#dream smp angst


My dear.

!TW! Death, suicide, ugly crying !TW!

700+ words

dsmp school au

She sat there in silence. What did she do wrong? Why did everyone she loves leave?

“Hello?” She heard from a distance, she recognized the voice. It broke her heart. Silent tears race down her face. “Oh my, are you alright!” The voice says to her. She can see his feet floating in front of her. As y/n looks up, she sees him.

“Wilbur?” She whispers not wanting it to be true, he can’t be dead.

“I’m sorry, do I know you?” He says, his ghostly voice echoing around the room. With these words she breaks, sobs cracking out of her like a whip. Wilbur’s ghostly form moves to help her, attempting to wipe the tears from her face a hissing sound emits from his hand. The tears dissolved his fingers, he stared at where his fingers once were. Her sobs softened when she realized what she did. She did this, she hurt him. 

“I’m sorry, it seems I can’t help you,” Wilbur says in a soft voice. She looks at him, her eyes and nose red and swollen.

“I missed you. Every day, it seems like it’s been a lifetime without you.” She murmurs. “It’s only been a few days my dear,” he responds.

“I thought you didn’t recognize me, why are you calling me your dear?”

“Because this isn’t real, it’s in your head and you know it. He would never come back for you, he never loved you. It was jointly to hope from the beginning,” he says, a calm smile adorning his face. The same face that called her worthless, useless, nothing, a nobody.

“I know, he never loved me. I got that from the start. I just wished to whatever could hear me, maybe, just maybe, it was a lie.”

“There was no lying, you fell for someone who could never love you back. It’s time for us to go, my dear, the sun is rising.”

Y/n wakes up to her alarm, ignoring it she walks over to her mirror. Seeing the reflection she sees him behind her. Whipping her head around she sees him.

“It’s time for us to go, don’t you want to see me again, my dear.” He says, the same comforting smile on his face as she always saw at school.

She got ready for the day, getting dressed,  eating, grabbing her bag, and driving to school. As she gets there she feels the eyes on her. She goes through her normal day as if nothing happened at the last bell of the day, he shows up.

“My dear, what is taking you so long?” He says floating over her.

“I want to see the sunset before it’s time,” she whispered.

“I see, I will meet you there.” He vanishes.

The final bell rings, she packs up and makes her way through the crowd of people, and to the roof. The wired fence glaring at her in the light of the sun that is slowly setting. She sees him there, waiting, just as he promised her.

“Hello, my dear. It’s time now.”

“Yes of course.”

She drops her bag and takes her shoes off. Carefully setting them next to the edge. Seeing the people below her, some are shouting others are recording. She sees his friends in the crowd but not him. Quirking her head to the side she looks more. After a moment she realized, I could be stopped if I don’t hurry now. Climbing the fence holding onto it as she sees the sunset for the last time, closing her eyes. Smiling, she hears the roof four open but it’s too late she fell. Turning, as if in slow motion she sees him, not the ghost, but him. He is here. He cares. He grabs her arm through the fence stopping her for a moment but not enough. And she falls, they make eye contact. She sees him say ‘I’m sorry.’ Tears fall upwards as she finally makes contact with the floor. With a thud and muffled screams, everything goes dark.

“Welcome, my dear. I missed you so,”

She hugs him but can’t feel anything.

“Am I being taken back?”

“I’m afraid so, my love, I will never forget you. Y/n.”


Thank you for reading, I’m back! I’m trying to get myself to write again so maybe this will work! <3


He promised…

Summery: Tubbo tries to understand his best friend is gone…

!TW! Character death !TW!

600+ words

Art credit to Unknown, I’m sorry I couldn’t find the original if anyone knows please put it in the comments!!!

Tubbos’s POV


I-i didn’t think it would hurt this much. I know he’s gone, but it still feels like he’s here. It feels like it was only an hour ago we were playing around at the drug van with Wilbur, Fundy, and Eret.


