#futhark runes


Practicing Isa, practicing ice

In the area of Altay, Siberia, where I live nowadays, in the wilderness of mountains, on the banks of frozen river Katun, all has stopped for now. The frosts have come, long nights and silence woven from cracking sounds of wood burning in pechka, dog’s breath, wind blowing outside. Slowed down, stopped, quiet. But it’s not a blockage or challenge to overcome - like rune Isa, drawn as a simple vertical line, if you turn it horizontally becomes a way, a bridge between two sides, the space between two dogs sitting at night on your porch.

I descend in winter, I’ve no obligations to be creative, to prove myself or be ready for the next step. The winter teaches me to be fully present, listening, seeing, feeling to develop clarity, exploring the fullness of meaning. It’s an inner creativity, nature moving through me.

I put rune Isa in the foundation of my daily practice. Isa - translated as «ice» which is the most musical, powerfully rezonant structure you can find in nature - bears presence, stability and clearity.

Every moment, every day we become stronger and able to surrender so we open a way for a spring, new birth, metamorphosis hidden during winter in slow purification of elements.


 This is my latest work on the runic illustration series. This is my interpretation of Isa I associa

This is my latest work on the runic illustration series. This is my interpretation of Isa I associate her with the goddess Skadi. I see her inside big ice block ,or maybe in frozen river waiting to be awake . Or maybe waiting stand still hunting.

Post link

First Aett

  • Feoh - Cattle, wealth, money, a fee, beginnings, formation, creativity 
  • Ur - Wild ox, untamed strength, perseverance, healing 
  • Thorn - Thorn, magical protection, a protective barrier, Thor, creative energy 
  • As - Mouth, god, divine power, divine breath, stability 
  • Rad - A journey, wheel, motion, riding, moving forward 
  • Ken - Torch fire, knowledge, illumination 
  • Gyfu - Gifts, talent, partnerships, balance 
  • Wynn - Joy, success, prosperity, harmony

Second Aett

  • Haegl - Hail, formation, binding magic 
  • Nyd - Need, necessity, binding magic, constraint 
  • Is - Ice, immutability, binding magic, static time, delays 
  • Jera - Harvest, completion in the proper season, the natural order is maintained 
  • Eoh - Yew, bow, defense, sacrifice 
  • Peorth - Dice cup, secret, divination, fate 
  • Elhaz - Elk, power in defense, protection 
  • Sigel - The sun, lightning flash, light, success, victory, happiness

Third Aett

  • Tyr - The god Tyr, justice, sword, power 
  • Beorc - Birch, growth, fertility, purification 
  • Ehwaz - Horse, change, transformation, movement, bonds, partnerships, travel 
  • Man - A man or woman, a human being 
  • Lagu - Water, fluidity, the flow of life, accepting the ebb and flow, increase and decrease 
  • Ing - God of fertility, expansion 
  • Odal Inheritance, possessions, home, material wealth, connections with family 
  • Dag - Day, light, illumination, balance of polarities, protection from harm

Update on content and focus

I was going to upload a daily tarot as much as I could remember but it looks like I won’t be doing that, but I will be posting lots of spreads like the year spread and the new moon spread.

Now, what’s with all the tarot?

So basically, I’m focusing on tarot at the moment and concentrating on learning to read the cards without having to refer to a book. I’d love to do intuitive readings as well but I need to better connect with the cards and get to know them more before I can do that properly. So that’s my focus currently, I’ll be posting other stuff too, just less of it. I’m doing a ritual soon with my moon water from this last full moon, I’ll post about that, I’m gonna attempt a sort of anti-anxiety charm vial whenever I can get some vials, and I’ll post that too, but it’ll mostly be tarot. Might also do some information type posts about Tyr, Loki, Thor, and maybe some others, but again, not for a while as I’m focusing on tarot.

Thanks for the patience, thanks for the support.

Virgo new moon spread

The Hermit

  1. The Empress (reversed)
  2. The Chariot
  3. The Son of Cups (reversed)
  4. The V of Pentacles (reversed)

Interesting tarot spread

Ok so this post is sort of two things at once, it’s the first look at my new deck! It’s a really interesting spread I just did as well

three tarot cards in front of the rest of the deck fanned out upside down

The past card is the Mother of Pentacles (practicality, creature comforts, financial security), the present card is the Death card (and of a cycle, beginnings, change, metamorphosis), and the future card is the Daughter of Pentacles (dreams, desire, new opportunity). This was a little unexpected, getting a court card, then the death card, and then another court card from the same suit is very unusual but it’s also very easy to read in a way. I’m not going to do a breakdown of the meanings because it’s quite a personal thing but I thought it would be interesting to post

I got a new tarot deck!!

