not tropes but realistically depict our narratives as men outside of the made up cis/het binary; *looking right at Haruki* you must remember the irl population it involves. Protecting women’s autonomy is all human rights, and violations of those rights, entirely impact the irl people these stories portray. What’s happening in the US is that our highest officials are knowingly PURPOSELY committing unconstitutional crimes against women and female bodied persons and everyone inbetween to push their views on family planning, to exalt their status as cis het men and control the economy for their own personal gain. It’s not even a woke thot after this leak. The biggest test of proof is property value and ownership rn in the US. They are absolutely trying to put us all back into the 50s and white/straight wash the Cival Rights movement. These men were highschool and college students in the 50s; they’re seeking to force the future they were promised by the racist and sexist government of their youths. Another point that hasn’t really hit most people yet; is that these settled laws being in place, are not only to protect against sexism and classism, but indirectly ALSO affect xenophobia, racism, red redlining, the right for all religious expression, discrimination and hate crimes. Soooo the guys in Given could irl be criminals, institutionalized and lobodimized, in the near American future these judges seek. Ristuka’s sister, Haruki’s sister would immediately be questioned for their association, as “fit women”. This is not at all far fetched. This is why abortion laws have been soooo precious to us all; they affect EVERYTHING if they come undone. It’s not actually about abortion; that’s just the main law they’re using to restrict all of the above, as LGBTQIA+ and marriage equality *for cis het women too* is directly tied together through seperation of Church and State, and Healthcare.

I’m an extremely genderfluid and usually more feminine presenting gay male. What the hell am I supposed to do? By this summer; I could quite possibly be told I can’t legally exist or marry or have a family. I should not get a privilege pass just because I can’t make a baby. That’s why my pov is women are the true authority and should be fought for by everyone, including gay men. Gay men should be the first to have their backs on this, and not for selfish reasons; but because their autonomy defines our rights as human beings, regardless of sexuality or gender.



If someone is coming out to you/telling you about their sexuality, match their energy.

If they’re not making it a big deal, you shouldn’t either.

If they’re really nervous or emotional, respond with compassion.

If they’re excited, be excited with them.

I’ve seen a lot of things that seem to imply that it’s always best to be really super amped about someone coming out, but that kind of energy can be embarrassing or uncomfortable if the person doesn’t feel the same way.

On the flip side, if you respond with indifference, you might think you’re being s good friend by not caring whether they’re gay or straight or whatevs, but that can be extremely invalidating if this is a monumental or exciting moment for the person.

Read the room, match the energy.

This even applies to fellow LGBT+ people

I didn’t even realize this until recently, since when I come out I don’t like making it a big deal and really mushy but others prefer another response

when i came out (each time) i was a mixture of confident, nervous, and fearful. Even after the first time I still needed the assurance that I was accepted and heard and wanted my excited energies matched. this is a great take on the circumstances lgbtia people face and just how personal it can really get when you tell someone something like this!!






For the love of Pete, don’t reblog this fucken post and label it ‘q slur’ if you agree with it.

Queer is not a slur. It has been an identity label for decades. It has been MY identity label for twenty years.

The lie that ‘queer is a slur’ comes from THE EXACT SAME RADFEMS AND EXCLUSIONISTS who have been trying to steal ‘femme’ from the wider community.

Radfems and exclusionists don’t like ‘queer’ because it’s INCLUSIVE. It includes ace and aro spec people. It includes trans folk. It includes nonbinary folk (who may or may not identify as trans) for whom labels like ‘straight’ or ‘gay’ don’t sit right because they assume binary genders.

Queer is radical in the very real sense of the word. It breaks down boundaries. It welcomes many different types of people and recognises the things they have in common. Queer is playful; it allows for you to find what things make you comfortable and happy in your own gender and sexuality. It provides room for playful experimentation so you can find the label that fits you best, whether that label is ‘queer’ or something else. Queer is an umbrella label you can use when you don’t want to explain what being a grey-ace bisexual means to you to a new work colleague.