3rd POV


They gaze with empathy as he walks down the path, arms saying at his side, red eyes from crying, and hair sticking out in all directions like a pin cushion. He goes to the bench, the one they used to share. Now only his grave is there to keep the little ram company. He settles down there doing nothing. Clutching a single disk, Cat, the disc despite being scorched, still worked despite being charred with the rest of his stuff. The other disk is long gone, burnt to a crisp.

Puffy, after staring at the boy sitting there not moving for 10 minutes, walks toward him.

“Hey, Tubbo how ’re you holdin’ up Bud.” She says putting a hand on his back, rubbing it in small circles.

He doesn’t reply, rather he proceeds to stare at the dirt. Puffy lets out a sigh, “You need to talk to someone bud, everyone is concerned. We know you miss him but-” Before Puffy can even complete her sentence. Tubbo stands up, snatches the disk, and walks away. Everyone sees him stride away, anger clear on his face.

With a sigh, Puffy puts her head in her hands. Bad walking up next to her reassuring her it isn’t her fault.

“It’s not your fault, no one has been able to talk to him. Not even Ranboo.”

“I just hope he is ok,” Puffy replies.


Tubbo’s POV


I started walking home after Puffy tried to talk to me. I shouldn’t have been rude to her. My head is buzzing, heh, Tommy used to always call me bee boy, no wonder.

I smiled remembering the good old days. I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.

I make it home, I can hear Michael running around upstairs. When I look up I see Ranboo in front of me, startled, I take a step back.

“Oh, I’m so sorry! Did I scare you!” Ranboo says with concern, stepping forward cautiously.

“I’m fine,” I say, apprehensively. Casting my eyes on the floor I take a step around him. Ranboo, seeing my eyes, grabs my arm.

“Are you ok?” He says, worry evident in his voice. Finally making eye contact, my eyes welling up. A sob works its way up my throat, a choked sob finally comes out, as I clutch onto Ranboo’s signature suit. His arms wrap around me, while his head lays on the top of my head. I cry into his suit while Ranboo comforts me. When I finally catch my breath I ask him, “Why did he have to go, he said he would be back.” I say remembering back to what he said before he left. ‘Hey, it’s gonna be alright okay. I’m gonna see you so soon, I promise.’

“He promised me…” I cry, falling onto the floor. Ranboo came with me hugging me, and smaller hands hugged me. I look over to see Michael, hugging me with worried eyes.

“Why is Dad sad?” I hear him ask Ranboo.

“He just lost someone very close to him,”

“Did he lose his chicken?”

I pause and look at Michael. I started laughing knowing how much Tommy would have hated being compared with a chicken. Ranboo looks at me and starts laughing as well. Soon the three of us were all sitting on the floor laughing, tears still streaked down my face but for a different reason.


Third POV


As the three laughs, a transparent figure looks on at them. Chuckling at their happiness. Ultimately being able to rest understanding that his friends were safe.



Thank you for reading, the requests as always are open, and I hope you enjoyed it!!! <3

The not-so-New Neighbor pt. 2

Word count: 1200+

!TW! storms, yelling, cursing, mentions of injury !TW!


Y/n’s POV

It was rather stormy when I awoke, huh still night, I think looking at the clock which says 4:00. It has been about three weeks since Dream and I had first met. Despite, what I thought, was a pleasant first meeting he still seemed closed off to the idea of meeting other people. We had only one other conversation, besides ‘hello’ and 'how are you?’, Amara had escaped again and gotten into his backyard again.

