#dick gryason

Batman #40Dick swtiches places with Bruce.Batman #40Dick swtiches places with Bruce.Batman #40Dick swtiches places with Bruce.

Batman #40

Dick swtiches places with Bruce.

Post link

Warnings: Language, angst, Dick is a real asshole here folks

Pairing: Wally West x Batsis! Reader

Masterlist Part Two

Word Count: 3K

Check out my pinned post if you want to be on my taglist!

A/N: Look who’s back! About two months later and I am here to collect tears and revel in everyone’s pain. You all have Fish to thank for this by the way. 


You and Dick stared each other down. Having grown up together, you knew all his tells and ticks and you could tell he was pissed. You couldn’t be raised by the World’s Greatest Detective with nothing to show for it. 

Dick’s fingers tapped the table as his eyes refused to leave yours. Any other person would think that Dick was fine with his laid-back posture, direct gaze, and his signature smirk on his face. But you knew better. His steely gaze held you trapped in the chair you sat on, and you could see he was biting his tongue because his jaw was so tense. 

“Are you gonna sit there and stare or actually say a word or two?” 

Dick’s façade broke for a second before he huffed a laugh and leaned back in the chair. 

“What do you want me to say?” his eyes flit to the door that had someone waiting behind it, Dick just didn’t know who. 

“Oh, I don’t know,” you shrugged. “Maybe a ‘Gee sis! I’m glad you found someone that makes you happy!’ or a “Holy Boyfriend Batman!’ or a sign that you are the least bit happy for me?” 

Dick sighed, of course, he was happy for you. All he wanted was for you to find someone who loved you for who you are and treasure you like you should be. It’s just, he knew no one was ever going to be good enough not for you and not by his standards. 

He’s watched you get your heart broken more times than he could count, hoping to shield you away from the pain of loving someone only for them to not love you back. His biggest worry was that you would fall completely in love, only for the person to decide they didn’t love you anymore. 

“I’m happy.” 

You pursed your lips. “Yeah, I can feel the excitement just roll off you.” Looking out the window to your apartment, you sighed. “Do you at least want to know who I’m dating? Maybe that will put your mind at ease?” 

“Sure, bring him in.” 

“I’m not gonna bother asking how you knew he was behind the door.” 

Dick laughed for the first time since you told him you have a boyfriend. “Maybe because we were raised by the same guy, and observe a lot more than the average human should?” 

You rolled your eyes and stopped by the door. “Just promise me you won’t freak out?” 

Waving his hand with a huff, Dick looked around. “Who said that I would ever–” 

Dick’s words were cut short by the sight of the guy who walked through the door. Immediately his playful attitude changed and the air got tense again. Didn’t he just fucking say the day before his sister was off-limits?

“What the fuck is this?” 

“Now Dick–” 

“Oh don’t you ‘Now Dick,” me.” he snapped. “What the fuck Wally!? My sister!?”

Wally shrunk back slightly from the volume of Dick’s voice. “I know. I know you said your sister was off-limits, but–” 

“I swear to God if you say you two were already dating I’ll–” 

“You’ll what Dick?” you frowned. “Murder your best friend? Yeah, because that’s a smart idea. Kill one of the only people who can stand to be around you.” 

Dick’s face got hot, clenching his fists, he stared you down. “We need to talk. Now.” 

Wally moved to open his mouth before Dick held a finger out to stop him, his eyes not leaving yours. “Alone.” 

With a sigh, Wally let your hand side out of his before dropping his head. “I’ll uh, I’ll just be outside okay?” he said. “Just holler if you need me.” 

“Alright,” you smiled, watching him walk out the door not immune to the burning of Dick’s gaze in the back of your head. 

The room was silent for a moment as Wally left, neither you nor Dick saying a word. It wasn’t until you were both sure that he was out of earshot did you finally turn to look at him again. 

“I told you not to date my friends.” 

“I clearly didn’t listen.” 

“Yeah, because that’s your forte.” 

