#darth vader x reader


To Be Alone

Request sent by @anilynworlds:Hi ! I’d very much like to submit a request. Darth Vader x Fem!Reader where they’re long time partner. Urgent, rough, impatient sex after a long, too long separation (something they aren’t used to). Thank you very much if you accept (because they aren’t enough people writing for Vader ❤)

Of course!! Vader is such an interesting character to write for these reader-inserts to me. Thank you so much for sending this request!

Relationship(s): Darth Vader/F!Reader

Tags: Smut, Rough Sex, Choking, Spanking, Dirty Talk, Restraints, Inappropriate Use of the Force, Artificial Penis, Robodick, Fluff, Song: To Be Alone (Hozier)

Mustufar was loud. Lava was always moving, something on the planet always erupting. It was hauntingly beautiful at points, dreadfully annoying at others. Like now, when you were trying desperately to sleep.

Of course, it didn’t help that your beloved was away, going on four cycles on some mission for the emperor. Usually, you were allowed to accompany him for most of the things the emperor asked of him, but not this time. It appeared to be top-secret, and even at your high rank, you didn’t know what it was about.

The bed felt barren without Vader. You were so used to his presence that it felt lonely laying in the large bed built for two.

You could recognize the screech of a TIE fighter anywhere, and your body shot up at the noise. Running to the window, a smile slipped up to your lips. He’s home.

You throw on a robe and slide into your slippers. Your night clothes weren’t the most glamorous, but it would have to do. You needed to see him now.

The annoying clack to your slippers echoed in the silent hallways, all the staff in Vader’s palace asleep, aside from the guards at the front of the palace.

It was like a breath of fresh air, seeing your beloved again. He was ridged in his posture, as always, and thankfully there appeared to be no injuries. He relaxed slightly when he saw you, breathing out your name and accepting your hug graciously.

His armor was cold to the touch, and you inhaled sharply before speaking.

“I missed you,” you whispered.

“And I you, my star,” Vader rested his helm against yours, “What are you doing up at this hour?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” you reply, “You know how I get when you aren’t in bed with me.”

You could hear the chuckle in his eternally low tone, “Yes, I do know how you get. I’m sorry it took me this long to come home to you.”

“You’re home now, and that’s what matters.” You kissed his mask where his lips would be. smiling at him.

Vader’s hands fell to your waist for a moment, then began a sneaking, slow descent to your ass. Once his gloved hands groped at you, he murmured as low as he could.

“Why don’t we go to bed, love?”

An excited thrill ran up your spine. You nodded. Vader let his helmet fall down to your forehead. You were able to relish in the intimacy of it for a moment before Vader pulled you up over his shoulder. You gasped at the sudden movement, your fingers curling into his armor as he carried you back to the bedroom.

“I am not going to be gentle with you tonight, my star,” Vader rumbled, “I intend to show you how much I longed for you while I was away.”

“Please show me,” you were begging already, feeling that sharp tingle of arousal in your gut.

“I will give you everything, do not fret,” Vader’s gloved arm pinning your waist to his shoulder squeezed you reassuringly as he arrived at the bedroom, quickly slamming his hand on the open button.

The second the door swished open he had you on the bed, using the force to close the door and lock it behind him.

“You will be good for me and follow my every command, won’t you?” Vader cooed, sliding his gloved hand teasingly up and down your face, from cheek to temple to cheek again.

“Yes, my lord,” you replied breathlessly, and your night clothes were torn off you in an instant. You inhaled sharply, being suddenly bare in the chilly room. Vader hushed you, moving his now-warm, leather-clad hands up and down your nude form. It was light, teasing touches that drove you mad with desire. You wanted in that moment to grab his hands and pin him down and take your pleasure from him. And he knew it, too. He knew every dirty thought going through your mind at that moment. But when you wanted to move your arms, you felt the heavy weight of the force holding you down. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to, just how he liked it.

“Stay still, my star,” Vader lightly slapped the inside of your thigh, “I will take care of us both.”