CRACK! I jump at the sound of thunder striking. “I know right, it’s very scary,” I whisper to Ama, who is less bothered by the thunder than I am. Ama jumps off of the bed and spins in a circle, staring at me expectantly. “All right I will let you out,” I say with a sigh. “But not for long, it sounds bad out there,” I mumble standing up. I grab my blanket and wrap it around me before waddling to the backdoor, Ama trotting next to me. “Please hurry,” I shout at Ama over the wind, as she rushes outside. I go into the kitchen to grab something to drink, after realizing how parched I am. Grabbing the glass of water and quickly gulping it down. Setting the glass onto the count with a clink, thunder strikes. I jump slightly, walking back over to the back door realizing that Ama should be done by now. The door pushes back at me, the wind making it hard to keep open. “Ama! Come on girl!” I shout looking for her in the dark.

BANG! thunder strikes again, still not seeing Ama I start to get worried. “AMA! WHERE ARE YOU!” not caring, I drop the blanket and rush outside, not bothering with anything but a flashlight. I scan the yard not seeing her, but… there is a hole in the fence. My breathing is speeding up realizing she could get hurt in the storm right now. I run at the fence and jump over it, my leg getting cut by the broken wood. Adrenaline running through me I rushed to follow her footsteps that had been left in the mud. I start sprinting my legs moving faster than I could have ever thought. Ama had always been with me even when I was a kid. She is old and fragile. Before she was a service dog for me as a child. Hell, she cared for me before my parents did. I rush through the mud, my feet being scraped by loose rocks. I am bleeding somewhere and my leg is throbbing with warmth, most likely the blood. I see that her footprints are covered by a fallen tree. “AMA! WHERE ARE YOU GIRL! PLEASE!” I shout my voice gravelly and cracking. I hear a faint bark, whipping my head in the direction of running over there. I see Ama there her leg is caught under the tree. “AMA!” I say kneeling, “what happened girl-” CRASH! Another tree falls near us. The tornado siren starts sounding off. “Come on!” I yell shoving my hands under the tree trying to move it off of her. It gives slightly and Ama starts whining, “it’s ok you will be fine soon, just hang in there girl,” I finally get the tree off. Hoisting her over my shoulder I start in the direction of my house, SNAP! The tree in front of us falls it gets my leg, “FUCK!” I scream the pain shooting through me.

“HELLO IS ANYONE THERE!” I hear someone shout. It sounds familiar though it’s hard to hear. My hair is whipping into my face now wet from the rain.

“OVER HERE… please” I whisper the last part, trying to tug my leg from the tree. I see someone approach me. It looks like Dream, oh it is him. I’m tired but Ama needs help.


Dream’s POV

“Oh Gods,” I say to myself, seeing heron the ground, blood covering her leg and arm. I move quickly over to the tree and throw it off of her. She lets out a pained cry. Her leg doesn’t look broken, fortunately. Picking her up, cradling her head near my shoulder I make sure her dog is following us. I scramble back to my home. I open the door, Ama I think it was, limps in, and lays down on the floor. I bring her into the bathroom and lay her in the bathtub getting the water started. I delicately spray her leg and arms. Getting off all of the blood.


Y/n’s POV

I am barely conscious but the stinging on my leg wakes me up, I jolt a little.

“Hey, are you awake?” Looking at the voice I see Dream he is soaked as well. So he was the one to save me.

“Is Ama ok,” I mumble.

“Yes, she is just in the other room. Do you think you can take a shower and change so I can check out your injuries without intruding?” He says, I nod my head. “Ok there are spare clothes in the closet, just take some, I will be just outside the door if you need me.” He says standing up and grabbing some bandages I could only assume we’re for Ama while I was in here.

Once he leaves I hoist myself onto my feet and limp up to the showerhead fixing it back onto the stand. It sprays over me and I close the curtain. I grab some soap and clean all the cuts I find. Hissing once I clean my leg, it feels like it’s on fire. I smell the soap, it smells like him, no I have only met him a couple of times don’t be weird Y/n. I think slapping my cheeks which are heating up. I set the soap down and turn the shower off. As I step out I limp over to the closet he mentioned earlier. I grab a white shirt and black sweatpants. Carefully changing into them, after drying off. Proceeding out into the rest of his house low and behold there he is waiting for me on his couch, it looks like Ama is sleeping on the carpet and bandaged. Dream is in a change of clothes despite his hair still being wet.