Queer is not a new term. It was claimed by us as a label over a hundred years ago.

In comparison, ‘gay’ as a queer identity label only dates to the mid 20th century.

Claiming one of our proudest and most inclusive labels is a slur is another rewriting of our history, and it’s yet another radfem campaign, dating from about 2013. Male-attracted men were referring to themselves as “queer” as early as 1910, according to George Chauncey’s Gay New York.

When we started studying our community within an academic context in the 1980s, we called those studies ‘Queer studies’ and ‘Queer theory’. This means queer as an umbrella term for our wider community is over thirty years old.

The fact that homophobes and transphobes have used it to insult us when it has been one of our identity labels for over a hundred years says more about the bigotry endemic in our society than it does about us, or our labels.

If you or someone who follows you on tumblr dislikes the word ‘queer’, or has trauma about it, all you need to do ensure that posts are tagged with the word ‘queer’. So long as the post is tagged with that word, all you need to do is go into your tumblr settings and add it to your filtered tags. It’s easy, it’s free, and it means you’re not tagging people’s actual identity as a slur.

Don’t fall for radfem and exclusionist lies. Don’t let them rewrite our history. Queer is not a slur.


This is still getting reblogs a couple of days later, which I’m very satisfied about.

Meanwhile, I was reading an article about a gay club in Melbourne, and the author mentions in passing how body shaming and femmephobia is endemic in the gay male subculture. I really was not joking about the ‘no fats, no femmes’ thing. I haven’t seen it around as much these days, but I also don’t read the queer street press cover to cover like I did in the late 90s and early aughts when I was first out. However, this Medium article indicates that this bullshit is still going on Grindr.

If we allow the exclusionists and radfems to co-opt a term that belongs to the whole queer community, not only do they separate us from our history and identities, we also lose the language to talk about and call out femmephobia. Which is discrimination – and violence – that cuts across our community, from all sorts of gender non-conforming folk, feminine queer men, as well as feminine queer women.


Look, the shittiest white gay men didn’t write ‘No Fats, No Femmes’ in every fucking personal ad for fucking decades for 17 year olds on tumblr to decide that ‘femme is a lesbian-only term’

I was going through a book of slang and euphemism from 1988 for reasons (James McDonald’s Dictionary of Obscenity, Taboo and Euphemism), and lookee lookee what I found:


The text reads:

Fem(col.)A passive homosexual.

The term may be applied to both men and women, but more usually to men. It Australia it is generally applied only to men.

It is based upon the French word for women, femme, and indeed, in English, this spelling is sometimes used for passive lesbians, in preference to fem.

I’d personally define it differently (ugh, @ ‘’’passive’’’), and I suspect that the spelling preference has tipped in favour of femme these days for all genders, but this is a book from 1988.

Fem/me has never been a lesbian exclusive term.

Also great time to remind everyone “stag/doe/tomcat” were words that meant a homosexual person with a history of cheating.

So its almost like theres a reason the lesbian and gay communities want to push it onto bi/pan/othersexuals.

Forget 1988. Remember Polari, the language used in English “outsider” subcultures including gay/lesbian/queer subculture as far back as the 19th, and possibly the 16th, century?

The one that borrowed very heavily from Romance languages, and in which “Butch” meaning “masculine in presentation” *regardless of gender* has been documented?

(on an unrelated note, the Wikipedia article on “Butch” and “femme” is ahistoric TERF garbage.)

The edit history is enlightening, that article has been a battlefield for some time. It seems like if someone could stand the labour it could be made a lot more historic by bringing in a few academic sources for the cultural history


  • Gay guys are not here to be your gay best friend
  • Lesbians don’t exist to be fetishized
  • Bisexuals aren’t greedy, more likely to cheat, or confused
  • Transgender people don’t just want attention and it isn’t a phase
  • Asexuals are completely valid and should be 100% accepted in the lgbt+ community
  • Pansexual is not the same is bi, nor is it less valid
  • Demisexuality is not the same as being a “regular” person. It is a valid sexuality.
  • Non-Binary pronouns are not hard to respect
  • Poly people are not gross or greedy, and deserve to be happy with their partner(s)

trying to figure out my gender is like trying to go up the stairwell to the last bowser room in mario nintendo 64 with not enough stars.


sometimes gender be like

but sometimes it’s

or this

maybe this


any gender: exists


how about

uhh this?

we’re all valid happy pride


So today I told my sister that I’m demigender and she IMMEDIATELY said “Oh like Alex from the Magnus Chase books? Or similar right?”

