#this is amazing omg





Tommy gets jealous of H calling Tubbo his BFF 

Mr. Tommy “I’m not the clingy one” Innit, everyone

Tommy literally pauses, types that out, then go backs to talking like nothing ever happened- iMM-

this is amazing omgthis is amazing omg


It’s@aftgexchangetime!@buckywiththegoodhair gave me the prompt: Neil somehow always gets roped into team or friends costumes every year for Halloween, some Andrew doesn’t like and some he does.

I took that mixed it with those reaction photos in haunted houses and this is the result!


I love seeing other people’s takes on a genderbend hiccstrid but also is so weird because I’ve been stuck in the “fem hiccup” pit for years now, and I have very specific headcanons and ideas for her that when I see someone else’s idea on it that is diferent than mine Im always like “No, that’s not how it is, that’s not canon” for like 2 seconds before I remember that none of this is canon so ‍♀️‍♀️

Anyways Hiccup is taller than Asher and you can’t change my mind, and every time I see someone else’s fanart with Asher being taller I imagine he’s standing on a box or something like this is going on
