#deaf clint barton


Having one of the original six Avengers, no matter how many people think his character is irrelevant, as being canonically deaf is incredible representation.

There is literally no arguing with that. 

Clint Barton, as a character, and as a symbol is very important.

Just finished the last ep of the Hawkeye series and fucking LOVE what marvel did there. Hailee Steinfeld is just perfect for the role of Kate Bishop. The chemistry between Kate and Clint was too good to be true.

The Cochlear Implant on Clint was a personal decision.

Also, Lucky is best boii.


Human Disaster and his doggo

(I’m on Instagram as @ littlewheatart )

I think it’s important to note that neither comics nor MCU got it right.

Comics have not historically treated disability or deafness correctly in most issue or publication.  Echo is an iconic Deaf character but still is verbal and magically lipreads.  One of her super powers, actually.  MCU did better by her by casting Deaf actress who uses ASL only.

Matt Fraction portrayed Clint’s deafness much better.  Relying on old memories of ASL which come back the more he uses it, dealing with grief of hearing loss but ultimately remembering he’s still Hawkeye.  Struggle to lipread.  Visible bright purple Stark HAs.  Whole panels of ASL only, with no text.  I loved every panel.

MCU failed in portraying ASL on the screen very well.  Clint’s signing is so poor, ASL not framed to be understood so captions were still necessary even if viewer is fluent, Clint’s hearing loss confusing because he seem to have no residual hearing in a Broadway musical with HA off, (which are LOUD) but only wears one HA, and with that HA seems to have perfect hearing <–does not add up.

But, this is most important: both the comics and MCU give some version of deaf!Clint.  It means that in some universe, in some incarnation, deaf!Clint is canon.  

We’re all reaching for things: Queer rep, disability rep, deaf rep, gender rep, PoC rep.  They don’t always deliver, but fandom takes over and does.

I’m not a fan of Jeremy Renner.  He’s not someone I want representing Deaf Clint.  But the fact that the MCU finally gave us something means it’s another world I can play in for my fanfic.

And honestly, it might be scraps, but I’ll take it.