Fuckingthis is why we need representation of non mainstream sexualities and genders. Not just so people can see themselves, but so people can see others.


• Does it hurt to take a deep breathe? Yes? Then it’s too Tight

• Do you feel dizzy? Yes? Too tight

• Do you have bruising and is it sensitive to the touch? Yes? Too tight.

• Do you have pain for several hours or days after binding? Yes? Too Tight.


Gender is a prison and it’s time for a jailbreak baby










I just think it’s really interesting that once I became more visibly Jewish- wearing a tichel or kippah on a daily basis, wearing my hamsa, learning Yiddish- I was immediately faced with (misdirected) transmisogyny- being called transmisogynistic specific slurs, being followed and harrassed off buses, being followed and watched in women’s bathrooms, etc.

It goes to show that transmisogynists and terfs base their ideas on what womanhood is on a white, European, racist, antisemetic, patriarchal caricature of womanhood, and not actual womanhood, which is intrisic to each women, normal orcis.

Hey people w morals! Could you reblog this so I have non terfs in the notes and spread awareness? Thank you kindly!


Aphrodite Was At Pride

She was marching with the lesbians, decked in shades of pink and “my girlfriend doesn’t know I’m a lesbian” shirt. They all lock arms, laughing, sweaty and covered in body paint and glitter, and her eyes tear up as her heart swells at the sight of all these girls supporting one another.

She was with the POC group, fist raised in the air chanting “Black Lives Matter” until her throat was raw. She can’t help but notice the dirty looks and the racist comments, but they only fuel her onward, she will not stand idly by as lives are consumed by hatred and ignorance.

She was with the bisexuals, a blue pink and purple flag waving behind her. She leads the charge, music blasting behind her, her presence larger than life. Their love will not be unheard or erased, not today.

She was with the trans men, reminding those who need it to take a break from their binders every couple hours, and to take a good stretch too. Pride is exciting and nerve wracking, and sometimes people forget to take care of themselves.

She was with the trans women, coordinating the flag carriers. Some of them have become confident in their identity, but others are still trying to find their footing. She beams at them, lovingly welcoming them to the sisterhood.

She was with the pansexual’s, tossing confetti into the air and laughing as children run to catch it. Love exists every where, and is open to everyone, and she is happy to remind the world of that.

She was with asexual’s and aromantic’s, because love exists outside of sex or romance. The young boy walking beside her is clearly nervous, so she bumps his shoulder and reminds him that he’s among friends, and his smile becomes a little more genuine.

She was with the gay men, watching as an anxious couple leans into each other, foreheads touching as they take a few deep breaths. Their hands intertwine and together they bravely move to join the rest of the group for their first pride. She can’t help but be proud of how far they’ve come.

She was with the ally’s, rainbows painted on her cheeks. Some carry pictures and LED candles, memorials to their LGBT loved ones who were no longer alive to celebrate with. She comforts them in their grief, reminding them that through their love their loved ones live on.

She was with the elderly, pushing an elderly woman’s wheelchair. Excitement buzzes through the group, some of whom have known her glow for nearly a century, while others are just now getting the chance to explore it.

She was with the nonbinary’s, handing out pamphlets about gender identity, expression and the importance of respecting people’s pronouns. Colourful beads hang from her neck and wrists, adding to the festive feel.

Aphrodite was at Pride. She was there, reminding everyone to be loud and proud, because love, peace and acceptance were worth it. She was there, shouting to the heavens the simple truth that love belonged to everyone.