(Technically my sister bought it but like, with my money) I got the wild unknown tarot deck and oh my gosh!!! Ok so the deck cost about £22.30 which is about $27.42 (USD) which at first I thought was a lot but now seeing it, it’s probably worth more than that. It’s a really beautiful deck, the packaging is very professional and aesthetically pleasing, the guidebook is an actual book instead of a flimsy booklet and the cards themselves are sturdy and easy to read. While I would recommend getting a cheaper deck as your first deck, this an incredible set and could be used as a first deck thanks to the detailed guidebook. A solid 10/10. I’ll post some photos soon but I want some time to connect with the cards before anyone else sees them.

Daily tarot

Today’s card in the King of Swords

I’ve never drawn the King of Swords before! I spent today giving information and all that stuff. Pretty accurate actually

Daily tarot

Today’s card is the Ace of Swords!

I wasn’t entirely expecting this card, having said that, my ability to think and get stuff done today has been good, so it does still apply to today

Tarot card readings!

Ok, so, I don’t have my own tarot deck because I’m broke (I’m gonna get one soon, I actually have enough money atm) BUT I have a tarot app called Golden Thread Tarot that does tarot readings, so I’m going to screenshot my daily readings and post them here! I hope y'all… appreciate it? I don’t know. Also, the app is rly good and I would deffinatly recommend it. (There’s also an actual deck of the deck in the app that you can buy, I want it. It’s beautiful.)

Today’s chard is the IV of Wands!

Considering that it’s the card of the home, it’s very fitting as I’ve really enjoyed being at home lately. Feeling very homely. And wholesome. All that.

Hi! This is a nice surprise…

So, turns out this blog has gotten popular out of blue and has gotten nearly 600 followers in about 2 moths, so I just wanted to say thanks! And hello to all new followers! I have some other blogs if you want to check them out:

Art account: @art-imitated-life-once

Personal/random blog: @louis-therouxs-left-nipple

Aesthetic blog: @xyesterdays-feelingsx

I don’t have a lot of time at the moment so I won’t be posting a lot, but will occasionally post things like spells, hacks, ideas, experiencing, and that kind of thing. I’m about get my new book of shadows properly started, and I’ll post things about my progress with it once I get started (I probably won’t post photos of pages because a witch’s book of shadows is a very personal thing, but I’ll post about it. You can expect post within the next week. Thanks guys!

Thurisaz tattoo

I did a stick and poke of Thurisaz (Thor’s rune) and it turned out ok. It’s a bit squint on one end but that’s ok. (The photo is from when it was fresh, it’s healed now)

(The photo is from when it was fresh, it’s healed now)

My Book Of Shadows

The book I’m using as a book of shadows (currently) is just a standard A6 notebook so I’ve been looking for a better notebook, then I remembered that I got a really cool sketchbook for my 8th, 9th, or 10th birthday (can’t remember which) and I could totally use it as a book of shadows.

It’s made by a company called paperblanks, who make really good notebooks that are great for using as a book of shadows. They have some really cool designs

Rune burning

Just a quick tip/idea, when I have an event coming up, I write down the runes I want to have an effect on the even and make it more successful, then I light a candle and burn the runes, which releases the energy. For example, I have exams coming up so I burned Thurisaz (for Thor’s strength) and Dagaz (for success and achievement).

Super simple and quick.


I have enough money in my bank account to get the rune stone set that I really want… But thats pretty much all the money in my account. Should I????

Starting out in witchcraft

I’ve been asked a lot of questions by people who are interested in witchcraft but don’t know where to start, and I gotta say, it is super difficult to figure where the best place to start is, and so I figured I would make a post specifically for those baby witches who aren’t sure where to start


The most important part of being a baby witch is research, but theses such a huge amount of information out there that it can be difficult to know where to start. The easiest way to do it, and the way I did it, is by just starting with what drew you to witchcraft. I was drawn to runes initially so started researching runestones and divination, which is how I got into tarot and everything else came in turn. Even if what drew you to the craft is something as superficial as fashion, you can still research where those fashions came from. Question everything. You see lavender is used in a spell? Research why. You see that a certain colour of candle works better in a spell? Research why. You see a sigil? Find out the origin. Someone gives you a tip on the internet? Do background research into what they said. Never just blindly follow what someone says especially if you’re going to use it in your craft. Make sure you know exactly what everything is, means, and where it came from before using it in any capacity. The better informed you are, the more likely good things will come from your craft.

