#defund police


[video of streams of US arms exports globally]

The problem is the US. It’s its founding as a settler-colonial enterprise. The US is war and mass slaughter. The US majorly funds war abroad and police war at home.

Imperialism must be opposed. Colonialism must be opposed. White nationalists must be removed from all power and the US itself must be overturned. Nothing else is a solution.

So I found this image online and was possessed by the Meme Muse… (Here’s my version of the original post that has more alt text for the first image)

Photograph of a german shepard and a white-tailed deer stag poking their heads out of the rear window of a cop car for some reason. The photo is grainy and neither animal looks distressed, though their noses are almost touching. Below them, the cop door appears to say "Stay gay" in bold gold letters. Though this could be because the camera light erodes the other letters or because the other letters have been worn off.

Above image originally circulated from @nerviovago . Alt text added

Drawing of an anthropomorphic german shepard in a dark lavendar-grey hoodie and a stag in a rd button down plaid shirt touch their noses gently together. Their hands are pushed up together between them. Both their eyes are closed blissfully, and each one wears a single gold loop earring in one ear. The stag's horns are decorated in rings and a black spiked punk bracelet. A cop car burns brilliantly behind them in the darkness... The couple is illuminated warmly by the blaze. Above them in a stencil style text are the words "Stay Gay. Abolish police". At the bottom is the watermark for Nonbinary Star Comics.

[image has alt text] [click for full size]

You ever just look something and immediantly have OCs and a detailed backstory for each of them? Because boy do I…

And here, have an article, on the house.


Disarm - Defund - Disband

Police are a lawless army terrorizing our communities. They can’t be reformed, they need to have their money taken away.
