#uvalde school shooting


..now confirmed, the monster baracaded himself into an empty classroom that was attached to another, which was full of children and two teachers, celebrating attendance and honor roll, as they were 48 hours from summer vacation.

in specific words and context, let me repeat, SPECIFIC WORDS AND CONTEXT, the monster approached the full classroom, and said “You’re going to die.” He then proceeded to successfully massacre, slaughter, and mow down every individual in that classroom, killing every individual in that classroom.

Over 223 rounds were found in that classroom, meaning he also successfully massacred their faces and heads and bodies to the point where all that was left were chunks and pieces. Meaning, parents last night, had to have their DNA sampled, so forensics could properly identify all body pieces appropriately with their appropriate kin.

i don’t want to hear one fucking word about IML, or your summer body, or your conservative values and rights. get your ass up out of your selfish, egotistic life, and get your ass volunteering and educating and doing something. am i the only fucking white person alive who gives a shit and who does things besides share a photo or send my thoughts and prayers?!? (btw i actually send prayers, i did the full rosary 5 times yesterday, which takes just about 5 hours total). so fuck your “prayers.”

i stand with the victims soooo much, and weep for them and their families. the Latino and Latina community is so special and SO DEAR to me. they are a major influence in my life and in my past. i cannot stop weeping for these innocent angels and weep for how they will be forgotten and just another two-week cover story. they were gunned down worse than cattle yesterday. they were gunned down worse than a shotgun board on a shooting range yesterday. it’s time to give these children some fucking respect and some real fucking change.

that’s all.

#uvaldetexas #uvaldeschoolshooting #UvaldeMassacre #TeAmo #IRememberYou #myhearthurts

San Antonio Spurs Head Coach Gregg Popovich Gregg Popovich: I Shouldn’t Be Able to Buy an AR-15, Neither Should You

San Antonio Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich spoke at a ‘Stand with Uvalde’ rally Saturday, referenced AR-15s, and said, “I shouldn’t be able to buy one, you shouldn’t be able to buy one.”

Outkick.com reported Popovich’s participation in the rally.

Popovich’s statements on AR-15s came after he held up Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) as an example of a politician who is supporting gun control in the wake of the Uvalde attack. On May 27, 2022, Breitbart News noted that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell tapped Cornyn to work with Democrats in pursuit of “bipartisan” gun control.”

After mentioning Cornyn, Popovich turned to the topic of the Uvalde attacker and criticized his ability to get a gun.

He said:

“Nobody’s trying to take away anybody’s guns, nobody. But they said that this 18-year-old, he probably had mental challenges, but they gave him a gun.

They gave him an AR-15.

They didn’t give him a hunting rifle, they didn’t give him a handgun, and the things that’s amazing to me about that.”

Popovich then started to ask why an 18-year-old can buy an AR-15 but redirected his point to say,

“Wait a minute, why can anybody buy an AR-15?

I shouldn’t be able to buy one, you shouldn’t be able to buy one.

What the hell do you need an AR-15 for?”

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

- Constitution of United States of America 1789

Bill Maher: School Attacker’s Advantage Is Not Gun Type But Time

On Friday, HBO’s Bill Maher made clear the Uvalde school attacker’s advantage was not the type of gun he used but the amount of time he had to use it.

Maher said,

“I mean, this kid was in the room for 40 minutes before anybody came in. It wouldn’t have mattered what kind of gun he had. Any kind of gun could do any amount of damage in that time.”

On May 27, 2022, a Breitbart News op-ed noted, “We must understand that the attacker’s advantage in a school shooting is not so much the type of firearm he uses but the time he has without armed resistance and the degree of surprise that results from the launch of his attack.”

When there is no armed guard present to stop the attacker and no perimeter fencing, or there is weak perimeter fencing, and there are no armed teachers, the attacker has time on his side when he gets inside the school.

Consider Maher’s words again: “I mean, this kid was in the room for 40 minutes before anybody came in.”

Breitbart News noted that the February 14, 2018, Parkland attacker had time to pause and reload five times during his rampage. The Sandy Hook Elementary School attacker had more than nine minutes without armed resistance.

A Would-Be School Invader In Alabama Failed When The Doors Were Locked And Police Weren’t Cowards

While Democrats continue exploiting the Uvalde shooting victims to prattle on about “assault weapons” and so-called “common-sense gun control,” another school was attacked on Thursday, but it won’t make the headlines.

