#dp fanfic



Summary:Sam meets the seemingly normal Danny at a cafe while trying to avoid her ex. They fall in love and try to build a life together, but only one thing stands in the way of their happiness: the mysterious metal choker that Danny always wears and refuses to take off. Why does he refuse to remove it and why is everyone so cryptic about it?

My next phic phight submission! This is based on an old scary story I read and loved when I was a child. So now you get my Danny Phantom version of this old folk tale. See if you can recognize it!

Prompt:Danny sits at the bar alone, when Sam whispers in his ear. ‘I’m so sorry but can you kiss me, my Ex is here and I really don’t want to talk to him right now.’ (PR185) - for @xsailorsakurax

Prompt: Prosthetic Soul au. Danny dies and his parents use ectoplasm to heal his body. They create a poltergeist, which thinks it actually is Danny, as a prosthetic soul, so their son can live again. (PR064) - for @dp-marvel94

cw: dead Danny Fenton, implied character death, horror elements, Prosthetic Soul AU, Corpse AU (kinda), angst


The story begins on a normal day, in a normal coffee shop, filled with seemingly normal people.

A dark-haired girl sat alone at a table in the center of a coffee shop. She listlessly stirred her coffee as she watched the other patrons. The girl liked to people-watch in the coffee shop. She liked to make up fantastical reasons for their mundane actions. The red-faced man furiously typing wasn’t trying to meet a deadline; he was in a hacking war against a terrorist to preserve national secrets. The three teenagers in the corner whispering to each other weren’t incurable gossips; they were witches casting spells on those who wronged them. The dark-haired boy sitting alone wasn’t just another bored college student like her; he was a dread pirate hiding behind a naive face waiting to whisk someone away into a life of adventure.

The girl thought he was cute.

Her gaze lingered on his haunting blue eyes too long. He noticed. She quickly looked back at her coffee. She tried to look anywhere but his table. She found relief when a new patron entered the coffee shop and she hoped he would provide a distraction. It was not the distraction she wanted. The tall patron with the white, spiked hair was her ex-boyfriend, and the girl panicked. She worked hard to break up with him, for he was clingy and not right for her, and she knew he would sit at her table if he saw her.

In her panic, the girl’s gaze was drawn back to the dark-haired boy alone at a table. An idea formed in her mind, but could she do it? The ex-boyfriend had finished ordering his coffee - she didn’t have much time. She picked up her coffee and her bag and quietly moved over to the boy’s table. He looked at her with curious eyes, and she interrupted any question he might have wanted to ask by leaning forward.

“I know you don’t know me,” she whispered in a rush, “but that’s my ex-boyfriend over there–no don’t look. Can we please pretend we’re dating? And when he turns around, can I kiss you?”

The girl knew she was asking for a lot. She probably wouldn’t do it if someone asked her. She could only hope the boy could hear her desperation.

“I…what?” the boy asked as he pulled back in shock. “You want me to…wait, am I being set up?”

She looked towards the coffee bar. She heard them call his name. He would be turning around soon. “It’s not a set up. Please.”

“I…okay,” the boy agreed.

Just in time, the girl leaned in to press her lips against his. His lips were chilly, but not unpleasantly so, and they tasted like coffee and citrus. She placed her hand on his to sell the act. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the ex-boyfriend walk past them and out of the shop. She broke the kiss and breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you,” she told him, and her smile was honest.

“Oh yeah uh, don’t mention it,” he replied as he ran a hand nervously through his spiked hair. She also found that cute.

That’s when she first noticed the choker. A thin metal band, no taller than an inch, encircled his neck. The light gray metal was etched with dark grooves running in a circuit board pattern. A bright green piece of metal stood out on the side of the band. The boy noticed her eyes linger on the choker, and he averted his gaze. She looked away as well.

“Let me buy you another coffee,” she offered. “Least I can do after that weird request.”

He looked unsure. Maybe she shouldn’t have stared at the choker for so long? Finally he spoke. “Uh yeah, sure. This one was pretty much gone anyway,” he tried to joke.

The girl nodded as she stood. “I’m Sam, by the way.”

“Danny,” the boy introduced.

She bought them both more coffee and sat down at his table again, and they started to talk. They found a similar interest in video games and music. Sam learned that Danny loved space. Danny learned that Sam loved fighting for the environment. Danny admitted he liked Sam’s laugh. Sam admitted she liked Danny’s smile. They spent longer in the coffee shop than either of them planned.

As they talked, the girl’s eyes were drawn to the choker. The part of her mind that spun up wild stories for normal things supplied her with unhelpful reasons for why he’d be wearing the choker. Finally she asked him about the metal choker, and he just shrugged.

“My parents told me to never take it off, so I won’t.”

She didn’t press him.

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Lately I’ve been enjoying @ayamari-no-goshi ’s Danny Phantom/Batfam crossover fic, To Join The Whispers, so I made fanart.

Which very quickly devolved into just me messing around with color and effects askdhzjal


Dannymay 2022

Anddd we’re BACK for Dannymay 2022! This year we’re switching it up a little bit and decided to include AU Monday where we’re featuring a new popular AU each week (plus a bonus day on the 28th). As always for these prompts. you can draw, write, create music, make a video, craft something cool, really whatever you want! Crossovers and OC’s are allowed for all prompts!

Whether you just wanna do one prompt or all of them, everyone’s welcome to join! This is a fun event first and foremost, so go at your own pace. Once you’re done with your creation, post it to Tumblr with the #Dannymay2022 tag so we can see it!

Below the cut, I will give a brief explanation for the 6 AU/HC’s included, as well as a few other prompts that need an explanation. I will also put a text list of all of the prompts. If you have any other questions, feel free to send an ask!

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Sometimes Danny gets bored on patrols and drops out of the sky (belly-up) towards a random person on the street. When he’s within earshot he yells “TRUST FALL!” and spreads his arms wide.

Then he:

a) slows his descent enough that the ‘target’ could possibly catch him.


b) keeps hurtling at them at full speed, then turns intangible at the last second so whether the person would have tried to catch him, they have no chance. He’d go straight through their arms. Maybe disappears through the ground too, or he hits the ground and makes a show of going SPLAT!, exploding into a puddle of goo.

In any case, if someone doesn’t even attempt to catch him he won’t scold them or get angry. He just crosses his arms and goes “wow :/“. If they do catch him (or at least try) he gives them a dollar of Ghost Zone money that’s absolutely useless anywhere in the human realm.



Either through an invention, Plasmius, another ghost, or Phantom himself, the Fentons find out that they were responsible for Phantom’s death.

It was supposed to be just another normal day.

Throw some punches.

Get punched.

Make some witty comeback.

Throw in a pun or two.

Kick some ass.

Catch the ghost and high tail it home.

Maybe finish in time to actually not miss the rest of the school day.

Not that that happened often. It was becoming more frequent though.

(Which had it’s own set of issues)

But it wasn’t a normal day.

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