Unpopular opinion time, but maybe the reason we’re seeing a decline in the severity of trans people’s dysphoria is because there’s been an increase in trans representation and the visibility of trans bodies, and it’s helping shape a healthier expectation and understanding of what it means to be a [insert gender here].

Like, not to talk about my junk, but my bottom dysphoria was ridiculous before I was exposed to images of men who looked like me, and now it’s kinda… become a less essential component of my transition and my security in my identity as a man, you feel? And even seeing trans women kind of helped disconnect those parts from masculinity in my brain in a way that’s made it easier to accept what I’ve got going on.

I mean, I still have debilitating dysphoria about a lot, I’d say most, aspects of my body on most days, but every time I see, like, a cool dude chillin’ with no binder on, there’s a little part of me that remembers there’s no right or wrong way to be a man and that I don’t have to constantly compare myself to cis guys.

I think it may also have to do with a lot of other body positivity movements that are happening.

Like fat positivity - all the talk around breasts exists with the implicit assumption that people are skinny. Seeing and talking about fat people really changes assumptions of what chests ‘usually’ look like.

Like positivity for black and brown bodies - seeing cis women with broad shoulders and flat hips and chests and huge muscles, with broad faces and strong jaws and skinny lips, or cis men with petite figures and slight builds and curvy butts and thighs, with round faces and delicate features and long eyelashes…really highlights how very specific the image people have of ‘regular bodies’ is.

Like the movements about accepting your body instead of liking it too - people feel freer not to judge what they like and what they want to change, and instead focus on what they want to do with their bodies, and I think that eases up on a lot of the changing-to-match-expectations which can make dysphoria a lot worse, whether or not it’s even happening consciously.

And I think that trans (and especially nonbinary) body positivity helps a lot of people who are self-conscious or upset about their body for other reasons, too.

stealthboy:boykeats: Photos of gay trans male activist Lou Sullivan throughout his life, as presenstealthboy:boykeats: Photos of gay trans male activist Lou Sullivan throughout his life, as presenstealthboy:boykeats: Photos of gay trans male activist Lou Sullivan throughout his life, as presenstealthboy:boykeats: Photos of gay trans male activist Lou Sullivan throughout his life, as presenstealthboy:boykeats: Photos of gay trans male activist Lou Sullivan throughout his life, as presenstealthboy:boykeats: Photos of gay trans male activist Lou Sullivan throughout his life, as presenstealthboy:boykeats: Photos of gay trans male activist Lou Sullivan throughout his life, as presen



Photos of gay trans male activist Lou Sullivan throughout his life, as presented in Lou Sullivan: Daring to be a Man Among Men by Brice D. Smith

I never see historic trans male posts and I’m crying thank you

Post link

I don’t know where to put this but I found out that my gender presentation is a Glam Bear LOL. Once i’m on T, i will be so. So. Hairy. And so BEAUTIFUL. BET!!!!




A minor originally tweeted this because they liked it for themselves. Nowhere in their original post did they EVER say to replace s/o or partner. That was THEIR personal preference and everyone bullied a fucking minor.


what the fuck, “joyfriend”? Look, I was willing to grin and bear “datemate,” but my non-binary ass is 34 goddamn years old. WE ALREADY HAVE GENDER NEUTRAL TERMS FOR THIS SHIT: “date” and “partner.” They great because they aren’t infantilizing, they won’t stand out to anyone, and they won’t make me feel like a jackass


yall be like “all nonbinary cuties are super valid!! precious space babies!!! joyfriend!!! hehe!!” No Bitch I Pay Rent


everyone be like how can i infantilize nonbinary people today

for context, the original tweet that sparked this entire mess


and their response to the fallout which is frankly more mature and nuanced than all of yall self-proclaimed grownup reactions have been


let people use what they want to. boyfriend and girlfriend aren’t exactly the most mature terms, either, so suck it the fuck up and stop getting angry at people using terms they like.