That’s because this school — Walnut Park Elementary School in Gadsden, Alabama — didn’t have any victims except the would-be invader, who was shot dead by police after he tried and failed to bust into the building. Here’s how it all reportedly went down.

A passerby saw a man “aggressively” trying to get into the school building. When the man was unsuccessful, he tried several other doors, all of which were locked. The responsible observer called to report the man, the school principal put the building on lockdown and called in a police officer who doubles as the school resource officer, and that officer called for backup. If the reports are correct, the chain of command worked smoothly thanks to decisive action and quickly followed protocols.

The resource officer reportedly engaged the would-be invader, who then also allegedly attempted to forcefully enter a marked police vehicle and to take the officer’s gun. More police officers rushed to the scene to help, and the assailant was shot and killed. According to the city’s school superintendent, the schoolchildren who were there “seemed to be unaware the incident occurred.”

In other words, a man who “aggressively” tried to break into a school and take the firearm of a police officer was stopped because doors were properly locked and police officers acted bravely and urgently.

Hmm. That’s interesting. Because according to President Joe Biden, failed presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke, rom-com celebrity Matthew McConaughey, and late-night political scold Jimmy Kimmel, the only way to end the “carnage” of schoolchildren being murdered is to pass anti-gun laws or issue executive orders that radically infringe on the Second Amendment but are slapped with an innocuous “common-sense” qualifier so they don’t sound so bad.

Nothing else would do the trick, such people say — despite the fact that the Uvalde killer had no problem passing a background check, entered through an unlocked door, and faced little resistance from law enforcement for a disgustingly long time.

When Texas Sen. Ted Cruz responded to the Uvalde murder with calls for better school security in the form of locked doors and single-point entry, which could have prevented that killing, leftists and the corporate press ridiculed him for focusing on doors. “[S]enator Ted Cruz comes out bravely against doors,” scoffed The Atlantic’s Molly Jong-Fast on Twitter. “Are they really gonna make it about ‘too many doors on the school’? They are, aren’t they?” chimed in woke comedian Patton Oswalt.

Meanwhile, nobody on the left wants to talk about the criminal failures of the Uvalde police and the Department of Public Safety.

That’s in part because if they had done their jobs rather than standing outside like cowards for the better part of an hour, lives undoubtedly would have been spared.

It’s also because the implication of Democrats disarming responsible citizens is that the only remaining defense will be armed government employees, who may or may not have the courage to actually help anyone.

Thankfully, in Alabama on Thursday, police did have that courage, and lives were saved because of it.

But Democrats and their media lapdogs won’t speak a word of Walnut Park Elementary because it obliterates their gun “do somethingism.”

It turns out we don’t need celebrity lectures and sweeping gun control to keep schoolchildren safe.

We just need locked doors and adults who do their dang jobs.



There is no amount of money in the world that could make me step foot in Texas. And I honestly feel sorry for the people who have no other choice than to live there.

For the record Senate Bill 20 is exactly what the Las Vegas shooter did in order to kill 60 people and injure 411 at a concert in 2017.

Maybe some of you guys in the replies should just say you want to commit state sanctioned murder instead of making up bullshit.


There is no amount of money in the world that could make me step foot in Texas. And I honestly feel sorry for the people who have no other choice than to live there.

For the record Senate Bill 20 is exactly what the Las Vegas shooter did in order to kill 60 people and injure 411 at a concert in 2017.

Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School had an officer that ran away. The grocery store in Buffalo had a retired police officer as an armed security guard, he was one of the first to be killed. Two police officers and the school resource officer fired at the Uvalde school shooter, he was wearing body armor, and barricaded himself inside a classroom.

The answer to stopping shootings isn’t more guns, arming teachers or more cops. That would just lead to more violence. The answer is to limit what type of guns can be bought, how much ammunition, more extensive background checks and training, requiring licenses, while we’re at it probably also look into restricting body armor, the list is extensive. And yet…

There is no amount of money in the world that could make me step foot in Texas. And I honestly feel sorry for the people who have no other choice than to live there.

I’m so serious when I say that if I had the money and power to just pick up and leave this country I absolutely would.