“You’re one to talk Mr. I’m Going to Run Away and Not Tell Anyone and Go Make Myself a Fucking Team Because My Dad Hurt My Feelings?” 

“You followed me two weeks later!” 

“Because no one else was going to drag your stupid ass back home!” 

Both you and Dick were in each other’s faces now. He was being ridiculous, Wally was his best friend. Why was he so against you dating him?

“I thought you’d be happy for me.” 

“Yeah, until I realized you were dating Wally.” 

Crossing your arms, you tilted your head. “And what’s so bad about that exactly?” 

Dick clamped his mouth shut. He’s known Wally for years, and he’s seen him with every other girl he’s dated. Some of them ended mutually, but Wally was known for being a bit of a player jumping from one person to the next, just trying to have fun while he could. 

It’s not that Dick hated him for that, he was glad Wally was getting to be a normal adult in a sense with the superspeed and all. But he didn’t want his sister getting roped into it, and getting her heartbroken because his best friend couldn’t be satisfied. 

He couldn’t tell you that the guy you were dating was one of the best people he knew, but was also an asshole at times. 

“Wally isn’t good for you.” was all he managed to say. Dick couldn’t break your heart, but he also couldn’t let his best friend break it either. He wasn’t sure if he could forgive him for that, especially after Dick told him to stay away from you.

You scoffed. Dick has the audacity to tell you what was and wasn’t good for you? His track record of relationships wasn’t exactly the best, but you didn’t say something to every other person he tried to date.

You respected his decisions, so why couldn’t he respect yours?

“If it’s my approval you want, I’m not giving it,” he said. “I never wanted Wally to date you and I still don’t. You want someone’s approval, go ask Barry or something.” 

Without saying another word, Dick walked out the door passing Wally as he made his way to the exit. Not sparing either of you another glance, he left slamming the door shut behind him.

Turning to each other, you gave Wally a look. “I think he took it well,” 

Wally huffed a laugh and walked towards you. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “He’ll come around, it’s Dick. He can’t stay upset for long.” 

You buried your face in his chest and heaved a sigh. You hoped he was right, Dick was known for his dazzling personality and quick ways to forgive but you knew how he could hold a grudge. Not many people knew just how mean Dick could be, and how petty he acted when upset. But that was because he never let anyone see that side of him if he could help it; an act he perfected at a young age.

“I love you Y/N,” he said into your hair. 

“I love you too, Wally.” 


Like you feared, Dick didn’t come around to the idea of you and Wally as a couple. You couldn’t blame Wally for having faith in his best friend not being an asshole, but you knew Dick. It took him a while to let things go. 

Walking into the meeting room hand in hand with Wally, you looked around to see every other member of the Titans there: Roy, Donna, Garth, Kori, Rachel, Garfield, and even Kyle decided to stop by. Of course, a few people were missing, but they were all adults by this point with lives of their own. Not everyone could just drop what they were doing to come to a team meeting. 

However, it was the person sitting across the room from you that caught your attention. Dick was sitting so still that you almost didn’t notice he was there. You caught the way his gaze was lingering on yours and Wally’s joined hands, and immediately you gripped Wally’s hand tighter. 

Narrowing your eyes, you glared at Dick as if daring him to say something in front of all these people. It had been a week, sure he didn’t approve but you thought he would have been past this behavior by this point. 

Not bothering to say a word, Dick got up and walked out of the room. 

Everyone watched as he left, aware that something had happened but only Roy knew what was wrong. Giving the two of you a side-eyed look, he watched as your expression faltered before putting up the signature Wayne smile and beginning to greet everyone around you. 

Wally stayed rooted to his spot, crossing his arms over his chest. Catching Roy’s eye, he knew he needed to do something. As much as you said you didn’t need it, not having Dick’s approval was eating you up on the inside. 

Wally knew how close you and Dick were, but this level of protection was getting ridiculous. 

Barely able to listen to the meeting, Wally sat by your side deep in thought. He didn’t really miss anything that important, and he had you to fill him in on things he missed. His thoughts were occupied by the conversation he was going to have with his best friend. 