Your mouth watered at the sight of his cock, hard and ready. It was artificial, yes, but it didn’t feel that way. It was warm, and it always filled you up. Just like now, as Vader didn’t wait another moment, sliding into your wet heat. Your head fell back. You missed this, this feeling of wholeness, of love. A moan escaped your lips as a relentless pace was set, a gloved hand flying to your throat forcing you to look at him.

“That’s right, look at me while I take what is mine, sweet one,” Vader growled, squeezing your throat and making you see stars with every thrust. Your whole body shivered and quaked under the unyielding pleasure pulsing through your veins. Everything was too much, but all you could do was cry out and stare at the man bringing all of these heavenly sensations to you.

Each of your mewls and moans was met with grunted praise from Vader as he relentlessly pounded in and out of you. He was truly taking what he wanted out of you, and you allowed yourself to be plundered by this powerful warrior seeking the bounty of bliss. You were his and only his. You knew this very well, but Vader enjoyed reminding you of that fact, especially after a mission that kept him away longer than he liked.

“You are so good for me, my star,” Vader groaned, “let go, let go for me, I want to feel you–”

You cried his name as that pleasure crested like a tsunami, crashing over and seizing your senses. Vader moaned. He quickly dove in after you, head-first into the sea of overwhelming bliss. His helmet came to rest on your forehead, his breathing labored.

“I love you,” he whispered, almost as if he were afraid to say it. Like it would bring about some unforeseen curse. It was only in these times of emotional vulnerability he would say those words.

You held him tight to your body as you repeated the incantation, feeling as though your hearts were beating as one as the pleasure receded.

“We will never be apart for that long again,” Vader murmured as he slowly grinded his softening cock into you, “I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to it, darling,” you replied, kissing the cheeks of his helmet.

You moved your legs slightly, as if to pull away, and Vader’s hands grabbed them instantly.

“Did I say I was done with you?” He questioned.

“N-no,” you stuttered.

“That’s right, I still have lost time to make up for, my love. And I intend to make up for every moment I was away.”

Sleep wasn’t coming tonight. And Mustafar’s volcanoes aren’t to blame.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

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*GIF not mine*

Summary: A very drunk Anakin has some very sober thoughts for you to hear. 

A/N: Anakin is hot, that’s all I gotta say. Enjoy!

Word count: 2128


The wail of your name roused you from your slumber, followed by a loud crash outside your dorm. 


The sun hadn’t risen outside your window, and darkness still shrouded your room aside from a small glow exuding from your alarm clock. 2:37 AM, it read. 

Who in the goddamn fuck-

“YN open up!” Loud knocks sounded outside your room, but not on your door. 

Uh oh. 

You scrambled from your bed, cursing under your breath as the night air nipped at your skin. Snagging your Jedi robe hanging from the wall near your door, you shrugged on the warmer layers and hugged them close around your body, which had only previously been clad in undergarments.

You couldn’t press the button to open the door fast enough, but by the time it had, you were too late. 

Obi-Wan stood with a brow raised in his own doorway, obviously unimpressed with the figure before him. And, clad in his usual getup of dark robes, leather boots, and tousled hair, stood Anakin Skywalker in complete disarray. His robe, already worn inside-out, slouched off one of his shoulders. Parts of his hair were knotted and tangled, matted down and stuck to his head with sweat. As he stared in utter confusion at his former master, his entire body swayed from side-to-side.

He was totally shitfaced. 

“Master?” he hiccuped. “What are you doing in YN’s room?” There was a slur to his words, one you hadn’t caught when he was shouting for the entire Jedi dorm to hear. 

Obi-Wan, shockingly impassive, drew his gaze to you, a single brow raised. You hadn’t realized your hand had come up to muffle a snicker until Anakin almost toppled over. You jumped up from your position across the hall as his body leaned too far to one side, but thankfully Obi-Wan reached out a hand to steady him before you could. 

Then Anakin smacked his hand away. “I said, what are you doing in YN’s room?” His tone was angry, filled with betrayal. His hand went to his hip, where his lightsaber was latched, and that was when Obi-Wan lost his patience. 

