#darksiders war



War’s POV at some point, probably:

This made me laugh out loud at work in a completely silent office


So yeah….I joined in on the meme

Can’t really tell cause well…War’s covered up

But Uriel is totally jealous that he’s got a bigger chest than her XD



im obsessed with this fuckin screencap of war’s abyssal armor

the pose. the fucking pose he looks like he’s on a runway or at a photoshoot. i see this image and this is the only fucking thing my brain can come up with

I’m convinced that War is generally not a vain guy (too absorbed with the morbid nature of his work to care about appearances.) But even he has his…moments.

Sometimes - not very often - he catches his reflection somewhere. He assesses this presence in the mirror, as grand and unstoppable as a moving glacier, and he goes “Hmm. Yes~” in his mind.

He’s beauty, he’s grace, he’ll punch you in the face

the-demon-prince: LOOK AT THEM BEANS.{Thank you for this post.} I’m rather squeamish of big do



{Thank you for this post.}

I’m rather squeamish of big dogs, being attacked and bitten quite a few times in my life…but this (probably?)doggo!Chaos Form! War tugs at my heartstrings.

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When A Character…

Is so exhausted they

- blur there words together.

-call people by the wrong names.

-try to walk only to stumble against a wall.

-lean on a doorframe for support.

-deny they’re tired

-fall asleep at a table, desk, floor, someplace that isn’t a bed.

-when nudged immediately reply with “I’m awake I’m fine”.

-are shaking so bad they spill their drink.

-become irritated by every little thing.

-yawn mid sentence.

blur their words together. - Strife
-call people by the wrong names. - definitely Strife
-try to walk only to stumble against a wall. - Death (very discreetly tho. You probably won’t even notice)
-lean on a doorframe for support. - War. Way more prone to knocking various shit over when tired, too
-deny they’re tired - All of them. Exhaustion is the name of the Horseman game, baby
-fall asleep at a table, desk, floor, someplace that isn’t a bed. - War,Strife,Fury
-when nudged immediately reply with “I’m awake I’m fine”. - War,Strife
-are shaking so bad they spill their drink. - can’t pin this one on any of them, to be honest. War might just let some of the beer run down his chin though.
-become irritated by every little thing. - Death, big time. AlsoFury
-yawn mid-sentence. -StrifeandWar
renegadenephilim:i cant think of the iron canopy without thinking of this post My headcanon is that


i cant think of the iron canopy without thinking of this post

My headcanon is that War hates spiders. No, he’s not afraid of them (shut up, Strife!) He just finds them thoroughly…Unpleasant.

I always imagine him trudging through this whole level with his wide features scrunched up in disgust.

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Strife: Human language is so damn limited. They have their “I love you’s” and their “I like you’s”, but that’s all. There should also be an expression for “I’m horny about you.”

Death: You don’t seem to have any trouble expressing that.

Strife: Yeah, but I don’t want any misunderstandings! There’s always room for improvement in language -

War: I’d like there to be an expression for: “I care about you, but I don’t know how to put this into words”…

Strife: Well, you’ve just put it into words.

War: Huh. True. Still, I’d prefer if those were words that don’t sound so - wordy.

Death: I agree. Like words that convey: “I love you, but I don’t feel like I’m good enough for you. Hence I’m going to pretend that I don’t, and I expect you to play along.”

Fury: You men are hopeless…

more on the same note, bc we’re not done here

Death: So you mean that you’d rather remain dysfunctional?

Strife: What I mean is I’d rather be dysfunctional than boring.

Death: How is that mutually exclusive. One can be well-adjusted and -

Strife: Look at you. Talking “adjusted” as if you knew her! When was the last time you were kind to yourself, Death? When was the last time you -


Strife: The most adjusted one among us here is War, and he wouldn’t recognize a metaphor if it roundhouse kicked him in the pie receptacle!

(Camera pans to War)

War: *proudly* I don’t need to recognize a monster’s name to crush it into dust.

Strife: 3,2, 1…now!

(Both he and War glomp onto unsuspecting Deathand hold him in a shared assault of a hug)

Death:What the hell do you think you’re doing. Stop that. Stop that -

War:*increases the strength of the hug*

Strife: Oh, shut up and let us love you!


Each one of the Nephilim bois approaches crises from a different angle.

If you come back home with your eyes red and your face puffy - War will frown, ask for a name…and then go fetch his humongous sword. You’ll have to snap out of it and redirect all your mental energy into convincing him that not all problems can be massacred with a humongous sword.

Strife will be like: “Oh, baby. Oh, cupcakes. COME HERE THIS INSTANT!” and drown you in a hug.

Deathwill probably sigh soundlessly, stand up from where he was haunching, put his hands on his hips and ask: “Are you solution-oriented about this or are you at the feelings stage?”

It helps to know what can be expected from each one of them though.

smehur: After the events of The Abomination Vault, painful revelations drive a wedge between War and


After the events of The Abomination Vault, painful revelations drive a wedge between War and Death just as their fledgling bond was starting to deepen.

Death’s Blessing on AO3

Rating: T
Category: M/M
Relationships: Death & War (Darksiders), War/Strife (Darksiders)
Tagged: Developing Friendships, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Some Fluff, Brothers in Arms, Not Siblings
Words: 10566

Cover is my very own!

You can also read this on my site.

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smehur:War & Strife, a breathtaking commission work by @etricronald​ for yours truly. I love eve


War & Strife, a breathtaking commission work by @etricronald​ for yours truly. I love everything about it, but most of all, how perfectly it captures both their power and their tenderness. A dream come true!

Alternative version under the cut.

Keep reading

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Sometimes when I get bored I look up the VAs of some of my fav characters in varying languages and it is always fun to see where else I might know the VA from.
For example today I learned that ENG War (Darksiders), Yasuo (League of Legends) and Infinite (Sonic Forces) all share the same VA (Liam O'Brien).
Also GER Zenos (FFXIV), Izaya (Durarara!!), Oikawa (Haikyu!!), Duce Gorgon (Monster High), Grey (Fairy Tail) and Sidon (Botw) have the same VA apparently (René Dawn-Claude) and now I can’t stop thinking about Zenos dropping lines from Haikyu.

EDIT: sooo apparently ENG Death (Darksiders) has a different VA in the thrid game (Jason Spisak) aaaaannnd shares a voice with Abbadon and Lust (also Darksiders3 specifically) aaaaaannnnd also Silco (Arcane) and a whole bunch of Deadpools of which I will not list all here because I am too tired and it is the middle of the night.

EDIT 2: ….GER Death (Hans-Detlef Hüpgen) in darksiders 2 is Rayman in the 1999 TV show first dubed in german in 2003 the further I go down this rabbit hole the weirder it gets

Originally I planned on doing a little animatic in which I basicly have War and Strife from Dakrsiders give the speech from the Destiny 2 “rally the troops” trailer (With War as Zavala, Strife as Cayde-6 and Fury as Ikora) but after having all my progress be lost on me twice thanks to the power suddenly going out due to a thunderstorm and a couple of days later a tree hitting a powerline after falling the wrong way while being cut down, I finally gave up on it so I guess I’ll just post the designes I made for apocalypse survivors that I was gonna put in place instead of the guardians when the camera in the tailer pans to them. All I gotta do is find them in my hot mess of a project folder.
