#days of awesome

Featured Jewish Character of the Day: Sam MansonFandom: Danny PhantomQuote: “Unique is good! That’s Featured Jewish Character of the Day: Sam MansonFandom: Danny PhantomQuote: “Unique is good! That’s

Featured Jewish Character of the Day: Sam Manson

Fandom:Danny Phantom

Quote: “Unique is good! That’s why I’m an ultra-recyclo vegetarian!”

Write about Sam–or other Jewish characters!–in the upcoming Days of Awesome fic challenge!

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Calling all Jewish fans, and and fans of Jewish characters!

Very excited to announce that Days of Awesome–a Jewish High Holiday ficathon originally launched in 2007, and which ran from 2007-2013, is back–just in time to kick-off the Hebrew year of 5781!

What is Days of Awesome?

Days of Awesome is a annual Jewish character ficathon in honor of the Jewish high holiday season.

Originally founded by Livejournal user jadelennox in 2007, the goal of this project is to create a venue for fans of all backgrounds to write fic about Jewish characters and their Jewish identities–which are all-too-often under-represented in canon and fanon, and, when they are represented, they’re often represented as Jewish in name only.

We’re also here because while we love other holiday fic challenges, they so frequently don’t correspond with holidays that are important on the Jewish calendar. We wanted to change that with a festive little celebration around the Jewish holiday season!

How It Works

This year, we’re keeping it really casual.

We’ll have a collection on Archive of Our Own that will open on Erev Rosh HaShana (September 17, this year), and stay open through the Hebrew month of Tishrei (until October 17)–a length which spans the entire Jewish high holiday season, and includes the holidays of Rosh HaShanaYom Kippur, SukkotSheminei Atzeret, and Simchat Torah!

You can feel free to upload any fic, ficlet, or podfic that you write that fits the requirements to the collection within that time frame. Please just tag it with the tag Community: daysofawesome!

And, if all goes according to plan, we’ll have a few optional prompts too, peppered and shared throughout the month.

What are the requirements for fic?

The only firm requirement is that your focal character be Jewish.

If they’re canonically Jewish–great!

If they’re not canonically Jewish, that’s okay too. But we would ask that if it is a situation in which you headcanon a particular character as Jewish, or are writing an AU in which they are Jewish, you please make the fic about their Jewishness.

If you have a Jewish OC that you want to write about–if, for instance, you want to explore what it would be like to be a Jewish character in the world of the Hunger Games,or His Dark Materials–go for it! Again, we would just ask that the fic be about that character’s (or those characters’) Jewish experiences.

If you wanted to be extra festive and seasonal, you could write about some of the characters celebrating one of the seasonal holiday, or a fic on one of the themes that is explored throughout one of these days.

All fandoms are game, and there are no length requirements, and you can upload as many pieces as you’d like within the month.


We are here to help!

Check out our FAQ, or feel free to drop us an ask ,or send us an email at [email protected]

And if you’re interested, please signal boost! We’d love to spread this far and wide!

Hey all!

It’s come to our attention that we got the date a day off. Erev Rosh HaShana is on September 18, this year, not September 17.

Nonetheless, we are going to open the collection on September 17 (Erev Erev Rosh HaShana, if you will), for a few reasons:

1) Some people, especially those whose observances are more on the traditional side, may be scrambling to get ready for the holiday on September 18.

2) We want to keep the challenge open for a full month!

As always, feel free to drop us an ask or an email if you have any questions!

Shavuah Tov, friends! The Days of Awesome fic Challenge opens in 11 days! We hope you’re getting your writing muscles good and ready! 

As promised, we did want to provide a few prompts to help get you thinking about the spirit of the upcoming holidays!  

As a reminder, these prompts are entirely optional. You do not need to use any of them to participate in the challenge. (And, regardless of whether or not you use the prompts theother rules still apply.

A few prompts:

About the holidays themselves (potentially on the fluffy side):

  • Characters go apple (or date!) picking (or honey harvesting!) to get ready for Rosh Hashanah
  • Characters attempt to build a Sukkah. Shenanigans ensue.
  • There is a Sukkot tradition that people have of inviting guests into their sukkah. This includes literal guests, but also figurative guest–biblical characters, ancestors, people who cannot be with them. Who is your character inviting into their sukkah?

Thematic prompts (potentially a bit more on the angsty side.)

  • The Days of Awe are a period of repentance, culminating in Yom Kippur–the Day of Atonement. Write about your character and repentance.
  • Rosh HaShana is a period of renewal and rebirth–new beginnings. Write about your character and rebirth, their new beginnings.
  • There is a Rosh HaShana tradition people have of Tashlich–which involves casting bread crumbs into the water to symbolize things about the previous year you like to cast away. What is your character trying to cast away?

Get ready to write!