“transition poses some ethical questions. Such as, from what age should you be allowed to irreversibly change your body.“

This of course completely ignores the fact that puberty makes irreversible changes to your body. But let us just rephrase the question: “from what age do you gain bodily autonomy?” Now it gets very easy to answer: From the moment you’re fucking born.

I’m sorry, I’m reblogging this twice in a row it is that important

Stand up and say it again for the people in the back row. 



theres this awkward disconnect when well meaning whites use genders from other cultures as an argument for respecting nonbinary ppl. 

like if you are saying “other cultures have these 3rd genders so thats evidence nonbinary is real thing” that doesnt really work because those genders arent nonbinary, they exist out of the context of the western gender binary, theyre part of a different system of genders. cant be nonbinary if theres no binary to begin with. 

but if you are using this as an argument for “the gender binary is a western construct thats been pushed on other cultures and also is completely arbitrary and thats why you should respect nonbinary people” then THAT is a prfectly sound arugment.. 

THANK YOU it’s so fucking difficult to get this through people’s heads.

carodoodles: Pride! Show your pride! It’s signed with a thumb starting at mid belly then moving up tcarodoodles: Pride! Show your pride! It’s signed with a thumb starting at mid belly then moving up tcarodoodles: Pride! Show your pride! It’s signed with a thumb starting at mid belly then moving up tcarodoodles: Pride! Show your pride! It’s signed with a thumb starting at mid belly then moving up t


Pride! Show your pride! It’s signed with a thumb starting at mid belly then moving up to top of chest. It’s the same sign for proud too. Be sure to check my page for other LGBT signs!

And guess what? You can buy this in art prints, shirts stickers, mugs, notebook, etc! Just go to carodoodles.threadless.com . Have fun shopping!

[Image description: A poc is signing pride with thumb up handshape, thumb touching mid belly and moving up to top of chest. That person is wearing rainbow colour. Next three images are the same illustration on a iphone, a zipped pouch bag, and a shirt.]

Post link



So many of yall havent ever been to a public lgbtqa space and/or support group and only base your politics about gender and sexuality from tumblr posts instead of also reading academic texts or books on the topic and it fucking shows .

Your GSA meetings arent gonna be full of “Mogai libqueers"or whatever you call them and wont have conversations about the difference between demisexual and gray asexuality.Random girls arent gonna assume that you are in a queerplatonic relationships with your best friends.Your therapist isnt gonna ask u to chose microidentities instead of l/g/b/t identities.L/G/B/T people arent gonna be kicked out of “queer cafes” bc people want to make “more space” for “cishet” asexual people and hate LGBT people.Cis straight women who arent into BDSM arent going to call themselves “queer” bc they think “its cool” when there is still alot of institutional and societal violence and discrimination faced by queer people in real world.  Cis straight people arent desperate for entering lgbtqa spaces and arent gonna likely make up “false mogai microidentities” to “feel special “.

The real world is full of cis straight normativity conforming people who still treat lgbtqa people like shit so PLEASE PLEASE stop acting like all these issues I listed are some pressing matters needing to be addressed 24/7 on discourse blogs and memes and like, maybe dedicate more times addressing actual issues faced by lgbtqa people.Stop listening to people here who act like running a discourse blog on tumblr and harassing ace people and people with microidentities is the only good lgbtqa activism and go visit your local lgbtqa groups or read books from legit authors about these issues.

Stop alienating questioning and lgbtqa minors from their school lgbtqa groups and lgbtqa courses in colleges by implying that all lgbtqa activists outside tumblr are bunch of “kweer mogais” who are going to convert lgbt people into shitty microidentities.

For a group of people who scream “Go outside!! 1!!1” everytime someone calls you out on your bullshit, so many of yall sure are detached from reality

hey yall!! same stuff; hope you got some answers in downtime! for the first anon, that sounds like a fluid gender identity, and I hope you found what feels right! 2nd anon, i fluctuated with that for a while! Two very different yet so close expressions and feelings, those are. If you feel you fit the binary, then that’ll answer your question!
