

So. The more I watch this show, the more I’m convinced that John and Dorian’s relationship is similar to Hank and Connor’s. Chemistry is very powerful.
Does this scene remind you of anything?

They also are in the car together

There is also something like Eden Club where people can rent sex-bots.

I also love how Dorian says: I’m here because I need you, without you I wouldn’t be here. You’re lucky I love this job so much. Connor said something similar to Hank too: I need you, Lieutenant. I can’t be here without you. When they’re at the crime scene or at Hank’s house.

I also like when Dorian wakes up and says to John: You have excellent indicators.
And John told him: upgrade your base.
It was very reminiscent of the conversation between Hank and Connor at Chicken Feed, when Connor told Hank about Hank’s past achievements.

Detroit Become Almost Human

The first episode of Almost Human. And oh my god! Now I know where David Cage got his inspiration from! There are so many parallels to be found! John Kennex is practically Hank Anderson, only younger, he is very reminiscent of Nick Mann from Blue Steel.

The resemblance to Hank is striking: both are decent cops, reliable, calm, although they sometimes show aggression, but nevertheless, they are worthy guys. They have some issues and tragedies in the past, sometimes show impulsiveness and a skeptical attitude towards androids.

However, even the setting is very similar. God, even the police station looks a lot like Hank’s.

Dorian and Connor have more differences, but nevertheless, the similarities are just as obvious: both are state of art models. Although Dorian’s model’s gone out of production, he is still a very expensive model, with some glitches in the system such as emotional outbursts.

Although Dorian initially tells John that he is different from other androids in that he can feel from the start, this is more like a deviation. He’s curious, constantly getting on John’s nerves the way Connor got on Hank’s, constantly violating his personal space and commenting when he wasn’t asked, while John keeps trying to shut him up, to no avail. It’s practically the beginning of Hank and Connor’s relationship! And at the same time, these two manage to become friends almost by the end of the first series.

Hank didn’t care about androids until he met Connor, John didn’t care about androids until he met Dorian.
(to be continued)❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Oh dear Lord
Just look how small Gavin looks beside Hank!
Hank could knock him out in one punch like he did Perkins

I still love this gif. This world needs more young detective Hank Anderson and his obsessive fan/partner/journalist/choose it yoursel Connor, who is in love with him and always gets on his nerves trying to get more attention.

I decided to watch this series. And my God! Dorian and John Kennex are practically Connor and Hank! And people ship them too, he-he

❤️I Love You’s❤️

I’m sure it’s Connor who will initiate all the “I Love You’s”.

Hank will most likely need time to get used to the fact that so much love is showered on him every day. He’s not used to being pampered.

At first he will blush and look very embarrassed, but in the end, learn to accept all “I Love You’s” and say them himself, although from Connor all these “I Love You’s” will still be heard more often. It doesn’t really matter to Connor to hear Hank’s answer, he already knows how much Hank loves him, but he really likes to talk about his love to Hank every day.

The only times Connor holds back is at work. But even there, he always finds time to stealthily whisper “I love you” in Hank’s ear at least a few times during the working day. Also, for some reason I think that Connor will add “my life” to “I love you”.

I Love You, My Life.

Because… Hank really is his life, his everything.

The sweetest artist is tanio⭕️ (@nio33379651) / Twitter

Okay, but what if Hank is supposed to befriend Connor? Just imagine how an eccentric hard-boiled police Lieutenant is looking for an approach to his new partner, although he himself does not like it very much.

(although, how about the option with Connor, who was in love with Hank and was his fan for many years, but tried to suppress this teenage passion, becoming a workaholic who couldn’t even look at other men. And when they were made partners, he could barely hold back the desire to fall on his knees and suck Hank’s dick off behind a mask of pomposity and aggression?)

Just an AU in which it’s Hank who gets on Detective Connor’s nerves. Imagine that they are forced to work together, and Connor is very unhappy with this, since Hank has not been in the best shape in recent years. But gradually, during work, they get closer, Connor gets to know Hank better,

and understands that he is actually a wonderful person, a bit grumpy, but a sweet softie inside. They work together on one big case, relieving each other’s tension in Hank’s bed mostly (sometimes in Connor’s), and at the end of the case, realizing that they are irrevocably in love.

Priest Hank x Demon Connor.

A request from someone from twitter. I am going to try some other posing later)

Again with this demon AU. And in this AU, Connor is the one who falls madly in love with the demon Hank and wants him for himself.

And how about they are both witchers?

Connor would be a good witcher, but still young and inexperienced, with a ton of enthusiasm and impudence, tho! Hank could be his mentor (or someone Connor admired ) for example, he would be the one who knew Connor as a teen and saw how he survived the Trial of the Grasses. Hank has been killing monsters for years, Connor is a newbie, but they somehow meet and never part again.

In their tandem, Connor is the one who says “yes” but does the opposite. Hank will freak out and swear, but deep down he will admire Connor. Connor will also do risky things. And he will succeed, but there will be consequences. And Hank will swear again, like “damn, I told you! I told you! Fuck, Connor!”

But when Connor gets into trouble, Hank will defend and shield him in every possible way. And then Connor seems to be pulling Hank out of several near-death situations with his risky, sassy nature. And Hank will, of course, praise him, but also say something like “KNOW THAT I STILL DON’T APPROVE, but okay, you’re cool and no one has the right to say otherwise.” And Connor be likeHank’s praising me, now it’s definitely time to start trying to ask him out. (Of course, he did this before, flirted and so on, but now he can do it more actively).

And of course, after traveling for a while together, they decide to settle somewhere safe and love each other every day.