Staring past Anakin and at you, he nodded toward the Jedi Knight. “I believe this is yours.” With that, he retreated to his room, shaking his head and mumbling something under his breath. 

You stood with pursed lips, waiting and watching as the wheels in Anakin’s head turned, trying to comprehend Obi-Wan’s words. Finally, he turned around in utter disorientation, only to straighten up like a pleased puppy at the sight of you. 

“YN!” he shouted much louder than necessary. He reached out, making his way towards you only for the sudden movements to give him whiplash as he stumbled to the right, completely miscalculating your location as he crashed face-first into the wall beside your dorm. 

You cringed, sucking in a breath through your teeth before going to his aid. “You okay?” you asked gently, grabbing an arm and guiding him into your room. 

“Yeah,” he choked out, rubbing his nose. “That hurt.”

“I’m sure,” you cooed, rubbing up and down his arm comfortingly as you led him to a seat on your bed. “Stay here.”

“Wait,” he snapped to attention as his metal arm snagged yours, grip tight but not enough to leave a mark, “where are you going?” His eyes were wide and nervous as they danced around your face. He seemed scared you were going to disappear forever once you left right now. 

“I’m just gonna get you a glass of water,” you soothed, unlatching his hand from your wrist. His gaze fell to the action, and his grip tightened just a bit before he let go completely with a furrow of his brows. 

“But I have to tell you something.”

“I figured,” you chuckle, “but I’ll be quick.” Escaping out of your room and down the hall, you left with the feeling of Anakin’s despairing eyes still latched onto you. You slipped into the bathroom, filling the cup with tap water as you gazed at yourself in the mirror. Eyes bloodshot from being woken up, your hair a rat’s nest on the top of your head, and a small drop of drool on the corner of your mouth-ew! You yanked the cup out from under the stream where it had been overflowing and set it on the counter before scrubbing your face. The cold was a shock to your system, less-so than Anakin’s being drunk outside your room at two a.m., but still did the trick to remind you that this wasn’t a dream, and that, yes, a very drunk–yet somehow still very attractive–Anakin had been calling your name and searching for you

It didn’t help that you’d had a crush on him ever since you’d met as young padawans and he’d arrogantly introduced himself as the Chosen One. It really didn’t help at all. 

With a couple of smacks to your cheeks, you finally had the courage to return to your room, leaving the bathroom and immediately crashing into a solid chest. 

Anakin, you realized, glancing up for reassurance. He looked distraught, eyes wild and unfocused as he towered over you. 

You were surprised you hadn’t heard him coming, considering he was barely in a state to walk a straight line much less make it down the hall and around the corner. Well, you thought, somehow he made it back to the Jedi temple from whatever bar he came from alive, surely this wasn’t as difficult.

Until you realized his hand was stationed against the wall for support as he swayed. 

Scratch that–how the hell is he even alive?

“Anakin,” you stressed, “what are you doing? I told you to wait.” Like a lost puppy, you led him back to your room, the skin of his forearm much too hot underneath his robes. 

“You took so long, I got nervous.” And yet the only one who seemed nervous as you arrived back in your room was you. Anakin, on the other hand, locked his eyes reverently on your form as you returned him to his place on your bed, watching you with an unfamiliar look in his eyes as you handed him the glass and told him to drink, to flush out the obvious abundance of alcohol in his system. 

At your command, he downed the glass of water in seconds, swallowing and licking his lips. You forced your gaze away from the action when you realized you were staring too long afterwards. Yet, even as muddled as he was, he still noticed, still smirked like he always did. 

For so many years you figured you were hiding your crush so well, thought he was just the type of guy to smirk at everyone for such things. It wasn’t until he had gotten a padawan of his own, gotten an army of his own, that you realized the way he acted around you alone was different. 

Even as smashed as he was, he still made you feel as though you were acting the fool. Like he was teasing you–how embarrassing. 

Shame colored your face as you spun around, searching for something to do as a drunk Anakin lounged on your bed. 


