#dear hearing people


Not trusting that your peers have your best interests in mind when it comes to selecting an activity that won’t cause you stress and anxiety because of your hearing, while dealing with the backlash as you are accused of not having enough faith in others, when, ironically, you’ve had to explain to those same people many times why you don’t answer the phone or why you’re over the loud, crowded bar scene or why that guy’s looking at you funny because of your accent.

And then they proceed to tell you that it’s all in your head.

I’m not fucking dealing with this in 2018. Get out of my face with my shit.


NEW VIDEO!!!  “Dear Hearing People” [CC]

A comical spin on some comments I’ve received and some experiences I’ve had with different hearing people over the years.  This is all for laughs.  I’m well aware not all hearing people say ignorant things to D/deaf and Hard of Hearing people and people with APD.


Or, you know…don’t.  :P

Reblogging to make up for the fact I don’t have another video up LMAO.

And cause I’m actually proud of this one.


#hard of hearing    #deafness    #dear hearing people    #artie mack    #youtube    #reblog    

NEW VIDEO!!!  “Dear Hearing People” [CC]

A comical spin on some comments I’ve received and some experiences I’ve had with different hearing people over the years.  This is all for laughs.  I’m well aware not all hearing people say ignorant things to D/deaf and Hard of Hearing people and people with APD.


Or, you know…don’t.  :P