“Are you feeling better,” he questions me.

“Yes, thank you Dream,”

“Of course, though I don’t mind if you call me Clay if I get to know your name. I don’t believe I got it before,” he says, grabbing the first aid kit.

“The name is Y/n, Clay,” I say, chuckling to myself realizing I hadnever given him my name.

“As much as I know you don’t want to, I need to bandage your leg. It was looking pretty banged up due to the tree.” I looked down, at the now covered leg, which was starting to hurt more as the adrenaline was wearing off.

“Yes yes, here,” I say, trying to suck it up, setting my leg on the table. He gently rolls up the too-large pant leg. I feel him start to put a cream or something on it, clenching my fist at the pain. My heart is beating out of my chest when he starts to wrap it with gauze. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“Are you all right?” Clay asks me. I stiffly nod, trying not to focus on the pain. My eyes close tightly.

“Do you think I could stay here until the storm subsides,” I question, sleep creeping into my voice.

“Of course! Would you like to sleep in the spare room?”

“Yes! That would be lovely. Thank you again,” I say, feeling my eyes starting to droop.

“This way,” Clay says, standing and helping me up. We walk down the hallway still holding hands. His hands are warm, dry but warm. “Here we are,” he opens the door and I throw myself onto the bed. I instantly fall asleep.


Thank you for reading and thank you for waiting! Hope you enjoy it! (:

Where is Home?

Vilbur and Reader pt 7

!TW! Death, shouting, mentions of dismemberment, nightmares!TW!

Word count: 1400+

Summary: The two worlds merge, Tommy is put in safety by Y/n, but he is never truly home. Where is his home?



Tommy’s POV

I am meeting with Y/n today.

I trek over the hills, looking over the ruins of what was L'manburg. Ranboo and the others have been cautious about me leaving ever since the ‘illness’. Not like I will be telling them about Y/n, I think scoffing.

Walking a while longer I sneak into the cave.

“Tommy! So glad you could make it!” I hear Y/n’s ghostly voice echo. I feel their freezing arms hold me from behind.

“Good to see you again little bro!” I smile proudly at how they addressed me, wait.

“I AM NOT LITTLE YOU TAKE THAT BACK I AM A BIG MAN,” I shout my face scrunching up in distaste.

“Of course your not Tommy,” they say floating in front of me. Seeing their ghost haze in front of me, I look at the details. Their now longer hair reaching past their ears, the bags under their eyes darker than before, their body growing. Realizing that this is not normal with a ghost I go to ask a question.

Almost as if noticing my questioning face they say, “Tommy there will be many things happening soon. I have something I wish to ask of you.”

“Yeah, whatever it is! I will have your back!” I say standing taller with pride, that they came to me for help.

Smirking at my answer Y/n floating in front of me, “I will be needing you to stay here to not get in the crossfire.” Crossfire? Nodding my head, they smile and pat my head.



leaving Tommy I go to the room, “it’s time my friends,” they nod, dispersing to do their respective tasks. As I travel into the egg, switching my ghostly form to the host. Skeppy, who is now red rather than blue, stares at me. A small smile forming on his face.

“Is it time?” He questions.

“It is now, are you ready?”

“As always,” he says, kneeling, arm crossed his chest.


3rd POV

Every one of the Smp had heard the noise, it was a cracking sound. They had run to the egg hoping it wasn’t doing what they hoped. Bad, Ant, Sam, and Puffy we’re found kneeling to the egg in two rows. Bad Ant and Sam on one side. Sam and Puffy to the other. The egg was hatching.

