#avengers spoilers


Okay, Endgame was good and all but how does it work with Far From Home, like, at all? They’re five years in the future now. Are you telling me that Peter’s entire class got snapped out of existence??? Why then was Ned so hesitant around Peter if he got snapped too? High school’s only four years guys. None of them should still be in school and don’t you dare tell me that for five years that because of the snappening that society just fell apart to the degree that school stopped.


The final battle against Thanos had me going in a loop the second the glove was passed from Ronin to Black panther to spidey.

Worlds most intense game of Hot Potato.

Endgame not-spoilers spoilers.

Tony suffered the death of the boy who had become his son and Peter saw the man who became his father die, im broken

Don’t let your head hang lowYou’ve seen the darkest skies I know…So take my hand
Don’t let your head hang low
You’ve seen the darkest skies I know…
So take my hand and home we’ll go
The sun it glows like gold
Feeling warm as a burning coal…
So take my hand and home we’ll go

- Home We’ll Go (Take My Hand) by Steve Aoki & Walk off the Earth

Post link
to-the-lost-heroes: And when you’re gone, who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame? Who tells yto-the-lost-heroes: And when you’re gone, who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame? Who tells yto-the-lost-heroes: And when you’re gone, who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame? Who tells yto-the-lost-heroes: And when you’re gone, who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame? Who tells y


And when you’re gone, who remembers your name?

Who keeps your flame?

Who tells your story?

Post link


so professor hulk is obviously a celebrity post snap, right? and it was a bunch of kids that came over and asked for a pic, right? consider: bruce banner is the bill nye of their generation and has his own tv show enaging kids in science and occasionally throwing stuff really far for demonstrative purposes


                                      NORMAL MASTERLIST  

Summary: It was not meant to happen, but it did. There i was, on the steps of the stark tower, in the pouring rain. I dont know why Tony let me in, maybe it was the tears down my cheeks or maybe the wet clothes clinging on my body. Thats when i met the avengers, a bunch of train wrecks huddled up in seperated rooms with crippling deppresion and anixety. I think they saved me, but they think i saved them. Maybe they were to long gone for my fixing or maybe all it needed was new baked cookies and a movie marathon.



But think about why people hated the Harry Potter epilogue.

It was an ending that was completely set in stone, a full stop, and sure, that can maybe work if the ending is an ideal one, but the definitions of ‘ideal’ vary from individual to individual, we all take different things out of this stories, and in HP’s case, it failed so hard because it was crafted to, hopefully, be “ideal” for a group of people that weren’t it’s main readerbase. Because most of the people really invested in those stories had a completely different “ideal” in mind.

But mostly, it failed because it left fans without any wiggle room. Because when you’ve spent years of your life invested in a story, falling in love with and caring for the characters, you don’t want it to end end. You want to see this specific journey of them coming to an end, yes, but you don’t want to say goodbye to them forever. You’ve spent way too much time with them to not want that “okay, what next?”

Endings like the Harry Potter epilogue take that “what if” away, take away that option to continue exploring, to continue playing in that sandbox. And sure, fandom will still fandom, and we’ll find a way because we’re powerful, but it’s much harder, much less satisfying, and it IS a goodbye, in a way.

But Endgame? Oh god. 

Endgame did that so well, so so brilliantly. 

It’s not easy to wrap up 10 years of character arcs and storylines. It’s not easy to satisfy people who may have known some of these characters for longer than they’ve known irl friends. 

It’s not easy, because the “ideal” varies for each of us. It’s not easy because we’ve loved this universe for so long, and we simply don’t want it to end.

But Endgame is an ending that’s not an ending. It’s them opening the door to a universe of possibilities for us. It’s closure for the characters, because it needs to be, but for the most part, it’s closure that’s not a full stop, not a goodbye, just an “okay, it’s time for the next chapter, now.” 

And they’re handing us the key to that next chapter. They’re giving us full liberties. 

The openness is good. The openness is what doesn’t let this become stagnant, what keeps people creating and headcanoning and writing meta and exploring all the different possibilities and not letting the fandom die. They left things in the air that could’ve easily been clarified without needing any extra screentime or dialogue, just a slightly different line here and there, but they purposefully didn’t because that’d be limiting, that would’ve been taking options away from the fans.

The “what ifs” are what we thrive on, and they left the door open for all of them.


so like. are we supposed to accept. that steve went back and lived happily ever after. knowing that while he was doing that. bucky was being tortured. for seventy years. are we r ea lly s u ppos ed to a ccept t h at


lets take a moment of silence for thor. he isnt dead but his whole character development was destroyed simply to play him off as a joke.
