

always keep utensils in your backpack

Real sharks have their own pool cuecumber.

Basically Pinocchio but instead it’s a puppet named Pancakio whose nose is a stack of pancakes and every time he lies it grows so Geppetto constantly forces him to lie so he can have unlimited pancakes.

If you’re sentient toast, there aren’t too many accommodating travel destinations. But hey, you’ve got France!

People can be so one-track minded. Suuuuure, all your life a waffle cone was ONE thing, but that doesn’t mean another thing didn’t exist the entire time, risking its life out here marking emergency zones with a tasty waffle base! Wake up!

Best Bean

“I’ve been raking it in all night…”

“Sir, for the third time, those are not poker chips, they’re certainly not valid here, and you’re running the tables. Please leave.”

Denny, Denny

Yes, Papa?

Eating sugar?

No, Papa!

Telling lies?

No, Papa!

Open your mouth.

Uh…I am a restaurant!

p = [-a ± n(c ² - ak)]/e

breakfast math is hard

a Denny’s haiku

If you love someone,

give them a special nickname.

Maybe… Burger Buns?

Be sure to always use proper form when attempting a breadlift. Keep your back straight and don’t over carbo load.

Buying a new mountain bike? We recommend front BroccShoks™ for the most control and traction, but al

Buying a new mountain bike? We recommend front BroccShoks™ for the most control and traction, but also for being a healthy post-ride snack.

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Just a nice pair of Pumps…

Just a nice pair of Pumps…

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Night of the Living Bread…..

Hahahahahaha. It’s me, the Denny’s dad.

I WANT TO SUCK YOUR MILK SHAKE…. wait is there garlic in it? Never mind. That’s ridiculous. Why would there be garlic in a milk shake? But seriously, is there? Um, well, maybe I won’t chance it. Take it easy buddy.

beware of masked potatoes this october

beware of masked potatoes this october

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Have you ever gone pickle spearfishing? Please… only serious answers. No sea cucumber jokes.

Have you ever gone pickle spearfishing? Please… only serious answers. No sea cucumber jokes.

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burn a piece of toast, scrape a scary message into it and then put it back into the center of the loaf of bread