“Ī̶̢͎͎̠̘̫͑̈̈́̽͐̿̕͘ţ̶̼͍͔̥̞̎̓̀͛́̐̏̂́̄̂̊͜͝ͅ ̴͎͊̀́͗̈́́̍̈̓͝ͅm̷͈͇̟̜̖͍̪͔̦̏̽̓̒̍̀̅͝a̴͔̖̞͉̹̣̥̲̼̒͑̔̏̽͒̐̕ͅk̶͙̫̠̹̼͐͋͊̿̈́̎̈́̿e̸̢̨̙͖͓͔͎̥̯̝̭͓̳̔̏͊̑̆̒̅̊̈̚š̶͈́͜ ̸̣͕̲͇̲̦̼̙̥̻̯̞̻͈͇̾́͛̇͠ṷ̷̧͖̈́͒́͋̇͊̕͘s̸̤͒̇̽̍̿̓̀̾͜͝ ̵̨̛͚̟̯͍̹̮̠͇͖̥̞͑̑̀̌́̀͌̇͑͒̔͗͘͝ͅģ̵͈̙̗̰͖͙̲̠͛̈́͒̾̊̅̀͝o̸̡̱̘̮̙̳̖̻̮̬͔̙͋̃̂̈́̔̓̎̄̾̔̑̚͜ͅ ̷̛͍̦̞̤̮̮̝̥̟̇̂͗͛̇͗̃̀̎̂̐̚̚͝b̷̭͙̳̫͎̯̦͍̮̝́̈̐̂̋̅̋͜͠͝l̴̬̼͐͛̓̐̍ī̵̡̮̙̮̞͈̮̮̆͐̽͛̕n̷̥͙͂̆̚͘͜d̷̛̛͔̝͐̽̿̐̇͠”

Bad, Ant, Sam, and Puffy say in unison. They lower themselves onto the ground, in a kneeling position. A huge chunk of egg fell crushing one of the old L'manburg citizens. Realizing what is happening the people of the SMP start running away and screaming. Finally, once the egg has fully hatched they see what they wish they didn’t. Skeppy was red and mean-looking. He was very different from the nice, funny, and sarcastic blue Skeppy they were used to. Expecting Skeppy to walk out of the egg he has spent now more than 3 months in, he steps to the side, bowing.

Y/n exits the egg, revived by the power the egg has bestowed them. They had a black cloak with a red vine design. Their hair had a white streak through it. They had a netherite axe strapped to their back with a golden strap.

“I’m back,” they announce, arms spread wide.

- Timeskip -

Phil’s POV

My crows were coming in huge flocks, which is very unusual, they said something big has happened. Trusting them they say they will take me to the ‘egg’ thing people have been talking about, I’ve heard some bad things from the others. Ranboo decided to join me, he said he needs something to do. Tubbo has been having awful nightmares ever since… well since the accident. But because of Tubbo having nightmares, it has been waking Ranboo every night. He describes Tubbo after a nightmare like he was running for his life. Rather odd. We make it to the egg after a small trip, much faster than anyone would think, due to nether portals.


Tubbo’s POV

Tommy is running down the hall, Ranboo, and I not far behind. We are trying desperately to get away from the creature. Ranboo gets caught, his leg is grabbed. I screamfor him, but it’s too late the creature has him; we have to keep running.

“TUBBO COME ON,” Tommy yells, seeing another creature emerging from the darkness.

“WE AREN’T GOING TO MAKE IT!” I scream, seeing the door is almost closed. We lock eyes with the people inside the room. Karl, Dream, Foolish, Sam, Ant, Quackity, Phil, Techno, and Y/n. They are yelling for us to hurry, we might not make it in time. The door is almost closed. Tommy and I are almost there, another creature appears next to Tommy. The creature with its long spindly arms, bones ligaments, and flaking skin grabs Tommy. It’s too late.

“TOMMY!” I cried out, seeing the look of horror on Tommy’s face before he was dragged away. My arm was grabbed by Y/n and brought into the safety of the almost closed vault.

BANG. The vault is closed, I am safe. Tommy and Ranboo have been taken. It is too latenow.

