#snotlout jorgenson

hibiscus-hemorrhage: So looking through fanart I’ve noticed people having trouble with Snotlout’s nohibiscus-hemorrhage: So looking through fanart I’ve noticed people having trouble with Snotlout’s no


So looking through fanart I’ve noticed people having trouble with Snotlout’s nose so I thought I’d share the research I’ve done on the character’s facial structure. He just kind of has a box head with a button nose and the worst case of bedhead documented in human history. Also, he has giant eyebrows.

As for the body, I’m not one to police artistic license, but if we’re going to be accurate he’s been built like a brick shit-house since he was 15 and looked like the buffest 10-year-old. I like to hc him as kinda squishy in the middle, those arms look more like strongman or powerlifter muscles than vanity stuff (”I can throw an entire sheep” VS “look how chiseled I am”). I’m 90% sure this character was never meant to remain full-body on screen for more than 0.2 seconds in his first 2 models because those legs are nothing short of horrifying. The RTTE model appears to have made his head and nose significantly bigger and his ears a bit smaller.

I’m not gonna watermark this, all I did was redline some screenshots and make some pointers. I can’t find a really good reference for his teeth but the left front tooth is slightly longer (as is the case with many of the characters) and appears to be pretty spaced from its neighbors(The RTTE model does not seem to display this) and he’s missing his right canine.His bottom teeth are pretty messed up, too. He’s also got these oddly specific moles that appear even on the simplified RTTE model at times but I don’t bother adding those because it looks weird in my style.(left on chin, right near corner of mouth/on cheek, and one between his collarbones) Here’s what he looks like without a helmet, if you’ve never seen it.

So yeah, uh, Snotlout reference post I guess. I’ve drawn him so many times it’s like second nature and I still keep a google tab open sometimes. Go draw a Snooter.

Post link


Snotlout: I failed my safety training course today.

Hiccup: Why, what happened?

Snotlout: Well one of the questions was “In case of a fire, what steps would you take?”


Snotlout: Well apparently “FUCKING LARGE ONES” isn’t an acceptable answer.

Tuffnut: “Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge” - Charles Darwin

Snotlout: What the fuck? Begets isn’t a word. Quit trying to make up words, fuckface.

Snotlout: Ew. What kind of tea is this?

Astrid: I boiled gatorade.

Snotlout: I failed my safety training course today.

Hiccup: Why, what happened?

Snotlout: Well one of the questions was “In case of a fire, what steps would you take?”


Snotlout: Well apparently “FUCKING LARGE ONES” isn’t an acceptable answer.

Snotlout: Tuffnut is playing hard to get.

Snotlout: Little does he know, I’m a master at playing hard to get rid of.

Snotlout: Can you cut me some slack, Ruffnut? I’m sort of in love.

Ruffnut: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem.

Snotlout: I’m in love with you.

Ruffnut: *blushes* Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.

Snotlout: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-

Fishlegs: I wrote you a poem.

Snotlout, already crying:You did?

Snotlout: We both look very good tonight.

Astrid: You know, if you’d just said that I looked good, I would have said, “So do you.”

Snotlout: I couldn’t take that chance.

Snotlout: Relationships should be 50/50. Hiccup cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.

Snotlout: Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so…

Ruffnut: Hiccup… How do I begin to explain Hiccup?

Astrid: Hiccup is flawless.

Tuffnut: I hear his hair’s insured for $10,000.

Fishlegs: I hear he does car commercials… in Japan.

Snotlout: One time he punched me in the face… it was awesome.

Hiccup: Everytime I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.

Astrid: Okay, but what is updog?

Snotlout: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish.

Fishlegs: Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released.

Ruffnut: No, that’s an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden.

Tuffnut: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter.

Hiccup: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs.

Fishlegs: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current.

Snotlout:No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway.

Astrid: What’s a henway??

Hiccup: Oh, about five pounds.

Hiccup: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast?

Snotlout: Several traffic violations.

Ruffnut & Tuffnut: Three counts of resisting arrest.

Fishlegs: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks.

Astrid: Also, that’s not our car.

Hiccup, walking into his house: Hello, people who do not live here.

Astrid: Hey.

Snotlout: Hi.

Fishlegs: Hello.

Ruffnut: Hey!

Hiccup: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!

Tuffnut: We were out of Doritos.

Fishlegs: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.

Tuffnut: What if it bites me and it dies!?

Ruffnut: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Tuffnut, learn to listen.

Snotlout: What if it bites itself and I die?

Hiccup: That’s voodoo.

Astrid: What if it bites me and someone else dies?

Tuffnut: That’s correlation, not causation.

Snotlout: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?

Hiccup: That’s kinky.

Fishlegs: Oh my God.

*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*

Hiccup: So. Who broke it? I’m not mad, I just wanna know.


Astrid: …I did. I broke it.

Hiccup: No. No you didn’t. Tuffnut?

Tuffnut: Don’t look at me. Look at Fishlegs.

Fishlegs: What?! I didn’t break it.

Tuffnut: Huh, that’s weird. How’d you even know it was broken?

Fishlegs: Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken.

Tuffnut: Suspicious.

Fishlegs: No, it’s not!

Ruffnut: If it matters, probably not, but Snotlout was the last one to use it.

Snotlout: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap!

Ruffnut: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?

Snotlout: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Ruffnut!

Astrid: Okay let’s not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Hiccup.

Hiccup: No! Who broke it!?


Ruffnut: Hiccup… Tuffnut’s been awfully quiet.

Tuffnut: REALLY?!

*Everyone starts arguing*

Hiccup, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.

Hiccup: I predict 10 minutes from now they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.


Hiccup: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.

Hiccup: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.

Snotlout: You were flirting with Astrid.

Hiccup: So what? She’s my fiancée.

Snotlout: You asked her if she was single.


Snotlout: And then you cried when she said she wasn’t.

*the riders right before Hiccstrid’s wedding*
Astrid: Well I have to go, I have my wedding to attend.
Snotlout: Wait… Oh! I have your wedding to attend too!
Fishlegs: Oh, I have your wedding to attend as well.


so apparently it’s an annual thing that i rewatch the trilogy and get super sad inspired and paint a landscape. trying to work on my colour balancing and composition and pretty satisfied with how this turned out.

[Image ID: A moonlit scene of a hillside overlooking a cliff. There is a campfire at the top of the hill with the dragon riders from How to Train Your Dragon gathered around it. Meatlug and Toothless are sitting with the riders while Hookfang, Stormfly, and Barf and Belch are silhouetted in the distance. End ID]


Snotlout’s book:

The world according to Snotlout/ The wit and wisdom of Snotlout

Chapter 1; The many ways I am unappreciated

Chapter 2; never be the guy who stays behind by himself

Chapter 3; don’t bring untrainable dragons home

Chapter 4; people always steal my credit

Chapter 5; Hiccup haddock, missing a leg and a backbone

Chapter 6; wild dragons on mission — now that’s a bad idea

Chapter 7; Snotlout’s monstrous nightmare gel saves the day again

Chapter 8; Hiccup’s plans stink

Chapter 9; congratulations Hiccup, you finally got me killed

Chapter 10; don’t bring an egg-eating dragon to an island full of eggs

Chapter 11; it’s up to the Snot, again

Chapter 12; the egg and I

he wants to be Lemony Snicket so bad…
