#dragon markers queue



The Education of a King.

This is all my Doomsday art, in case you don’t want to go hunting down all ten posts. Also I wanted to see all of them lined up. Not too shabby for only having had my iPad for a year!


Haven’t drawn any HTTYD in a while, so I figured I’d sketch one of my favourite scenes from book 12 :]


Some snotlout because he somehow became a comfort character?? Beloved boy? Skrunkly little shit?? I love him???

His proportions are a bit hard to fit into my style but i think I did okay? Oh well. Again it’s his Rtte design because that’s what I’m binging right now

Do NOT repost my art


A digital drawing of Dagur the Deranged from the How to Train Your Dragon franchise. He is wearing only tight black above-knee shorts. He stands with his arms crossed and glares in disdain off to his left, mouth agape.ALT
A digital drawing of Snotlout Jorgenson from the How to Train Your Dragon franchise. He is wearing an above-knee dress that has an asymmetrical black bodice and a flowy sage green skirt. He stands proudly with his right bicep flexed beside him and his other arm placed against his hip. His eyes are closed and he has a grin across his lips.ALT

couldnt find the motivation to work on these for some time so it took me ages to get around to them but they’re finally done :]

(i find it rlly funny that this is the first time i’ve posted snotlout yet my account is themed after him.. dont worry short king i promise to draw you more)


I love seeing other people’s takes on a genderbend hiccstrid but also is so weird because I’ve been stuck in the “fem hiccup” pit for years now, and I have very specific headcanons and ideas for her that when I see someone else’s idea on it that is diferent than mine Im always like “No, that’s not how it is, that’s not canon” for like 2 seconds before I remember that none of this is canon so ‍♀️‍♀️

Anyways Hiccup is taller than Asher and you can’t change my mind, and every time I see someone else’s fanart with Asher being taller I imagine he’s standing on a box or something like this is going on


It has come to my attention. That some of you. have not read the HTTYD books. Change That.

heres some book toothless doodles/design concepts, ik his movie counterpart is more popular but in the books he is just so funny. he reminds me of my cat i love him


a cropped panel from the How to Train Your Dragon comic "the serpent's heir". It depicts fishlegs with a poorly drawn face and snotlout next to him.ALT

the comics do my boy fishlegs sooooo dirty WHAT IS THAT FACE


ㅤㅤㅤㅤhow to train your dragon

my village. in a word, sturdy. and it’s been here for seven generations, but, every single building is new. we have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. the only problems are the pests. you see, most places have mice or mosquitoes. we have… dragons


If httyd wasn’t PG…. he really would’ve


“the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself”

bro its just a BIG CAT


Again and again, Hiccup was hauled back up through the trapdoor, again and again he was thrown into the sea- and each time he was left underwater for longer and longer.


“We’re just trying to keep him warm and alive,” continued the Wodensfang, “and scare away the winterfleshers. The Windwalkder is blowing air into him so he doesn’t drown.”


what’s your favourite horsegirl movie mine is how to train your dragon
