#disney cruella


just wanted to say that i hope everyone who finds cruella evil for rightfully punishing a woman who murdered her mother in cold blood, tried to murder her twice, and exploited every person she came into contact w has a horrible day <3

my thoughts on cruella’s prospective development/plot for cruella (2021) sequel

so i’m basing things on the statement above from the director and everything i’ve learned and analyzed from the first film, of course. as we know, cruella is self-destructive to a detrimental level. that is, she will do things she knows cause her great harm and it all stems from a self-hatred she’s yet to escape from, even upon the finding that the baroness murdered her mother. as we know, the voiceover takes place as cruella stands over estella’s “grave” aka after every event in the film besides her and the gang driving to hell hall. in this voiceover, she still discusses her mother’s death as partially attributable to her, unfortunately. “let’s skip past the part where i killed her.” though it had once seemed like cruella had gotten past that blame when she’s shown saying “it wasn’t my fault,” the chronology attests that a bit of regression has taken place and that’s understandable given the sheer level of trauma she had to endure.

by the film’s conclusion, cruella is not stable whatsoever as she’s still grappling with the weight of what coming into her true self means- as we saw in the monologue, she faces inner turmoil between embracing herself and how she perceives that to be letting down her mother- and not everyone around her is exactly the most supportive given their continual discussion over “missing estella.” point being, this instability only deepens the chasm in which self-loathing can accrue for her.

as i’ve been over in other posts, cruella’s intentional creation of an evil public persona is both her most notable advantage in that she has effectively created a shield between her and the rest of the world that she is weary of but it’s also her most notable disadvantage because the creation of this persona will lead to a massive amount of hatred from the public. by crafting a (FALSE) narrative tor herself that has the masses believing she brutally murdered and skinned three dogs, she is bound to be despised because to the outside world, that is the “real her.” only she and those close to her know that she’d never do such a thing and that the persona is all a facade: antithetical to who she actually is as a person. essentially, she wants a way to protect herself from a society that’s been cruel to her for all of her life but the way she chooses to do this is one that she knows will bring her immense and likely unbearable amounts of pain.

cruella isn’t going to want to stop at the tale of her skinning three dogs. knowing she has an ever expanding platform, she’ll amplify the narrative and this is where an homage to the original 101 dalmatians could come in. essentially, i think she, with anita’s help, will plant a story in the press that supposedly identifies her as the killer of that many puppies/dogs and it will somehow tie into a fashion show of some sort. after all, i reckon that as the empress of what’s emerging to be the world’s most prominent fashion house, she’ll want the house of de vil to make an unforgettable debut and an apparent murderous origin from a whole line of clothing- or perhaps one massive statement piece- would do just that along with her other momentous goal to have the world hate and fear her in equal proportion such that no one can get close enough to hurt her again. with nearly unlimited access to resources now given her acquired wealth, she’ll be able to keep upping the antics, making her persona more and more formidable.

in reality, the so-called “murdered” dogs will be rescued by her and heaven knows there’s enough room to tend to a large amount of dogs in her mansion. anyway, the point is that the amount of hatred she’ll be mailed with from what could very well be millions of people if the story goes global, as i have no doubt would happen with that kind of thing, will destroy her confidence and self-esteem. it’ll make life miserable for her. yes, she knows that isn’t who she is, but to be treated LIKE she’s a heartless killer by everyone and to have to play that role to the media perpetually…i couldn’t even begin to imagine the kind of toll it would take on her, but i know it would be agonizing.

in a way, this would devastatingly further subvert her entire journey thus far, which has already been alluded to with her directly stating she’s begun to play a role for the media. “but people do need a villain to believe in and i’m happy to fit the bill.” she’s gone from having to hide under a feigned submissive personality trait- who she was as estella- to a brief time period where she could be fully herself to the outside world without being notoriously known as a killer and then directly back to having to project a fake persona, only this time, it isn’t a demure woman. it’s that of an absolute monster who murdered dogs.

the increasing trauma will likely become more and more debilitating to her as she won’t be able to even show her face anywhere without being met with loathing and contempt by all who recognize what i call the anti-cruella aka the fake version of her she’s procured to keep people away. as such, in her efforts to fend off the outside world, that world will swallow her whole with its resentment of “her” due to the method of defense through deception she utilized. therefore, as the director said, she’d be destroyed as in utterly damaged from worsening mental illnesses and in pain and this destruction will have aborned from within herself as she is the engineer of the anti-cruella persona.

all i can say is they better give my baby the happiness she deserves by the end meaning that they should write her to ultimately feel as though she doesn’t have to hide behind any personas anymore and can simply be herself: cruella de vil. a woman who isn’t always some ball of sunshine on the outside but is and has ALWAYS been an incredible person. someone who fights for justice unapologetically. a brilliant, creative woman who has and will continue to take the fashion world by storm. i want her to feel comfortable not having to put on a show of “sweetness” or one of a deplorable being to live in this society. her apprehension about this does NOT make her a bad person. she’s very rightfully afraid to be who she is because she knows society is cruel (“hello, cruel world”) and will misjudge her without even attempting to understand her but creating these personas are all just self-destructive measures that will do her more harm than good.

as a bit of a side note, the baroness could play into my aforementioned thoughts on cruella shedding her personas. cruella would of course need to show the public that the dogs are alive and well to prove that the evil persona was all fake. however, the baroness could complicate matters (after escaping jail given she still has a network of people who are loyal to her and just like her, they contribute to a corrupted justice system) by actually stealing the dogs and killing some of them, framing cruella and leading the world to believe that she’d lied and really was just a horrible person. if something like this were to happen, i’d hope that the truth would come out, that cruella’s name would be cleared, and that she could live happily and truly free from the confinements of living in the shadow of a fake version of herself.

cruella. deserves. to be HAPPY. the end.

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Hope you love these gorgeous things as I do because they are a fashion MUST.*

Thought these safety pins would add that perfect edgy avant-garde feel with a certain designer’s twist.

*Only ten available


I like to imagine Jasper sneaking and swiping some expensive makeup, like lipstick, eyeshadow, eyeliner etc., just for Estella (Cruella) cause he knows its her favorite and she always runs out of it.

“Oh-It’s for the-um- heist- yeah, I figured it would be great for your disguise!” He would try to lie to hide just how flustered he really is (also to get Horace to stop laughing at just how awkward he is around her)

Estella, ofcourse, is thrilled, nonetheless. Him being an adorable mess is just a bonus. ❤️

PS: Jasper and Cruella are TOTALLY the classic “alt gf and emotional support bf”


Jasper: Every time Cruella gets mad at me, I tighten the lids of all the jars in the house so that she has to come and ask me for help.

* the sound of breaking glass in the background*

Jasper: It hasn’t worked out yet