THUMP, everyone inside looks through the window on the vault door. SLAM, a mutilated and torn apart Ranboo and Tommy.

I let out a cry that would be described to be able to pierce the heavens.

Ranboo’s eyes open on his head, his eyes white. He chants in a scratchy voice, “Tubbo.” Over and over again. Pressing his hands to his floppy ears, tears flowing freely down his face

“Tubbo,” his eyes shoot open, he is not in the vault. He is at home in his bed. Ranboo, desperately trying to wake the sobbing man, comes to an end when I jump up, sweat dripping down his forehead, his heart racing as if he had just run for his life, paler than Dream’s a porcine mask.

“Ranboo I-I was so scared,” I cry, a sob ripping through my throat.

“Oh, Tubbo. You should still be scared.”

“W-what?!” I stumble through my words, feeling claws pierce through my back, nearly missing my spin. I screamat the bone-crunching rip as my bad is torn apart. Ranboo drops me to the ground, he has the horrid spindly, and flakey body of the monster, his eyes glowing a bright purple.

“W-why,” I sputter out, falling onto the ground.

Gasping awake again, this time no one is around. No chance to die again. I sit up and put my arms around my head, trying to calm my breathing. Hearing a second breathing close by, I hold my light gasps.

“W-who’s th-ere??” My voice quivering. I hear, a gasp before seeing a trembling Michael peek around the doorway.

“Is Dad ok now, he was making scary noises earlier,” relaxing and saddening that I was scaring Michael.

“Oh I’m sorry bud, come here, I can make it better.” He cautiously walks in and scrambles up the bed. I grab him and settle my son on my lap.

“Is dad ok?” Michael questions.

“Yes, I just had a bad dream,” I explain, calming down knowing my son is safe.


Tommy’s POV

It has been a while since Y/n has left and told me to stay here. They said it might be a while.

SHING. I hear a sound, grabbing my sword, and go to investigate. Looking in the room I heard the sound from I find what looks like a portal. It is gold and red. These are Y/n’s favorite colors. As I am about to enter the room it starts letting off sparks and glowing brighter. As the light fades to the back once more, I unshielded my eyes.

Standing there dressed in gold and red, the twins are back and a lot taller. The now 7'4" twins stand there Will with his sword and Y/n with their signature axe. My eyes going wide, it has been 3 years since I have seen them alive. Tears staining my face once more.

“Well he looks excited to see us,” Will says, nudging Y/n softly.

“Of course he is he has only been waiting 3 years,” They say, smirking proudly.

“So Toms, how ‘ave you been,” They say simultaneously, each reaching a hand towards me. I run at them in a hug. Will makes a small ‘oofing’ sound. I can practically hear Y/n’s eyes making fun of Will. They pull me in, just like the old days, when the days were long and filled with adventures. Despite Phil and Techno never being home.

I had found home once again.



Thank you for reading! Hope y'all have a good day/night. Don’t be shy with requests!

Ps. The nightmare part is based off of a nightmare I had a couple of nights ago!

For the next chapter, I will be releasing it soon. The egg story and the Vilbur and reader story. If you have not figured it out are the same story and characters.


The dreamscape.

Vilbur and Reader pt. 6

!TW! freezing, manipulation, yelling, violence, mentions of blood, feral Tommy!TW!

Hope you enjoy <3

Art credit to: @elevenshaze on twt


Tubbo’s POV

I know I am dreaming, I can hear Phil pacing around the room. Soon his pacing fades away.

-entering the dream state-

The sun rests just over the horizon, Tommy is here. We are on the hill that overlooks L'manburg.

“Hey, big man?”

“Yeah what’s up?” Tommy answers.

“Will we get our happily ever after? Everyone is talking about how they work towards their happy ending. But I just can’t seem to see the end.” I say brushing my hair away from my eyes.

“There is no ending because there was never a beginning,” Tommy says, his voice getting scratchy.

