
This Vassal has got your backprobably

This Vassal has got your back


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I’ve been a casual fan of the Disgaea series, and the more it’s gone on, the harder it’s been to figure out the timeline. But after a few hours of thinking, I think I’ve got the hang of it. I think. (Please don’t hate. Constructive criticism, sure, but not hate)

Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He is wearing a binder that buttons in the middle of his chest, and though it mostly disguises the shape of his chest there's still a distinct curve to him. It is beige, with yellow stitching in the patterns of roses, and covered in black stains. Big Star has a rose petal in his mouth, and another resting on his chest.ALT
Master Big Star from Disgaea. He is drawn in the style of Rose of Versailles, with his hair blocked in black with a lot of curls and volume to it. His visible eye is wide, a sparkle in his otherwise black iris. He is slightly smirking, eyebrows arching down.ALT
Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He's grinning with closed eyes, holding up his hand as he does an anime-style dignity laugh. There are sparkles and roses around him.ALT
Three grayscale images of Master Big Star from Disgaea. In the first, he is a young child with short hair and a big smile, wearing a plain dress. He has a headband with three roses on, and also a visible tail. In the second, he is a teenager with slightly longer hair. he wears a red jewel around his neck on a pendant, and a more frilly dress with a leather corset over it, as well as dangling suspenders. His right eye is noticeably danmaged and lacks any shine to it, and he no longer has a tail. He is scowling. In the third, he is in his canon design as a young adult. He smiles, raising a hand to gesture breezily. His wings curl over his torso like a cape.ALT
An edit of a screencap from Revolutionary Girl Utena to be Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He stands with a serious expression, sparkling. There is a rose pinned to his breast. In the foreground, partially out of view, there is a red flower in a vase.ALT
Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He is wearing low shorts and a binder, and has knuckles wrapped in bandages. He has a bellybutton piercing. He is punching the palm of his left hand with his right fist.ALT

a collection of master big star scribbles from the last few months because this sparkly man is so transgender and so consuming of my thoughts

Master Big Star from Disgaea 3. He has a warm expression on his face, visible cheek rosy and lips curled up in a cute smile. His left hand rests against his chest, while his right is extended to hold out a rose. Behind him is a field of matching red roses, and rose petals are floating through the air. The sky is bright with yellow lighting, like early morning.ALT

it’s been a year since I drew my first Master Big Star. and so I redrew him to celebrate. I love him ✨

makai-tsuki:Once again,happy new year!


Once again,happy new year!

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Here’s the Zombie boy, Zed!!Disgaea 6 is looking pretty amazing. Shame I won’t get to play it anytim

Here’s the Zombie boy, Zed!!
Disgaea 6 is looking pretty amazing. Shame I won’t get to play it anytime soon, lol
OH well.

Brushes and the textures used in the background, are Not owned by me.

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makai-tsuki: from disgaea’s discord pt.1 NOTE: THIS IS FROM DISGAEA RPG,NOT MAKAI WARS! makai-tsuki: from disgaea’s discord pt.1 NOTE: THIS IS FROM DISGAEA RPG,NOT MAKAI WARS! makai-tsuki: from disgaea’s discord pt.1 NOTE: THIS IS FROM DISGAEA RPG,NOT MAKAI WARS! makai-tsuki: from disgaea’s discord pt.1 NOTE: THIS IS FROM DISGAEA RPG,NOT MAKAI WARS! makai-tsuki: from disgaea’s discord pt.1 NOTE: THIS IS FROM DISGAEA RPG,NOT MAKAI WARS! makai-tsuki: from disgaea’s discord pt.1 NOTE: THIS IS FROM DISGAEA RPG,NOT MAKAI WARS! makai-tsuki: from disgaea’s discord pt.1 NOTE: THIS IS FROM DISGAEA RPG,NOT MAKAI WARS!


from disgaea’s discord pt.1


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★ disgaea 3: absence of justice ★★・。・。☆ like or reblog if u save ★・。・。☆★ disgaea 3: absence of justice ★★・。・。☆ like or reblog if u save ★・。・。☆★ disgaea 3: absence of justice ★★・。・。☆ like or reblog if u save ★・。・。☆★ disgaea 3: absence of justice ★★・。・。☆ like or reblog if u save ★・。・。☆★ disgaea 3: absence of justice ★★・。・。☆ like or reblog if u save ★・。・。☆★ disgaea 3: absence of justice ★★・。・。☆ like or reblog if u save ★・。・。☆

★ disgaea 3: absence of justice ★

★・。・。☆ like or reblog if u save ★・。・。☆

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Disgaea 2 Taro and HanakoI really wanted to draw an older Taro being we already got an older Hanako.Disgaea 2 Taro and HanakoI really wanted to draw an older Taro being we already got an older Hanako.Disgaea 2 Taro and HanakoI really wanted to draw an older Taro being we already got an older Hanako.

Disgaea 2 Taro and Hanako

I really wanted to draw an older Taro being we already got an older Hanako. I also decided to draw Majin Hanako to have more of Etna’s figure because if you look at her concept art she looks maybe a couple years older not 10! 

