

keeping it ephemeral core. I won’t stray from my cores now.

Another skull i restored last summer :)

I was not the one who found it actually, my dog Saskia did! We were taking a walk in a field/forest area and she just… came back with a smelly corpse head.

Pics of Saskia with her treasure & the skull before restoration under read more!

The snout and a part of the horn were missing, these were the only elements i had to make from polymer clay. Other than that, there was a lot of cracking i had to fill in from the inside of the skull so it wouldnt collapse one day :c i filled the more prominent cracks with gold foil, and also wrapped the horn tips with it. I still have the keratin horns, not sure what to do with them atm so they’re waiting in the bone box.

It was a really fun find, especially when Sassy just obediently dropped the skull and looked super guilty only to get praise and scritches <3 what a good girl
