#deadpool imagine


Hi sorry to bother you! But I was wondering if you could maybe do like a winchester x sister reader or just an x reader imagine based on them having type 1 diabetes as you never really see much of them around tumblr or other fanfic websites? You really don’t have to its just that I really like your imagines?

AN: I went purely off of what information I could find on the information so don’t hate me too much if it’s inaccurate. 

You got back in the car and buckled up. “Finally ready to hit the road?”

“Stop being dramatic, Dean. Sorry I require a bathroom and can’t pee in a bottle like you two numb skulls.”

“Hey,” Sam exclaimed!

“Sorry Sam, but it had to be said.”

“It’s just you take so much time out of our drives with your bathroom breaks, woman!”

“One, unless you want to get me a funnel to pee in back here and risk your precious interior, there’s nothing you can do. And two, you know I can’t help it.”

Having type 1 diabetes, you were prone to having to use the bathroom. With how thirsty you had been today you were surprised you were doing as good as you were. Three hours later you three were in the motel sharpening your weapons for the night. “Y/N, you need to eat before we leave. Be sure to take your insulin too.”

“Can’t have you losing your vision or anything in the middle of this hunt,” Dean added.

“Thanks Moms.”

“Not your Mom, we’re your brothers and it’s our job to keep you alive and as healthy as possible in this freaking line of work,” your oldest brother grumbled.

“Which I thank you for, but I’ve been managing this for years. I think you guys forget sometimes that I know how to take care of myself.”

“We don’t forget. We just…help,” Sam shrugged.


You drug your feet into the motel room and slumped onto the bed. “You alright, kiddo? Didn’t get clipped or anything did you?”

“No, I’m just tired.”

“Did you take insulin before the hunt? Do you need more,” Sam feverishly asked?

“I’m fine, I checked everything before and after the hunt. I’m just tired. That happens when you only get 4 hours of sleep for two days.”

“You get first dibs on the shower then,” Dean told you. “Clean up and get a good night’s sleep before tomorrow.”

Dean never offered up first dibs on the shower. He was always hogging the hot water, so you jumped at the chance. “Don’t have to tell me twice.”

You had just closed and locked the door when you heard Dean yell. “Hey, wait a minute. Did you just play the pity card?”

“She’s too smart for you, Dean.”

“Shut up, Sammy.”