“Hmm?” You still faced away, searching the room for anything else to do but stare at the sight on your bed. That is, until a hand latched around yours, yanking you around hard enough that you almost fell over. The force of the pull landed you straight between Anakin’s knees, his hand still on yours while the other stabled you at your hip. Your hand had instinctively gripped his shoulder, but you stole it away quickly. 

Nonetheless, he stared at you, positioned in front of him. For a minute, that’s all he did. Stare and stare, eyes locked on yours as the smirk on his face carefully transformed into a dropped jaw. He looked at you like… you didn’t really know how to describe it.

Like… like you were the one who hung the stars in the sky, who placed planets in orbit. Like you were the cause of the glow of the sun, like you shifted the tides using the moon. Like you were worth worship, worth praise, worth the doting look that took over his face.

A shiver crawled over your skin the more he looked at you; you’d barely noticed his hand had taken to slipping past your robes and connecting with the bare skin of your side, metal thumb caressing the skin. The other was still latched on your wrist like he never wanted to let go. Distantly, you wondered if it would leave a bruise. 

A heavy silence fell over the room, just you waiting in anticipation as Anakin lost his focus, face flushed with besottedness. For once, you didn’t feel like he had the upper hand over your feelings. For once, it appeared you controlled his. 

“YN.” He mumbled your name almost subconsciously, like it had slipped out without his knowing. 

“What?” Softly, carefully, you urged him for more. In response, his eyes locked on your lips, running his tongue over his own involuntarily. His face, so dazed, so infatuated, so lost, finally seemed to have come to grips with his purpose for that moment. 

“I’m in love with you.”

For a second, you felt nothing. You said nothing. No reaction, no response. Nothing. You didn’t even breathe. 

For years you’d dreamt of… well, not exactly this moment, but something akin to it. Anakin professing his feelings, appearing absolutely infatuated with you. His handsome face glowing with joy as you returned the sentiment. His hands steadily, assuredly cupping your face and guiding your lips to his. 

Like in your dreams, your chest was so trembly and shaky, so completely and utterly in disbelief that the man you’d been in love with for years was completely infatuated with you. Your hands shake and breaths escape you in pants as though you’d ran miles just moments prior. Your heart was pounding hard, trying to escape and your mind grew blankly overwhelmed. 

Anakin, having spent the last few seconds with zero response from your end, was visibly unnerved. He searched your face for any reaction, any clue into what you were feeling. Finding nothing, he looked lost, scared, and dejected. 

Long ago had he sobered up, but the alcohol was still in his system as he staggered to his feet, not largely taller than you but his overall form still being a formidable sight. You’d been forced to lift your head as he rose, following his movements. A waft of alcohol infiltrated your nose. 

The hand previously on your side rose to your face, cupping your rosy cheek. A cold thumb caressed your cheekbone for just a moment as he took in your face as though for the last time. Then he shook his head in what you could only interpret as anguish. “I’m in love with you,” he repeated, this time less shy. “For so many years, I have been. And I thought you felt the same, but I see now that I am wrong.” 

You open your mouth to question him, but he continues. “I’m sorry for bothering you tonight.” A sad, forced smile encompasses his face. “Let’s forget this ever happened. Goodnight, YN.”

Your chest grew filled with guilt and regret and pity for making him think this way. And when his hand moved to drop from your face, you drew up your own to prevent it. Your face, you were sure, was filled with too many emotions to interpret–confusion, for doubt that this was real; joy, for happiness that the man you loved returned your feelings; amazement, for sheer question of how you had come to be this lucky. 

But a flicker of hope struck his eyes at your action, and so he stayed put, waiting dutifully for your response. 

Like your dreams, his lips were soft. Like your dreams, he eagerly responded, pulled you in, close and tight, like he would never let you go; he swore himself to you, would do anything for you, would follow you anywhere. 

Like your dreams, you worried for the Jedi Council’s discovery of your love, and Anakin kissed your worries away. 

Just leave it to me, he said the next morning, his arms tight around your form, his ruffled hair glowing like a halo in the morning sun. His bare skin was hot against yours. I’ll handle it. We can be together, and they won’t be able to stop us. 

Like your dreams, you trusted him.