Featured Jewish Character of the Day: Kitty PrydeFandom: X-Men (Marvel Comics)Quote: “I am Jewish. IFeatured Jewish Character of the Day: Kitty PrydeFandom: X-Men (Marvel Comics)Quote: “I am Jewish. IFeatured Jewish Character of the Day: Kitty PrydeFandom: X-Men (Marvel Comics)Quote: “I am Jewish. I

Featured Jewish Character of the Day: Kitty Pryde

Fandom:X-Men (Marvel Comics)

Quote: “I am Jewish. I am a Mutant. And I want people to know who and what I am.”

Fun Fact: Kitty was ranked by Wizardmagazine as #13 on their list of the 200 greatest comic characters of all time. In 2014, Marvel ranked her #1 in their list of top 50 X-Men characters.

Write about Kitty–or other Jewish characters!–in the upcoming Days of Awesome fic challenge!

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Featured Jewish Character of the Day: Willow RosenbergFandom: Buffy the Vampire SlayerQuote: “Ira RoFeatured Jewish Character of the Day: Willow RosenbergFandom: Buffy the Vampire SlayerQuote: “Ira Ro

Featured Jewish Character of the Day: Willow Rosenberg

Fandom:Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Quote: “Ira Rosenberg’s only daughter nailing crucifixes to her bedroom wall? I have to go over to Xander’s house just to watch ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ every year.

Fun Fact: Willow is often pointed to as one of the first positive (and well-fleshed out!) examples of a queer woman character on mainstream American TV!

Write about Willow–or other Jewish characters!–in the upcoming Days of Awesome fic challenge!

Post link


We’d love to highlight a few of them as we get closer to the challenge!

(Check out our blog to learn more about Days of Awesome, and follow for updates!)

Shavuah Tov! Reblog with your favorite canonical Jewish characters! We’re going to start highlighting some of them this upcoming week in preparation for the Days of Awesome challenge!

Start stretching those writing muscles! The Days of Awesome challenge will be here before you know it!

We’d love to highlight a few of them as we get closer to the challenge!

(Check out our blog to learn more about Days of Awesome, and follow for updates!)



Calling all Jewish fans, and and fans of Jewish characters!

Very excited to announce that Days of Awesome–a Jewish High Holiday ficathon originally launched in 2007, and which ran from 2007-2013, is back–just in time to kick-off the Hebrew year of 5781!

What is Days of Awesome?

Days of Awesome is a annual Jewish character ficathon in honor of the Jewish high holiday season.

Originally founded by Livejournal user jadelennox in 2007, the goal of this project is to create a venue for fans of all backgrounds to write fic about Jewish characters and their Jewish identities–which are all-too-often under-represented in canon and fanon, and, when they are represented, they’re often represented as Jewish in name only.

We’re also here because while we love other holiday fic challenges, they so frequently don’t correspond with holidays that are important on the Jewish calendar. We wanted to change that with a festive little celebration around the Jewish holiday season!

How It Works

This year, we’re keeping it really casual.

We’ll have a collection on Archive of Our Own that will open on Erev Rosh HaShana (September 17, this year), and stay open through the Hebrew month of Tishrei (until October 17)–a length which spans the entire Jewish high holiday season, and includes the holidays of Rosh HaShanaYom Kippur, SukkotSheminei Atzeret, and Simchat Torah!

You can feel free to upload any fic, ficlet, or podfic that you write that fits the requirements to the collection within that time frame. Please just tag it with the tag Community: daysofawesome!

And, if all goes according to plan, we’ll have a few optional prompts too, peppered and shared throughout the month.

What are the requirements for fic?

The only firm requirement is that your focal character be Jewish.

If they’re canonically Jewish–great!

If they’re not canonically Jewish, that’s okay too. But we would ask that if it is a situation in which you headcanon a particular character as Jewish, or are writing an AU in which they are Jewish, you please make the fic about their Jewishness.

If you have a Jewish OC that you want to write about–if, for instance, you want to explore what it would be like to be a Jewish character in the world of the Hunger Games,or His Dark Materials–go for it! Again, we would just ask that the fic be about that character’s (or those characters’) Jewish experiences.

If you wanted to be extra festive and seasonal, you could write about some of the characters celebrating one of the seasonal holiday, or a fic on one of the themes that is explored throughout one of these days.

All fandoms are game, and there are no length requirements, and you can upload as many pieces as you’d like within the month.


We are here to help!

Check out our FAQ, or feel free to drop us an ask ,or send us an email at [email protected]

And if you’re interested, please signal boost! We’d love to spread this far and wide!

Just wanted to ping this again, for anyone who may not have seen it yesterday!

I am so excited to be able to bring @daysofawesome back, y’all! 

Participating in @purimgifts (which is another great exchange–you should def check them out if you haven’t!), the past several years, has got me thinking about how important it is–on a really genuine non-superficial real-life-and-not-just-fandom-life level–that we are conscious of whose points of view we center in fanworks.

This is not a moral judgement by any means, but partly as a result of my participating in purimgifts, I realized that there was something very real in my experience of a lot of fandoms in which I, a woman, have been conditioned to see interiority in certain characters–(mostly male characters, for instance, until I found Steven Universe!)–than in others. 

