#depression self care


Practicing Isa, practicing ice

In the area of Altay, Siberia, where I live nowadays, in the wilderness of mountains, on the banks of frozen river Katun, all has stopped for now. The frosts have come, long nights and silence woven from cracking sounds of wood burning in pechka, dog’s breath, wind blowing outside. Slowed down, stopped, quiet. But it’s not a blockage or challenge to overcome - like rune Isa, drawn as a simple vertical line, if you turn it horizontally becomes a way, a bridge between two sides, the space between two dogs sitting at night on your porch.

I descend in winter, I’ve no obligations to be creative, to prove myself or be ready for the next step. The winter teaches me to be fully present, listening, seeing, feeling to develop clarity, exploring the fullness of meaning. It’s an inner creativity, nature moving through me.

I put rune Isa in the foundation of my daily practice. Isa - translated as «ice» which is the most musical, powerfully rezonant structure you can find in nature - bears presence, stability and clearity.

Every moment, every day we become stronger and able to surrender so we open a way for a spring, new birth, metamorphosis hidden during winter in slow purification of elements.


 We’ve created our own Self Care diary! You can now purchase it over on our Etsy Store. Written by o We’ve created our own Self Care diary! You can now purchase it over on our Etsy Store. Written by o

We’ve created our own Self Care diary! You can now purchase it over on our Etsy Store. Written by our EIC Stephanie, and designed by CEO Alissa, you can find the diary right here.

Acolourful 15-page self care diary for all your mood tracking and self-love needs. Whether you’re suffering from anxiety, depression, low-self esteem, or just need a self-care boost now and again, this diary will be your best friend.

Written by Fembot Magazine Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Watson, Designed by Fembot CEO, Alissa Medina.

Self care is anything you want it to be, sprinkled with a little of the hard stuff that will get you on the road to recovery. So if you’re struggling with your mental health, or if you just need a little pick-me-up now and again. Then this is the guide for you.

By regularly filling in this diary, written and designed by independent feminist artists, you’ll be taking the first step towards giving yourself the attention and comfort you deserve.

So what’s inside?
Mood, habit, and symptom trackers
Fun list templates
Reflective questionnaires  
Goal and activity planners
Adorable self care stickers
Countless self care and pampering tips

- Since the diary is 100% digital, you can re-use it as many times as you’d like. Either print it out and fill out the included tables and boxes on the document, or write on separate paper. You can also open the diary in your favorite photo editing software type on it there.


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