

Oftentimes in my dreams I am in my neighborhood, but I can never find my house, and everything is off.

Also good news, I found my gender identity, I am a demigirl. They.her pronouns. I am unsure about Neo pronouns, but if they were accepted and I didn’t have internalized disliking for it, I might use something cool, like ephe/phers/pheirs

keeping it ephemeral core. I won’t stray from my cores now.

The pure eye abyss, looking at earth, and garden ones are my faves. Seriously, play dreamcore games on Roblox. They’re art, it’s phenomenal.

Si, les tomé como 20 fotos a estas flores que se estaban secando (unas si se secaron todas qmq)

Yes, i took like 20 pictures of this dying flowers (some of them did actually die qmq)