And this surely had real world effects! Whose was I conditioned to see interiority was I conditioned to see more easily?

In addition to just being really fun–and it is supposed to be! I love seeing all the Jewish fics pop up every years with purimgifts, and I’m hoping for something similar here too!–Days of Awesome is an attempt to make sure that we’re able to center the interiorities of some of these Jewish characters, when so often in media they or their Jewishness is tokenized or brushed off just as comic relief.

(I wrote a post about this re: purimgifts a few years ago, if anyone is interested!)

If you’re interested in Days of Awesome, please follow @daysofawesome for updated!

Calling all Jewish fans, and and fans of Jewish characters!

Very excited to announce that Days of Awesome–a Jewish High Holiday ficathon originally launched in 2007, and which ran from 2007-2013, is back–just in time to kick-off the Hebrew year of 5781!

What is Days of Awesome?

Days of Awesome is a annual Jewish character ficathon in honor of the Jewish high holiday season.

Originally founded by Livejournal user jadelennox in 2007, the goal of this project is to create a venue for fans of all backgrounds to write fic about Jewish characters and their Jewish identities–which are all-too-often under-represented in canon and fanon, and, when they are represented, they’re often represented as Jewish in name only.

We’re also here because while we love other holiday fic challenges, they so frequently don’t correspond with holidays that are important on the Jewish calendar. We wanted to change that with a festive little celebration around the Jewish holiday season!

How It Works

This year, we’re keeping it really casual.

We’ll have a collection on Archive of Our Own that will open on Erev Rosh HaShana (September 17, this year), and stay open through the Hebrew month of Tishrei (until October 17)–a length which spans the entire Jewish high holiday season, and includes the holidays of Rosh HaShanaYom Kippur, SukkotSheminei Atzeret, and Simchat Torah!

You can feel free to upload any fic, ficlet, or podfic that you write that fits the requirements to the collection within that time frame. Please just tag it with the tag Community: daysofawesome!

And, if all goes according to plan, we’ll have a few optional prompts too, peppered and shared throughout the month.

What are the requirements for fic?

The only firm requirement is that your focal character be Jewish.

If they’re canonically Jewish–great!

If they’re not canonically Jewish, that’s okay too. But we would ask that if it is a situation in which you headcanon a particular character as Jewish, or are writing an AU in which they are Jewish, you please make the fic about their Jewishness.

If you have a Jewish OC that you want to write about–if, for instance, you want to explore what it would be like to be a Jewish character in the world of the Hunger Games,or His Dark Materials–go for it! Again, we would just ask that the fic be about that character’s (or those characters’) Jewish experiences.

If you wanted to be extra festive and seasonal, you could write about some of the characters celebrating one of the seasonal holiday, or a fic on one of the themes that is explored throughout one of these days.

All fandoms are game, and there are no length requirements, and you can upload as many pieces as you’d like within the month.


We are here to help!

Check out our FAQ, or feel free to drop us an ask ,or send us an email at [email protected]

And if you’re interested, please signal boost! We’d love to spread this far and wide!

And that’s a wrap!

As the Hebrew month of Tishri is over, so too is Days of Awesome 2021. We had 6 pieces this year, across 5 different fandoms—double the number we had last year! There’s some great stuff, so be sure to check it out if you haven’t already!

Thanks to everyone who wrote, posted, read, and got excited! See you next year!

A reminder that today is the last day of Days of Awesome 2021! Last call for pieces!

We have new piece for Days of Awesome by our mod @runrundoyourstuff!

Fandom: Star Trek DS9

Rating: T

Word Count: 1868

Summary: Jadzia learns that there are some Earth customs Worf holds onto.

The holidays are over, but Days of Awesome is not!

As a reminder, the collection will stay open until the end of the month of Tishrei (October 6, on the Gregorian calendar!) so there’s still time to get your pieces!

חג סוכות שמח!!!!

Happy Sukkot! Remember that the Days of Awesome collection is open until October 6!

Another piece! Also by ao3 user SandeonBuisle!

Fandom: Batman

Rating: G

Word Count: 721

Summary: Its a simple rule Batman set: no patrolling on an empty stomach. That includes fasting.

Another piece!

Fandom: Hannibal

Rating: G

Word Count: 800


“I was raised in a religious atmosphere, Mr. Verger, but whatever that left me with, it’s not religion.”

–Alana Bloom, Aperitivo

Alana has a complex relationship with Judaism. What Jew doesn’t?

Our next piece dropped, by @flowerfan2

Fandom: Schitt’s Creek

Rating: T

Word Count: 2043


In the midst of a painful conversation, David remembers something he did once with his father on the High Holidays, to deal with regrets and seek forgiveness.

שנה טובה!

Shana Tovah, everyone! Remember that Days of Awesome 2021 is open until October 6!

Our next piece is live, by @fairytrashmother

Fandom: Star Wars Thrawn

Rating: G

Word Count: 893


Thrawn and Eli get stuck on a pointless mission on Erev Rosh Hashanah

Eli is resigned, but Thrawn has other ideas.
