

More of Witcher AU. Hank looks like wichers should look in reality, supposedly calm, balanced, respectful and even noble. It fits him so well!

I don’t really like Geralt and Yen’s love story, but I really like the concept of the love relationship between the witcher and the sorcerer. Hank fits to be a witcher, a handsome man, he would be incredible as well as Connor as a sorcerer. I think their story would be just charming.

I think their story would be just charming. I see them traveling together because they prefer never to part after becoming lovers. Only for a short time maybe and due to some circumstances, and then reunite.

I think in the end, they would settle down somewhere in a cozy safe place and would spend days and nights with each other.

I wanted Bunny Hank on a bike, I made itYup, I think it’s hot. And I know I’m right❤❤❤❤

Am still learning, have problems with the light, but…
It looks already a bit better❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
(can’t wait to get Hank a dick)

Thanks a lot @apathetic-roombas for help!


Connor is a hugger, but only if it comes to Hank. Connor loves to cuddle or rather, he really likes to hug Hank. Touch him as often as possible. But Hank in this case is more, shall we say, shy.

He was not used to such attention and affection, so Connor gradually taught him to open up again at every opportunity and was very happy when Hank finally began to take the initiative himself.

At first, it was Connor who always hugged him first when, for example, they sat in the evenings on the couch watching TV. He put his head on Hank’s knees or shoulder, almost purring with pleasure if Hank wove his fingers into his hair, sometimes he sat on his lap (and then the evening often turned into a hot passionate night), very often Connor just took Hank by the hand, absolutely unashamed of this and was always ready to demonstrate that Hank is his man, his beloved, lover, partner, comrade - his whole life, although he tried to restrain himself at work.

And after a while, Hank became bolder, hugging Connor himself while they sat on the couch or when they walked. Not a day goes by that they don’t hug. Even when there is too much work, Connor always finds time to briefly cuddle with Hank, leaning to him with his whole body, because only Hank’s touch is pleasant to him, only without his hands he cannot live a day.

And for Hank these hugs became necessary as air.

The artist is https://twitter.com/N_nokeo

Gavin:*yawns* Shit I need coffee

Rk900: Being pretty must be tiring.


Rk900:So why are especially You always tired? I should be the one needing coffee.

*Rk900 knocking on Gavin’s frontdoor*

Gavin, *opening it*: What do you want Tincan?

Rk900:May I come in?

Gavin: May you come in,- my ass!



“What is needed for a fight between two people?”

Normal person: Person1 & person2, a subject they are arguing about, a bitchy attitude, –

D:BH fandom, thinking of Reed900:Lubricant.
