#divine work


Tarot Reading

I did a reading for myself tonight, asking some fairly important questions about university.

I’ve applied to 5 universities, and gotten two offers so far from the English unis I applied to. I’m Scottish, so I suppose it’s basically expected of me to go to a Scottish uni for a few reasons but I have a conditional offer for Italian and Japanese at Leeds which is like.. a perfect mix of what I want now and what 10 year old me would fall in love with myself for.

I was applying for Italian and German but found out I needed a Higher German (which I don’t, I have Italian, Spanish, and French) but the university allowed me to switch my choice before they gave me an offer and since I had originally applied to Italian and Japanese (but later changed it to German to fit with my PS) it was some divine sign from the universe.

But I feel as if my mum and my family are trying to pull me closer to home. I’ve had so much pressure to go to a uni closer, even one I could stay at home whilst I study and I just… can’t do that. I want to explore and get out of my comfort zone.

I felt so anxious about my decision, so I decided to do a Celtic Cross spread to help find some clarity.

And boy… would you look at all those Major Arcana cards. In fact, the Ace of Pentacles in itself essentially set out the entire spread. It was a beautifully placed card in this entire spread, along with the King of Swords. In fact, I think all of the cards set themselves into place perfectly and I had very little trouble interpreting it for myself.

I love when things come together like this. It makes me feel so… whole.


*do not claim this specific spread for yourself. this reading was personal and tailored for myself. if you would like a reading, please message me and we can discuss pricing.




just because you call yourself an ✨eclectic witch✨ doesn’t mean you have the right to appropriate other cultures, steal from them, and hijack closed practices

This is in reference to Lilith, by the way… who IS closed..

Another so-called ‘eclectic wiccan’ was also weighing in on this conversation telling me Lilith isn’t closed and that her ‘Jewish friends’ and ‘local rabbi’ told her so. Uh huh…

(I’m not Jewish by the way, I just have some Jewish ancestry and have done a bit of research into Jewish witches. I’m not hugely educated on the topic, but I know Lilith is closed and is regularly appropriated by non-Jewish witches. Blogs like @ will-o-the-witch have a lot of info on this )

It’s always the eclectic witches

“An ancient culture I can’t recall rn” okay.

God they get worse

If a deity (I know Lilith isn’t a deity, but I’m just using this for ease and to generalise that this is information can encompass all practices) is part of a closed practice that you are not a part of and cannot BE a part of, such as, say, ‘Voodoo gods’ reaching out to you if you’re white, then I hate to break it to you, but that’s not a deity as part of that culture who is reaching out to you. It’s an entity that is doing this to try and trick you, and if you’re naive enough to believe something that is part of a closed practice you have no right to be in is reaching out to you, then the entity knows that you are naive enough to be hurt easily.

This is why I recommend all ‘baby’ witches and so-called ‘eclectic’ witches do a fair amount of research before worshipping or choosing to work with a deity. Personally, I had signs of Freyja reaching out to me for months before I decided for definite I would worship/work with her. This is because I spent that time researching Freyja, and asking other witches who work with Freyja what their experience is with her. I also asked Sól for guidance in this decision, because I wanted to be absolutely sure that it was Freyja who was sending me signs and reaching out to me, rather than an entity pretending to be Freyja who had the intent of hurting me.

TL;DR: if you are not Jewish and Lilith is ‘reaching out to you’ or you are communicating with Lilith, it’s not actually Lilith. You are being played.

Do more research.