I find her little sprite from the game more intimidating that what she’s actually supposed to look like.

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Disgaea OC LaurelDaughter of Laharl and Flonne. Half Angel, half Demon, princess, big sister.Weapon Disgaea OC LaurelDaughter of Laharl and Flonne. Half Angel, half Demon, princess, big sister.Weapon Disgaea OC LaurelDaughter of Laharl and Flonne. Half Angel, half Demon, princess, big sister.Weapon Disgaea OC LaurelDaughter of Laharl and Flonne. Half Angel, half Demon, princess, big sister.Weapon

Disgaea OC Laurel

Daughter of Laharl and Flonne. Half Angel, half Demon, princess, big sister.

Weapon forte: Gun, Bow, Spear

I made this character around 10 years ago when Disgaea 4 was released. She’s gone through so many design changes, with her current design having been flushed out and completed only a couple months ago. I think she has a good balance of Laharl and Flonne in her.

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Some more Disgaea fan art. Between the release of Disgaea 6 and my current obsession with playing thSome more Disgaea fan art. Between the release of Disgaea 6 and my current obsession with playing thSome more Disgaea fan art. Between the release of Disgaea 6 and my current obsession with playing thSome more Disgaea fan art. Between the release of Disgaea 6 and my current obsession with playing thSome more Disgaea fan art. Between the release of Disgaea 6 and my current obsession with playing thSome more Disgaea fan art. Between the release of Disgaea 6 and my current obsession with playing thSome more Disgaea fan art. Between the release of Disgaea 6 and my current obsession with playing thSome more Disgaea fan art. Between the release of Disgaea 6 and my current obsession with playing th

Some more Disgaea fan art. Between the release of Disgaea 6 and my current obsession with playing the mobile game Disgaea RPG I’ve been a mood to draw these characters. For my rambling and a small bonus drawing click below. 

First off Sicily and Hanako cooking together. These two would make adorable besties or be like a Flonne/Etna 2.0 but there’s surprisingly no official artwork of them together(at least none that I know of) even though they have to be living together after the events of Disgaea 2.

I drew Maharl in more of the Disgaea/Takehito Harada artstyle. It was interesting to learn that she wasn’t an anime original character and that she was thought up of during the development stages of the first game. Drew her next to Sicily for a comparison of Laharl’s 2 sisters.

Like with Gordon and Jennifer I drew Almaz and Sapphire as angels after they die. Sapphire gave me a lot of issues with her pose and things so I hope she doesn’t look to awkward. I tried to make the fur on her look like feathers on her angel form and tried to incorporate some of her Hero design from Makai-Wars in her. Felt I could of done more for Almaz.

And then final a delinquent angel Raspberyl. I drew her next to OG and Xeno Raspberyl for a comparison in height, body, and personality.

These were all really fun to draw and I hope you other Disgaea fans like them too! I’ll Have another wave of art for this series coming out so the ideas are still flowing! 


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Disgaea baby dumpI present Adell and Rozalin’s son who I don’t have a name for. It was fun combiningDisgaea baby dumpI present Adell and Rozalin’s son who I don’t have a name for. It was fun combiningDisgaea baby dumpI present Adell and Rozalin’s son who I don’t have a name for. It was fun combining

Disgaea baby dump

I present Adell and Rozalin’s son who I don’t have a name for. It was fun combining their designs.

Mao and Rasberyl’s daughter. I can’t decide if she should be Strawberyl or Mulberyl.

And finally Zed and Melodia’s daughter Em. Don’t know if zombies can even have kids in this series but I don’t care!

I did make a demon and angel pair of twins for Valvatorez and Artina but I’m not to fond how of how their designs came out so I’ll keep them to myself for now.

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(something witty about sardines)

(something witty about sardines)

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felt like posting these on here because I don’t post enoughfirst one is a meido beryl gift for @rosefelt like posting these on here because I don’t post enoughfirst one is a meido beryl gift for @rose

felt like posting these on here because I don’t post enough

first one is a meido beryl gift for @roselletroches and the second is pram in summerwear because I want makai kingdom PC ;_;

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nonomononano:Disgaea Succubus for Rae’s birthday! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Disgaea Succubus for Rae’s birthday!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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This week’s drawing is an Hour of Darkness fanart because I’ve been having fun with Disgaea PC

This week’s drawing is an Hour of Darkness fanart because I’ve been having fun with Disgaea PC

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Finished Prinny PackDood. Dood! DOOD!I am so ECSTATIC about how this bag turned out. Yesterday I finFinished Prinny PackDood. Dood! DOOD!I am so ECSTATIC about how this bag turned out. Yesterday I finFinished Prinny PackDood. Dood! DOOD!I am so ECSTATIC about how this bag turned out. Yesterday I finFinished Prinny PackDood. Dood! DOOD!I am so ECSTATIC about how this bag turned out. Yesterday I fin

Finished Prinny Pack

Dood. Dood! DOOD!

