#dog owners


Hey dog owners, be careful what you teach your dogs! You will never know the panic of peacefully listening to rain on a stormy night and being shocked out of it by desperate whining and scratching at your door at 1am. Before you can figure out what’s going on, your door slams open and really startles you, followed by a 30-pound lap dog that flops onto your clean laundry because he’s scared of rain. Moral of the story, dogs don’t need to know how to open doors! 

Helurrrved his doggie. 

Vincent had a dog. His name was Joe. 

One day Joe got into some legal trouble, and Vincey had to bail him out:


The caption (which is a little washed out) reads:

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 23 - ACTOR DEFENDS DOG - Actor Vincent Price thinks his dog, with which he’s featured, is “the world’s best dog…I love him so much I’m here to defend his honor against this charge.” The dog is charged with running into the street and upsetting a bicycle ridden by Charles F. Benjamin, 60. Benjamin is suing Price for $13,193 for a broken collarbone.


In 1961, Vincent wrote The Book of Joe: About a Dog and His Man. The book detailed Vincent’s love for animals of all creeds and colors, as well as some charming, endearing and touching anecdotes about his beloved doggie, Joe. 

In the beginning, VP writes (in a voice dripping with classic Vincent Price flair):

This is a tale of how I went to the dogs or, to be numerically correct, to the dog. Now please do not expect this book to end with a glorious proclamation of rehabilitation. Not a chance. After fourteen years I’m incurably hooked on, intoxicated by, and addicted to - my dog Joe.

You gotta admit: there’s just something special about a man who loves his dawg!
