#do you think we’ll learn his last name


as for Alastor’s new look…

Okay so I slept on it last night and maybe—just mAyBe—I’d be okay with black trimmed sleeves instead of red, the change of the design on his shirt underneath, perhaps a shorter collar, or maybe slightly bigger antlers, but those are all the changes I can think of rn that I’d be able to cope with.

I guess I can see Viv changing his pants to black now that Charlie is the one with the full red on red pant suit—a solid red pantsuit…I feel like trading their pant colors is the only thing that’s going to keep viewers from going blind without making any other major changes to Alastor at this point.

But tbh other than Alastor’s obv perfection, I’ve always wished his staff was a little bit longer idk it always just seemed pretty short for his height? If his eyes ever changed like Charlie’s I’ll flip a mother fucking table Ik ppl are sick of red on red and heard complaints about them but I just love those crazed insanely haunting tones that also can hold this soft glow to them in his gaze just gAH LOVE IT

But on another thought, what if he was given a full sized rack?? NOT THAT RACK YOU PERVS!! But not a cartoonish one like those itty bitty twig branches we see growing in the art or comics or whatev but what about realistic antlers you’d see on a six pointer?

Like this……

Art credit: @yourseaola Twitter

(Ngl that is pretty attractive….)

Idk why everyone keeps saying they wanna know what he looks like with a mustache but I’d rather drink toilet cleaner so y’all just pls don’t jinx it and make an edit until then

What do you all think Alastor’s new look will be???