“What do you mean,” I ask, turning to look at him. His eyes are the void and a smile is etched into his face. No! NO! DREAM CANT TAKE HIM FROM ME! please…


Waking up with a start. Sweat dripping down my face, my breathing erratic, and shaking all over. Phil, with a concerned look on his face, swiftly walks up to me.

“Are you alright mate, you look like you just had a nightmare,” Phil says softly, sitting down next to me and rubbing circles on my back. I open my mouth but no words come out, my mind racing from what I saw.

“It’s ok you don’t need to talk about it. Go be with Ranboo, he was worried about you.” Nodding, I shakily stand. Walking cautiously down the stairs I make it to the kitchen. Collecting myself I look around for Ranboo. Nope, not in the kitchen, not in the living room. Though Techno is when he notices me peeking into the room he points to the porch. Stepping over to the door I bring it open and looking out. Seeing Ranboo playing with Michael, a lazy smile adorned his face. Smiling softly to myself I walk outside fully and close the door, getting their attention.

“Dad!” Michael yells, wobbling up to his feet he shuffles towards me.

“Hello buddy, how are you?” I ask resting Michael in my lap after I sit down in one of the rocking chairs on the front porch.

“Good, Papa called some people over. Mister Pink looked at me weirdly and Mister Green told Papa to relax so he played with me out here while you were sleeping! We played all these fun games…” my son’s voice settling into the background, he thought I was sleeping and Techno saw him… “and then I saw you and you were awake and here!” Michael says finishing his story.

“That’s nice, now I need to talk to your Papa for a moment, would you go inside with Phil?” I ask, voice cracking slightly.

“Ok, Dad see you later!” Michael says, jumping up and running inside. We wait a few moments, I’m still sitting on the ground, the cold of the snow no longer bothering me.


Ranboo’s POV

I look over at Tubbo when Michael runs inside. His eyes are glassy, and he is still on the ground. After a moment I walked over to him. Sitting down next to him I pull him into a hug. I feel him start to cry, it burns into my chest, but I don’t complain. Comforting him I feel myself starting to cry as well. My tears cascading down my face, sizzling and burning down my face. It is snowing now. Tubbo and I don’t care anymore, we grasp onto each other and start sobbing. Tubbo let out a cry, one you would hear from someone who just got the news that their last hope had passed.


3rd person POV

Techno is watching the two broken children cry into each other from the window. Something in him breaks in him as well. They shouldn’t be in this life of violence, they’re only kids. And yet they had suffered so much. He thinks shaking his head. Started when he hears the most heart-wrenching scream from Tubbo. His eyes tearing up, he turns away and walks up to the room where Tommy lays. Phil has long since left the room to comfort Michael. Looking over Tommy, he notices all the details of what had happened. Tommy’s lips were dark purple, his exposed skin looked like icy veins crawling up his body, Tommys breathing slow and labored. He is not much better than when Ranboo found him. We don’t know why he isn’t getting better. Niki should be on her way, unfortunately, she lives far away from Ranboo and Tubbo’s house.

Knock knock knock. Phil upon hearing this sets Michael down on the bed, the young child having fallen asleep. Hears the knock and makes his way downstairs. Opening the door, letting Niki inside.

“So where is Tommy? I saw Tubbo was awake.” She mentions, taking her winter coat and winter gear off. Grabbing the satchel that was under the coat.

“Good to see you again mate, follow me,” Phil says waving his hand towards the stairs. As they make their way up the stairs Niki is looking around, looking for clues to what had happened to the boys. Phil stops at the door opening it for Niki.

“He’s on the bed over there,” Phil mutters, refusing to make eye contact or look in the room. Niki looks at Phil with sympathy in her eyes before entering. Walking in closing the door softly behind her. Techno once he saw her stood up, knowing her past and her hate against Tommy. Pulling out his ax in a defensive stance.

