



Asdfjfks all I did was look at some concept art and think “oh I bet that place would exist in the Devildom” and now all I wanna do is destroy my hands and mind with trying to come up with locations in the Devildom that are outside the main city ahahaaa (๑꒪̇⌄꒪̇๑)

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Mom, I want Satan for Christmas ☃️

Am I the only one trying to shift to the Devildom? xD


Am I the only one trying to shift to the Devildom? xD

update on my shifting experience

I’ve been trying different methods for two weeks and none have worked.

Last night I accidentally ALMOST shifted. I did it through a lucid dream.

In my dream I suddenly remembered how I’ve been trying to shift and I quickly thought of one of the characters from Obey Me, which happened to be Lucifer. So I started calling his name, in that moment I felt like it would be a good way to concentrate on the character and get involved emotionally with my DR (Devildom)

And then the dream I was in, faded away and I felt this STRONG INTENSE PULL on my whole being, man.. I panicked -(even though I tried to stay calm and kept telling myself that it’s worth it and it’s gonna be so much fun)-, I thought maybe the result wouldn’t be pleasant since I was shifting while panicking, so I woke up.

That’s it for now~ ^*^

If you’re a Demon lord with neverending family issues who like to participate in dance battles for potential good treatment at the end only to reward said treater and tend to posses weird tendencies to kiss humans whom you’re not even officially dating and later on compare them to your dead sister, may I ask if you’re free on February 14th?
