#healing journey


Everyday is a struggle and it takes courage and patience to get through it all. So, everyone out there, you’ve made it this far. You are brave and you deserve to get to a day where everything will be fine. 

 Hang in there, we can do it, I promise.

Midnight Prayers & Meditations Volume Two

The Lord has blessed me with much music for His glory through the risen Lord Jesus Christ in me. But He only directs me to publish what He wishes according to His plans and purposes.
It is as if the Lord uses each song or composition to teach me that not

Album 28 of Music Inspired by the Holy Spirit since 2013

Original Keyboard Instrumental Prayers Featuring the Various Instrumental Voices of Guitar, Strings, & Piano Solos Performed by Suzanne Davis Harden, through the Risen Lord Jesus Christ, Inspired by the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God the Father, In Jesus’ name, amen.

Midnight Prayers and Meditations, Volume 2, is the second chapter of…

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The Rabbit Writer

The Rabbit Writer~ I drew this whimsical rabbit writer several years ago when I was doing a lot of pen & ink work before I came down with the virus that caused my auto immune illness.

I drew this whimsical rabbit writer several years ago when I was doing a lot of pen & ink work before I came down with the virus that caused my auto immune illness.In those days I drew and painted or wrote incessantly; from the time I woke up until I went to bed at night.Like the rabbit character in the illustration I was always thinking of something to draw, write, or create.I was certain that…

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Practicing Isa, practicing ice

In the area of Altay, Siberia, where I live nowadays, in the wilderness of mountains, on the banks of frozen river Katun, all has stopped for now. The frosts have come, long nights and silence woven from cracking sounds of wood burning in pechka, dog’s breath, wind blowing outside. Slowed down, stopped, quiet. But it’s not a blockage or challenge to overcome - like rune Isa, drawn as a simple vertical line, if you turn it horizontally becomes a way, a bridge between two sides, the space between two dogs sitting at night on your porch.

I descend in winter, I’ve no obligations to be creative, to prove myself or be ready for the next step. The winter teaches me to be fully present, listening, seeing, feeling to develop clarity, exploring the fullness of meaning. It’s an inner creativity, nature moving through me.

I put rune Isa in the foundation of my daily practice. Isa - translated as «ice» which is the most musical, powerfully rezonant structure you can find in nature - bears presence, stability and clearity.

Every moment, every day we become stronger and able to surrender so we open a way for a spring, new birth, metamorphosis hidden during winter in slow purification of elements.


Developing your psychic\intuitive abilities is a process of healing yourself.

Your natural state is openness and being psychic is your right, as a right to live fully and express yourself without fear, being sacred and unique.

You’re wrapped in the history of humanity, of linegues and families, timelines with their lessons and pain. That shapes the form of trauma you are carrying. Every of us contains humanity inside, there is no way to escape, only to go deeper. You’re here to heal. Yourself. Every moment. Through changing thought patterns, choosing heart, choosing your highest path, your gift and mission, your sorevernity and power, choosing to remember and be brave. Yes, it needs a lot of bravery to start healing.

Your psychic nature is opening like a flower when your trauma is identified and approached with respect as an unavoidable part of human condition. Your psychic\intuitive abilities are awakened when you start embodying your true nature - healing, loving, open.

Spiritual responsibility.

Inner child.

Flower blooming in the midst of winter.

Dancing with spirit, in the moment.

We’re there, right in the doorway of a new era - Aquarius time, 5-d Earth, new evolutionary sequence. That’s completely okay to feel lost now, to allow yourself experience grief and sadness. It’s a way to go through the corridor between yesterday and tomorrow.
Process your feelings. They’re the way.

Past and future dancing on the same string, chalices up and hall is crowded with people, but there is always someone in the corner, turning chalice down, because there’s so much going on, because feelings and memories of the past are lingering around asking to sit with them.

Take a sip, the pain, the sadness, emotionally deep, looking in dark water. Stay there for a while. Time is coming. It’s already here. You’re blessed to live it.

Emerging from your feelings, from the silence of your empty chalice.

Sacred Sun, the closest to us light form, the expression that our soul chooses to create in this life. It’s a sacred form of self, a church you enter to celebrate the connectedness of everything, expression of the frequencies of stars and histories of planets in your being. It holds your unique story.

In wholeness,

shadows merging with light,

free yourself from the clothes - the armor you wear to protect ego.

Find yourself in the moment where the darkness is contained in the light, so you’re safe, protected by the wisdom of your soul, and now you can calmly observe - past traumas, self-neglect, anger, feeling weak, feeling not enough, fear and loath - they can be fully expressed now and accepted - so you will step into the fullness of your self, naked, as there is nothing to hide.

It’s a revolution, new sequence, wide view, authentic expression of your self.