Once the meeting was over, Wally kissed your cheek. “Hey, I’ll be right back. I’ve got some things to do before we head home okay?” 

Looking up at him as he stood, you nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you back at my place.” 

Wally gave you one last kiss before walking out of the room. 

Be right back, my ass. You knew better. Wally couldn’t pull anything past you, you had one of the sharpest minds in the world, second only to Bruce, and Dick. You knew he was going to do something, and you had a really good guess as to what it was. 

Getting to your feet, you quietly followed Wally as he made his way down the hall no doubt in the search for Dick. Making sure to keep your steps silent, you watched as Wally poked his head into the room and sighed before entering it. 

Quickly, you ran over and sat outside with your ear to the door listening in on their conversation. 

“Dick, you nee–” 

“I don’t want to do this right now, Wally.” Dick interrupted. 

Wally crossed his arms with a frown. “No, we’re doing this now. Can’t you see what you’re doing is hurting Y/N?” he said. “You’re right, we were already dating when you told me that she was off-limits. But what was I supposed to do? I already knew I loved her by that point.” 

“You’re one to talk about love.” Dick scoffed. 

Dropping his jaw, Wally looked at his friend in astonishment. “Okay, first of all, who pissed in your bat-cheerios this morning? Was it Condiment King?” 

Dick didn’t look the least bit amused at his comment. 

“Second of all, you can’t even pretend to be happy for her sake? Forget about me, you’re seriously going to brood every time you see one of us because God forbid we do something you don’t approve of?”

Again, Dick stayed silent. 

Wally frowned. “And you say you want to be nothing like Bruce.” 

At that, Dick finally looked at his friend with a look strong enough to make anyone cower. Wally had to stop himself from visibly flinching at how angry Dick looked, yet another thing he inherited from Bruce. 

“Fine. You want to know why?” Dick snapped, rising to his feet to stare down his friend. “How about we go ask every ex of yours that you dropped and see what they have to say.” 

“Y/N isn’t like any of those girls, I know what I feel for her is real, Dick.” 

“You once said that about Linda and Artemis.” 

“I was a teenager Dick! Are you really going to hold that against me?” 

“When it comes to my sister, yes!” 

Wally walked up to Dick and glared. “Why don’t you say what’s really on your mind Dick? What’s the real reason you don’t want me dating Y/N?” 

“Because I don’t fucking trust you with my sister!” Dick shouted. “There! I said it! Is that what you wanted!?” 

Wally was stunned into silence at Dick’s honesty. Did he really feel that way about him? Surely there was no way Wally had that bad of a record with women that Dick refused to let him date you. 

Stumbling back a step, Wally blinked slowly. There were only a few times he had seen Dick this angry, this expressive with his anger but none of them were aimed at him. Being on the receiving end of it scared him, he could see why the rogues of Gotham and Bludhaven were scared of Nightwing. 

Taking a deep breath, Wally chewed his lip. “I’m sorry I made you feel that you can’t trust me with Y/N, but I’m not sorry that I fell for her. I can’t just change how I feel because you don’t like it. I knew you could be an ass at times, but this is a whole other fucking level Dick.” he spat. “If you’re going to make me choose between our friendship and my relationship with Y/N, you can forget we were ever friends in the first place.” 

You heard footsteps walking towards the door and quickly you ducked into a nearby closet, making sure to keep the door cracked. 

Watching through the crack in the door, you watched as Wally slammed the door open and walked down the hall most likely in search of you. 

It was only a few moments later you saw Dick storm out and go in the opposite direction. If he wasn’t so pissed, he probably would have noticed you were snooping around. 

Finally, alone, you slumped to the floor and stared at the boxes across from you. Dick really didn’t trust Wally? Did he think you needed to be protected that badly that he was willing to throw away more than a decade of friendship? You commended Dick for his big brother instincts, but you were a grown adult. He couldn’t be making these decisions for you, but you couldn’t just stand by and watch the two closest people to you suffer because of a choice you made. 

