#deep sigh




Tired: finding a sealed tomb from Egypt or some other non white culture and declaring it cursed

Wired: doing the same for the catholics

Listen, they found a sealed sarcophagus made of lead, buried under a centuries-old cathedral in an ancient city built above catacombs lined with human bones. If that doesn’t sound cursed to you, I don’t know what will!

Are they planning on opening it?

Because we’ve had enough shit going on in the last couple of years and I don’t think we need to add to it with whatever catholic demon-related horror is in there.

time for crab

today i summoned 420 crabs and caught 77 of them. look at them all!


the thing about being in a fandom for a long time is you inevitably develop very intense opinions about things you know objectively are absolutely meaningless but nonetheless make you want to gnaw through drywall like a feral cat and there’s just nothing you can do about that


I need to test something real quick

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of pinkandgreen

sigh, what i would not give to have bakugou running his finger through my hair telling me that everything will be ok ☹️



A guy is talking, hand stretched out and pointing at a butterfly hovering near his face. On top his forehead the word "batfans" shows up. On top of the butterfly there's text saying "literally any other unrelated character story ever". Near the lower edge, simulating a subtitle of what the guy is saying, reads "is this about the batfamily?". It's clearly not about the batfamily.

pov: your fave isn’t from the batfam

updated version ✊

i hate telling people about my ocs cause how the hell do I explain that this is quite literally an integral part of his backstory


So Kyle Ron is basically just Rian Johnson’s self insert because the guy stans him so hard.  Therefore all the stuff in TLJ is just Rian trying to get the girl that never wanted him in high school or some shit.  In conclusion, this entire movie is just the dudes self insert fantasy and he has issues.


Tiktok influencers being invited to the Oscar’s and to the Cannes festival when my mutuals and I are single-handedly keeping the art of cinema alive with our blogging…

so much changes yet it always ends in me sitting here and watching nikki and helen as a coping mechanism <3




In case you didn’t see

John Mulaney decided to surprise the crowd for his show last night by having Dave Chappelle open up

Chappelle made transphobic and homophobic jokes, which Mulaney clapped for and hugged Chappelle as he got off stage

No one knew Chappelle would show up

Trans and gay people in the crowd were attacked by the comedian on stage without warning

If you care about trans people

If you care about gay people

You will not support either of them anymore

…John Mulaney did WHAT

Since when is he homophobic or transphobic what the fuck happened to this man since we saw him last

Apparently certain things about him became a lot more visible. - _ -