Find the words to say, connect with your subconscious through dreams and synchronicities, dance, move your body to open up and release past traumatic memories, get lost in nature and mirrors people around are holding for you.

Enter that inner church, light up the candle of your sacred sun.

With Chiron turning today direct in Aries we’re open to new possibilities in our healing process, able to access deep memories, rising from fragmentation into wholeness.

This is a moment where our agreement to go further matters, where we decide if we’re ready to descend into darkness, to accept what we’re going to find there; if we’re ready for metamorphosis and expansion.

The darkness is visibly fearful and hard to be discovered, it needs time, quietness, calmness to open to you the secrets, path, new territory.

Fear is a bandage on your eyes, a mechanism to hold you from reaching wholeness, it’s compartments, rooms, ideas, expectations.

Healing is about saying yes to the darkness, unknown, bringing light to the abandoned places, a calmness of warrior and openness of the child.


You can.



Manifest completely new.

This is a healing journey,

there is always a wound, fear is wrapped even in the most shining smile. Your childhood can be an imprint of the main themes in your healing journey - this is a time when we can see deeper, when we’re wise enough to open for any experience and craving for teaching, no matter how harsh, horrible it can be, our soul is fresh with the memory of why we’re here.

So we’re ready to go - passed unnoticed to the adults, words and actions towards us as children can stay with us for years, mirroring in various difficult experiences.

Inner child

That’s all held in our inner child, the first sparkle of our personality free from conditioning by education, family, social groups etc., widely open for life and its experiences as they are, full of play, creative fire and ability to accept and give love. It’s the most clear imprint of our soul.


Trauma shadows the inner child, making him\her retreat into the deeper parts of the psyche, he\she isn’t a warrior at all, so quietly slides inside, leaving vague memories.

When we approach the trauma - see it, starting to descend into it, slowly healing, the inner child is coming further.

Things that can bring the trauma into the light:

*** meditation and relaxation through any kind of technique that help your body and mind to open up and release stored energy of the wound,

*** setting intention that you’re ready to reveal your wounds and start healing can be a great deal, it’s a kind of signal you’re sending to your conscious mind at first and then letting this intention go, forgetting about it, you allow your unconsciousness connected with cosmos to start working on it,

*** focusing on the things that can point to your wounds:

  • natal chart (look at Pluto, Chiron, Lilith)
  • evaluating repeating negative patterns in your life, your blocks
  • going to see your parents or staying with them for a while (the last thing is advised if you want no less but enlightenment)
  • reflecting on the relationships with people closest to you,

*** trying to reconnect with your inner child - dance, sing, embrace your creativity and try to see how your inner child responds to that, eventually you can even write a letter to yourself as a child.


Healing is a slow process of opening up to the trauma, letting wounds to be revealed, accepted and healed. There is no specific time, pace, process to do that. It’s like letting the flower bloom, not trying to open up the petals, eventually ruining the natural process. That flower is your inner, truest teacher, eventually it makes us grow, teach us love, compassion, understanding, let our souls evolve.

Explore. Reframe. Embrace healthy conflict. Celebrate that value is in your effort, only that matters.

In this moment, I am thinking of you and for the first time I don’t feel sad. I feel as if you’re with me.

-Samantha Camargo

It’s one thing after the other

and life doesn’t feel real.

It feels like I’m constantly

struggling, pushing myself uphill,

but I can make it through this.

I can and I will.

-Samantha Camargo

If you want to heal

you have to work on it day by day

instead of pretending everything is okay.

-Samantha Camargo

I didn’t know how much longer

I could put on a “strong” face

covering up my pain

then you held me

and I fell apart

in the safety

of your arms

-Samantha Camargo

You gave me a space

where I could break

and I could ache

without looking at me

like I was broken

-Samantha Camargo

Who told you flowers are beautiful and weeds are a sore to the eye? Who told you bugs are disgusting, but not the butterfly? The flowers are welcome, but not the dirt. Do you know how hard it is to feel love when you’re hurt?

-Samantha Camargo

We’re taught to care more about appearances than how we feel and so we focus more on an illusion than what is real. We stay on the surface instead of going deep to heal.

-Samantha Camargo

If you struggle trusting men and money. Or you find it hard to create structure and stability for yourself:

It might be the father wound. Here’s more:


I pack it all up in boxes

I lug it from place to to place

It weighs down on my spine,

The toll this life will take.

Our lives are packed in kindling,

The world will take its tithe,

We wait in silence together

For the match to strike the grease

I can’t remember sunshine

My hurts cast too long a shade

What’s it like to drop my defenses,

Leave my hurts, erase my hate?

I want to know the feeling,

But I’m scared of what I’ll find

Will this really feel like freedom,

Or just another shackle bind?
