#dc rogues


Jervis: I made dinner

Oswald: Ok And?

Jervis: You Uh…want some?

Oswald: I want to live, thanks

Jervis: Oh

Jonathan: Get out the fucking way I want some

Oswald: Brave soul


Woah, some Batman villain AU stuff nobody asked for? I haven’t posted that in a while.

Have some Two Face lore, he’s one of my faves ✨✨

My subconscious is weird-(vaguely nsfw)

Last night I had a dream that Batman’s rogues gallery kept getting in trouble with staff for arranging epic Arkham-wide rogue orgies. The security guards would bust in and lug them back to their cells and then like five days later they’d be back at it again. Everything was so well organized, it was kind of impressive.

I’ve had a lot of fun drawing this: Eddie Nygma! (I love calling him Eddie because I know he would hate it)

Hyper competent assassin, shit at just about everything else. Wintergreen and Slade Wilson are best friends for so long that Slade really can’t get along with anybody else, even if it doesn’t look like Slade and Wintergreen get along 95% of the time they really have each other’s back. I imagine wintergreen having similar sassiness level/immortality as Alfred but with no restraint on roasting what so ever. He’s basically got negative fucks to give 95% of the time.

Also in my world Slade is absolutely related to Deadpool he just hates talking about it. If Deadpool ever comes to visit, Wade calls him Cable and puts his healing factor through hell to the point he actually feels his age.

Got an additional idea. I’ve heard that there was a generation of titans that just got kind of shafted since they’re too young for Dick’s team and too old for Tim’s team, and Jason died. One of them was Rose and the other is Kid devil, Eddie Bloomberg. I don’t know much about the original character but since I’m kind of doing my own take on a lot of things. I’ve got ideas.

Ed is a name hastily given to him for the people of earth to refer to him

His first time visiting earth he was left to be babysat by Zatanna only for her to lose track of him and he ended up in Gotham for a bit, until Bruce called her to pick him up. Thus getting to meet Jason.

Red likes Raven platonically and feels a strange connection and familiarity to her. Raven doesn’t really like him much if at all. She just gets bad vibes from him.

Blue found Red when he was a little thing and figured he was just an abandoned imp and raised him as his own. As blue was sent out on missions red always felt bad that he was too weak to ever help his dad. One day he spoke with another devil, Neron , who told him that he would grow to have great powers but if he were to ever lost trust in blue, great pain and ruin would fall upon everything and everyone he’d ever love. That was unthinkable to little red so he was happy to get whatever these powers were.

Little did Red know that Neron only took off his seal slightly to free a bit of his own powers. When he got a bit of powers he was able to accompany blue on more of his tasks and take care of himself. As he grew older he learned a bit of the truth about himself, and that Blue was the one to maintain the seals on him. Feeling betrayed by blue he was scared for the future because he now knows the truth that he is destined to become Trigon and bring great pain and ruin upon everything and everyone he’d ever love.

i figured for the spoopy season that scarecrow deserves a bit more, I’ll probably still draw some more of the raggedy ass fear monger. let me know what you think. I really like the idea of them being two separate entities to bring a bit of magic into batman, especially since Bruce and Zatanna are good friends. I think it’s also part of my version of batman villains trying to mostly steer away from the ,mental ill = evil criminal, thing that’s just not right. As well as bringing back a little more detective batman being more sympathetic, than he’s been in a while (like since TAS). Jonathan Crane is scared up chemist with a rough childhood, with an insanely tall rag-doll scarecrow creature stuffed with straw, and a fascination with birds.