After a moment, you rose to your feet and walked out of Titans Tower and down the street to your apartment. The possibility of Wally already there and waiting for you was high, your stomach twisting into knots at that thought. What were you going to say to him? The second you walked through that door it’d be obvious you were bothered by something. Wally didn’t have to be a detective to figure out how much you probably heard.

The walk home was quicker than you wanted, not giving you much time to figure out what to do. It was your own damn apartment, and yet you couldn’t convince yourself to open the door and let yourself in. 

Maybe it was because you were scared of the condition you’d find Wally in. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door only to be thrown into a tight hug from your boyfriend. 

“Where the hell have you been? I thought you went straight home!” Wally held you tightly to his chest, checking you over for any injuries. “You weren’t mugged or anything?” 

The overprotective, worrying boyfriend as always. 

Shaking your head, you looked at the ground. “No, I just– I had something to take care of before I came back.” 

Glancing around, there was a box or two hidden away full of Wally’s things. Amongst all the drama, you forgot that Wally was going to move in with you. Even after what you heard, Wally was still planning on staying with you. 

Wally could see something was wrong, cupping your face he made you look up at him. “Babe, what’s wrong?” 

Looking into his eyes, you could see the concern. How could he care so much for you after the ultimatum Dick gave him? No matter what option you took, someone was going to get hurt. But if Dick was happy and Wally kept his friend, you would make the decision for him. 

Grabbing his wrists, you pulled his hands off you and stepped back. “Wally, we can’t keep doing this.” 

“Can’t keep doing what? Babe, you aren’t making any sense.” 

“Us. We can’t do this, not if it means you lose Dick.” 

Recognition flashed across Wally’s face as he dropped his head with a sigh. “You heard everything, didn’t you?” 

You nodded. “Wally–” you swallowed back the lump in your throat. “If we do this, we’ll both lose him. I know Dick, he isn’t going to let this go any time soon.” 

“Y/N, if I hurt you he won’t forgive me,” he said, trying to pull you closer to him. 

“I know,” you muttered. “That’s why I’m breaking up with you.” 


“Wally, please.” you pleaded, stepping back again. You couldn’t look at him, the second you do you would be pulled back in and have to start this all over again. “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.” 

Staying silent, Wally just stared. You were serious, you were breaking up with him to save his friendship with Dick. 

“Y/N, this whole self-sacrificial bullsh–” 

“Dammit, Wally! Can you just do what I fucking ask and get out of here!?” you shouted. “Leave! We’re over, this is it so you can stop trying to change my mind!” 

Walking past him, you shrugged off his hand that tried to stop you. 

“Just get your stuff and get the fuck out of here.” 

For a while you heard nothing, but then there was the quiet shuffling of feet and cardboard before hearing the door click. Turning to make sure Wally was gone, you finally let the tears fall you’ve been holding back with the choked sobs. 

Wally was gone, but it was better this way for everyone. Right?

@catxsnow@niggxrette@subtleappreciation@littleredwing89@offendedfishnoises@batarella@restwellsoon@clamityganon@river-bottom-nightmare@screennamealreadyused@woahaybird@illzarr@sambucky8​ @sadlyreagan @alienstardust​ @staryflyer-104 @sladewilson-deathstroke @kiwijulia@urlocalpari


Look i don’t read dc comics but from what I’ve learned from others…. This person is 100% correct

[Captions: Look I really love both Marvel and DC and uh I just- I really feel the need to get up on this platform that I have and say that: Damian Wayne would beat the actual fuck out of Tony Stark… And I live by that

End captions]

I’m sorry, but any Robin would turn Tony into a tin can. Like yes, Tony has a cool suit but this man doesn’t know enough self defense to stop literal ninja children.

Dick would use his agility to outmaneuver Tony and kick his ass.

Jason would use his street smarts and common sense to kick his ass.

Tim would hack into the suit so he can kick his ass.

Stephanie would use her quick wit and intellect to out sass Tony and still kick his ass.

Damian will use ever resource he has to kick his ass.
