#dolan fandom


Get to know me tag❤️

So I’ve realised that I’m nearly at 10k followers on my page and you don’t know anything about me! So here’s some questions for you to get to know me a little better

Are you a morning or night person? Morning

Are you afraid of the dark? No

Are you an extrovert or introvert? I’m not too sure

Are you double jointed? No

Are you left or right handed? Right

Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? Tidy person, unless it’s my bed side table

Are you on time or always late? On time

Are you ticklish? Very

Can you curl your tongue? No

Can you ice skate? Sort of

Can you wiggle your ears? No

Coffee or tea? Tea all the way

Cookies, cake or donuts? Cookies

Did you ever participate in a talent show? No I have no talents

Did you go to prom? I did

Did you like school? Loved it

Do you believe in ghosts? Yes I do

Do you bite your nails? Sometimes

Do you consider yourself a good cook? I consider myself a good baker

Do you enjoy dancing? Not at all

Do you enjoy DIY or crafts? Yes I love creative things

Do you forgive easily? Yes too easily

Do you have a nickname? Little Z or Zar

Do you have any allergies? Too many to mention, I am allergic to toilet paper tho

Do you have any phobias? Spiders, ambulances

Do you have any piercings or tattoos? I have 16 piercings and 2 tattoos

Do you have children? Nope I don’t but I want a baby

Do you have pets? Yes a cat

Do you have siblings? Yes 2 sisters

Do you prefer dogs or cats? Dogs

Do you prefer Mac or PC? Mac

Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? Beach

Do you prefer to bath or shower? Baths

Do you sing in the shower? Of course

Do you smoke? Nope

Do you speak any different languages? I took Spanish in school and I can speak a little

Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Haven’t had them come through yet

Do you still watch cartoons? Yes I do

Do you/have you played any sports? I use to be a swimmer

Does your name have a special meaning? Not really

Have you ever been hospitalized? Once for a couple of hours

Have you ever been on a diet? All the time

Have you ever been to a concert? I have a few

Have you ever gone camping? Yes with school and brownies

Have you ever met any celebrities? No I haven’t

Have you ever skipped class? Yeah RE all the time

Have you ever won something? Yeah swimming competitions

Have you had braces? Yes got them off last summer

How are you feeling right now? Tired

How tall are you? 5’8

If money were no object what would you get for your next birthday? A horse

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Maldives

Were you ever a scout or a brownie? Was a brownie

What city were you born in? Leicestershire

What did you last eat? Gummy worm

What did you want to be when you were younger? A nurse

What do you do on a typical Friday night? Chill in my pjs

What is one food that you refuse to eat? Brussel sprouts

What is one item on your bucket list? Have a family

What is one item you can’t live without? My phone

What is your shoe size? 8

What movie have you watched repeatedly? Anything disney

What phone do you have (Apple or Android)? iPhone 6s

What should you be doing right now? Coursework probably

What’s one goal you would like to accomplish this year? Carry on with my driving lessons

What’s one of your pet peeves? Loud eaters

What’s the last song you’ve listened to? Something from the greatest showman

What’s the most expensive item of clothing that you own? I don’t own any expensive clothes

What’s the thing you can’t leave the house without? My phone

What’s your best physical feature? My eyes or legs

What’s your Chinese sign? The dog? I think

What’s your current obsession? Capri suns and riverdale

What’s your dream car? Light blue Fiat 500 or a white Mini Cooper

What’s your favourite animal? Red panda, penguin, elephant

What’s your favourite book? I don’t read

What’s your favourite colour? Purple

What’s your favourite dessert? Brownies

What’s your favourite drink? Fanta

What’s your favourite food? Pizza

What’s your favourite foreign food? Enchiladas or fajitas

What’s your favourite gadget? My phone

What’s your favourite hobby? Swimming or photography

What’s your favourite movie? Anything Disney

What’s your favourite restaurant? Maccies

What’s your favourite sandwich? Chicken and bacon

What’s your favourite season? Spring

What’s your favourite series? Riverdale our friends

What’s your favourite snack? Biscuits

What’s your favourite sport to watch? Rugby

What’s your favourite thing to have for breakfast? Pancakes or crossiants

What’s your full name? Zara Lee Wooldridge

What’s your longest relationship so far? Half a year

What’s your lucky number? 7

What’s your star sign? Pisces

When is your birthday? 1st March

Which city did you grow up in? Leicestershire

Which city do you live in now? Leicestershire

I know the twins has been inactive later,but my opinion they need a break from social media. They need a break from making YouTube videos. They try their best to make us happy and they lose sleep because of us and some of us want more!!!!! What more could they give us,they have a life outside of YouTube. Let’s just pray that everything is ok. They wouldn’t want us to worry about them. I mean the surgery is probably a reason on the hold,but they need rest and everything else