Book of Shadows and Grimiors

Keeping a book of shadows or a grimior (or both) is a great way to record your research. Its important not to get caught up in the way your book shadows looks. Of course if you want to make a beautiful book of shadows then that’s fantastic, but if a page takes you so long to write that it’s hindering your research, then I would consider keeping both a book of shadows and a grimior. A grimior is purely for information, facts, spells, etc… a grimior is worth taking time over. A book of shadows functions more as a journal. For writing personal experience, notes, etc… I keep a very messy book of shadows in a plain notebook that I just write whatever in. It has no kind of order to it all, and I suspect no one can read it but me. I also keep a grimior in a beautiful leather bound notebook that I bought in italy and I write in it in neat and specifically stylised writing that is easy to read. Infact, I also have a separate tarot journal. Having both, I find, puts less pressure on academics.

Start simple

Don’t expect too much too soon. I wouldn’t recommend diving right into complex spellwork. If you’ve just started, there are probably things you don’t know about casting spells that are important to keep you safe, and you haven’t had the time find your energy and how to focus it to the best of your abilities. Give yourself time to figure out what you want in your practice rather than diving into one specific path. And absolutely don’t work with the fae straight off the bat. Bad idea. Bad. Don’t do it. Do your research. I also would recommend getting a feel for the practice and for what you want from it before committing yourself to a deity/deities. Again, give yourself time to figure out what path to take. It’s totally ok to change your path along the way. If you initially decide to be a green witch but change your mind and opt for cottage witchcraft, that is totally ok. Changing you path even when you were absolutely certain, is absolutely fine, even if you’ve been on your initial path for years (even decades). I haven’t decided a specific path at all yet, so I’m currently an eclectic witch, but that may, and is likely, to change

It’s important to remember that every witch’s path is different. Gatekeeping is a big problem in the community but don’t allow people to tell you that you have to be born into a family of witches to be a witch. It’s a practice, not an inherited gift or race.

Tbh this post isnt complete and I’ll continue to add to it very time as I think of things

Witchy planner for 2020!!

I saw a planner on tiktok that someone was recommending, and it wasn’t too expensive so I went ahead and bough it and it’s so cool!!

It’s called the Coloring Book of Shadows Planner for a Magical 2020, it cost £13.15 ($17.22) from Amazon

[NOT MY PHOTO] [found it on google]

It has a page for a tarot card for every month, it has information about how to use the planner within your practice, a wheel of the year, a seasons wheel, zodiac information, retrograde info, moon phases info (and moon phases calendar), stuff about chakras, divination, scrying, the basics for spell casting, a page to write you intuition for the coming year information on the different full moon, good spells to cast at certain times of the year, and of course, a month by month planner with space to write plans or thoughts for everyday.

Personally, I’m only using it to write events that are relevant to my practice, but you can use it like a normal planner too. I also noted down all the retrogrades for this year in the moon phases calendar.

I love this planner because I often forget things like retrogrades, full moons, important days to cast specific spells on, even sabbats. I don’t have a very good memory for these things so having the planner has already been really useful and I’ve only had it for 2 days! I’m also writing all of it as neatly as I can because like a book of shadows, it’ll be fun to look back at it in the future. Usually my handwriting wouldn’t be at all legible. (Infact I’m writing all of it in cursive with a fountain pen bc I’m a nerd).

I may even start writing my daily tarot cards in it!

I love this planner and would definitely recommend it to any witch, but especially if you tend to lose track of time or have a bad memory. (Or if you just like to be organized)

One of the best things about this planner is that the whole thing is also a coloring book!! All of the artwork is black outlines so that you can color it however you want! I think it’s super cool. It’s also very relaxing to color.

i’ve been having a lot of fun reading for members of discord servers, and irl friends, so why not read for strangers too? 

i’ve been reading runes for over a year and i’m fairly confident in my skills (though i do misread things sometimes so if your reading doesn’t resonate i’m truly sorry), so if you want a reading here’s how you get one:

1. head over to https://uraniaswrld.tumblr.com/ask 
2. fill out the following:
first name/ nickname/ title (anything that you identify with is fine)
question/ theme of the reading (or if you just want a general reading say that)
discord username, if you don’t use discord then send me a message on tumblr, and i can get it to you there. you need to send ME a message first though, since this is my secondary blog.

the only thing i won’t really read for is if you are asking me to do a reading about another person who hasn’t consented. i’ve done a lot of readings regarding ancestors, and general advice readings, but i’m down for anything; my technique is basically the same for most readings.

let me know if any of this didn’t make any sense, i feel like i may have been confusing, but otherwise i can’t wait to read for you!