I am so ECSTATIC about how this bag turned out. Yesterday I finalized with the contact cement on the outside of the leather, as well as attaching the belt and little suede strips. Overall it’s SUPER comfy to wear and it holds weight pretty well! I’m so excited to use this as a con bag in the future lol.

First I’ll be making two more packs for @Bloomerumi and her hubby, and then I’ll be taking nice photos to put them up on Etsy. If you’re interested in getting your own Prinny pack, I’ll be doing a max of 3 packs at a time! Also you better check out Bloomerumi’s Prinny Kigu and get the total combo ;D

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Prinny Pack WIPThe last couple of nights I did a huge amount of work! The inner layer is made of craPrinny Pack WIPThe last couple of nights I did a huge amount of work! The inner layer is made of craPrinny Pack WIPThe last couple of nights I did a huge amount of work! The inner layer is made of craPrinny Pack WIPThe last couple of nights I did a huge amount of work! The inner layer is made of craPrinny Pack WIPThe last couple of nights I did a huge amount of work! The inner layer is made of craPrinny Pack WIPThe last couple of nights I did a huge amount of work! The inner layer is made of craPrinny Pack WIPThe last couple of nights I did a huge amount of work! The inner layer is made of craPrinny Pack WIPThe last couple of nights I did a huge amount of work! The inner layer is made of cra

Prinny Pack WIP

The last couple of nights I did a huge amount of work! The inner layer is made of craft interfacing lined with a nice SKULL pattern. The outside is pleather vinyl from Empire Fabrics. To help keep those inner seams down while I put it together, I actually used contact cement! It takes less time to cure and is effective at holding everything down. The most tedious part is all the outside seams are hand-stitched through the stitches to keep the two bodies together. Once I re-do the outside layer (which was an inch too short), put in the magnets, and make the skull, I’ll have a basically done bag.

Again this was inspired by Bloomerumi who is making her awesome Prinny Blooms! Once I’ve finished the matter, I’ll be offering these bags in different sizes on my #Etsy store. This sized bag, depending on lining choice, will come out to about $115 before shipping.

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Prinny Pack WIPDOOD I did some pretty great work last night getting the first sewn draft together! WPrinny Pack WIPDOOD I did some pretty great work last night getting the first sewn draft together! WPrinny Pack WIPDOOD I did some pretty great work last night getting the first sewn draft together! WPrinny Pack WIPDOOD I did some pretty great work last night getting the first sewn draft together! WPrinny Pack WIPDOOD I did some pretty great work last night getting the first sewn draft together! WPrinny Pack WIPDOOD I did some pretty great work last night getting the first sewn draft together! W

Prinny Pack WIP

DOOD I did some pretty great work last night getting the first sewn draft together! Wanted to test the stabilizer and figure out how I wanted to sew the entire thing together before doing a full test with the pleather. After doing my math on my craftfoam draft to know what to cut, I prepped with heavy craft interfacing as my liner, and then linen as my outside testing.

I was worried that the interfacing wouldn’t hold shape/weight as well as it could, but I also did a double test with stitching down the fabric excess which really helped keep the box shape. When I do it in full I’ll most likely use contact cement to hold it down versus sewing it because hand stitching will take 5ever. One nice technique I used that I picked up from doing corsets was using a blunt needle to weave between the interfacing and the linen shell, to make sure it holds tight. I’ll prob add some excess fabric glue as a JIC in the final product to hold it all together, but it makes sure the seams are lined up.

One more piece goes over as the total shell, but I wont be making it for this draft. I think I’m simply ready to test a belt method, and then make my own pack!

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Prinny Pack WIPIn tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could wPrinny Pack WIPIn tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could wPrinny Pack WIPIn tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could wPrinny Pack WIPIn tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could wPrinny Pack WIPIn tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could wPrinny Pack WIPIn tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could wPrinny Pack WIPIn tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could wPrinny Pack WIPIn tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could wPrinny Pack WIPIn tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could wPrinny Pack WIPIn tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could w

Prinny Pack WIP

In tandem with Bloomerumi getting her Prinny Bloom ready, I asked to see if I could work with her to make Prinny packs! This weekend I did my first draft of the pack for sizing- first with poster board, and then craft foam. These packs will also be for sale once I’ve finalized my drafts!

Figuring out the sizing was interesting as I wanted to try out multiple sizes and strapped them to the belt. Whats interesting is the pack changes friggen design from pic to pic so I’m doing a sort of combined estimate. The final package will be lined with heavy interfacing, full vinyl leather, an embroidered skull over a magnetic purse snap, and lined with multiple options for fun.

The idea is that I could offer three different sizes for people who may want to order a Prinny Pack: the Fanny, the Pack, and the TOTE!

#cosplay #cosplaywip #bloomerumi #disgaea #prinny #prinnypack #cosplayprop #bag #fannypack #wip #cosplayprogress #progress

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Angel Etna from Disgaea

Angel Etna from Disgaea

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* Call in a mid-battle delivery.

* Call in a mid-battle delivery.

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