#digital painting


Well well well, if it isn’t #marchofrobots again. I’m feeling a bit more motivated this year but keeping expectations for myself low so I don’t burn out. Wish me luck Here’s a propagation buddy featuring some oregano

I had the lovely opportunity to help out on We Baby Bears~ You can catch the show on Cartoon Network as well as Hulu+ and I think Amazon Prime?? These are from “Fiesta Day” More to come as episodes air. Special thanks to @mellydraws@vallschwarz and the rest of the team for having me!

To you and your loved ones Also if you, like me, procrastinated with your holiday cards and are planning on sending them out post-holidays, I’ve got packs of these up in my store~ Link below. The physical cards won’t say they’re from me, of course lol


Started this a few months back for Mermay but never finished it.

Season’s grievings

Backgrounds from Infinity Train episode “The Pig Baby Car,” featuring J. K. Simmons as the giant pig baby. I definitely impulsively made brownies while working on this episode haha

Revamping my old OC, Alpha! Or Alfa? I wanted to make a webcomic when I was in highschool and she wa

Revamping my old OC, Alpha! Or Alfa? I wanted to make a webcomic when I was in highschool and she was my main protagonist. I believe she belonged to a family of five? And that she’s half Japanese but her profile may be consideree being white? (I hope i used the right term waaa). She also loves makeup and hates the world I also believe that I was able to show my old sketch of her before! In a notebook with detailed background. Also swipe to see the version without no bangs! (And can i just say thaT IT TOOK ME ALMOST A WEEK TO UPLOAD MY REQUIREMENTS FOR MDVIDEO IN OUR DRIVE !!! And my bigsky is !!!crappy!!! #MassPromotionNowCSB char) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_KsjRTjcVe/?igshid=1jw7va7y8y2za

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Vampiric red I had a thing for white haired girls with red garments Now i think im fond of vampire r

Vampiric red I had a thing for white haired girls with red garments Now i think im fond of vampire related stories Swipe to see what the before/original artwork looks like! To think I wanted that to be the final piece. I knew there was something when i actually posted that first so I had to delete it right away! I think I mentioned this before but it helps when you take a day or days off away from your artwork to know what you wanna add ❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-40zsqjrDS/?igshid=ebmwyxbuotvm

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A request by @valryntine to practice my coloring! For those whove seen this on my tw, yess i did som

A request by @valryntine to practice my coloring! For those whove seen this on my tw, yess i did some tweaks to make it more appealing! Bc there was sth lacking before. Ive also watched a ted talk about art and they said that if you could look at your art after x days then youd know if you need something or not! Speaking of twitter They locked me out >:^(( So i cant post the before pic huhu https://www.instagram.com/p/B-zS43Ljm51/?igshid=1oc8hhjw9d8um

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Senyo Requested by @cramdaman ! I wanted to do some studies on coloringg using mixer brushes for the

Senyo Requested by @cramdaman ! I wanted to do some studies on coloringg using mixer brushes for the first time! I asked people to give me their OCs so they could help me out w my studieisisiss o whateva https://www.instagram.com/p/B-qXRwbDjHb/?igshid=n1wh32q49bc4

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Joyeuse Saint-Valentin !

Happy Valentine’s Day

This year I went with a James Bond and Moneypenny illust from ‘From Russia with Love’ film

Finished my vampire illust

Here s the full version, and video of the making of the illustration!

Keep reading

Bonne Année Lunaire !

Happy Year of the Tiger.

My bro is a Tiger on the eastern zodiac so I asked him what he wanted me to paint, he asked for his character and here it is ! ✌️

hello my lovelies, commissions are open!

I hope this comes to your interest ❤︎

further information on my carrd