“Woah, calm down I’m only here to help. Phil called me in,” Niki says, trying to calm Techno. Slowly lowering his defensive stance in front of Tommy, who is effectively dying without treatment.


Niki’s POV

As I cautiously approach Tommy, I can see the damage of whatever had been done to him. His lips are dark plum and black near the center, his ears are blue and black, his hair was stiff from what seems like the cold Ranboo found him in, his breathing is more like wheezing and pained. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Focusing my eyes back on Tommy I grab the bag that I had brought with me. Opening it I grab my book, my candles, and a heater. Looking over at Techno I ask, “Would you put some coal in here,” I hand him the heater. He looks skeptical about it before doing what I asked. As he loaded coal into it, I pulled out my book looking through various supernatural creatures before finding what I was looking for.

“Here!” I shout, after a while, startling Techno. “Sorry,” I say softly when he glares at me.

Hearing a thundering sound running up the stairs, Phil bursts into the room, “Do you know what caused this?!” Phil says frantically. Techno being confused at the question looks between Niki and Phil expectantly.

“He means what creature caused this,” I explain, “I’m a mob expert.”

HUH! Since when?”

“She has been for a while… Anyway, that’s not the point.” Phil says.

“Yes, Phil is right. I found what caused this. It says here-” I say, pointing at a page in my book,”- the only thing that could have caused this would be… A spectator aka a ghost essentialy.” Once I say that Phil and Techno’s eyes go wide and they stare at each other, then Tommy. Their eyes are filled with confusion and terror. And then the realization hit me, we only have two ghosts, and both of them were close to the young boys. But they wouldn’t do this… would they?


Tommy’s POV

-entering the dream state-

It is warm here, I remember it was cold earlier. Why was it cold again? Eh doesn’t matter now that I am warm. A new wave of heat cascades through me, thawing my body into comfort. I am calm, wow when was the last time that happened. Maybe when Tubbo and I were building our bench, Techno and Wilbur watched our back. It was the most peaceful week of work… ever I think.

“Hello?” I hear an echo crossing the room.

“Hello, who are you?” I question back to the voice, not bothering to open my eyes.

“Tommy is that you?” I hear, starting to recognize the voice. Snapping my eyes open, I look around in search of the voice. Y/n they are here, I want to see them again. I miss them.

“Y/n? Where are you?”

“I’m right over here Tommy,” they say. I turn around and see them, glowing with their arm stretched towards me, a soft welcoming smile decorated their face. Rushing over to them I tackle them into a hug, crying slightly.

“Hello Big man,” they say softly, engulfing the smaller in a hug. I smile through the tears that are free-falling down my face.

“I missed you Y/n,” I say, my voice heavy with emotion. Finally, I reluctantly pull away from the hug.

“I have something important to tell you, Tommy…” Y/n says, eyes going downcast and glossing over. “They are trying to take you from me,” their voice growing softer, as I grow more confused and I furrow my brows.

“Who is trying to take you? I want to stay with you.” I say, standing my ground ready to fight anyone who gets in my way of being with my sibling I was forced to lose.

“They are Tommy you have to stop them…” their voice fading away more as I am being pulled away from them.

“No! Stop! I want to go back! Y/n!” I yelled, reaching desperately towards them, despite me being pulled away.

Waking with a start, all of the warmth from the dreamscape gone. Niki, Techno, and Phil standing over me. They are smiling. Why do they get to be happy? I just want to go home, the place where I belong. With Y/n, Will, Tubbo, and L'manburg. The good days.

“How are you feeling?” Phil asks, my head slowly turning towards him. I throw myself at him, clawing at him. I get a handful of feathers and his hat before Techno and Niki pull me off of him with my arms behind my back. I hear an animalistic growl until I realize it is coming from me. Not that I care they were the ones trying to take me away from Y/n. Phil, who has now fallen onto the floor. Looking at me in shock. I feel my lips curl up to bare my teeth and growl once again.

“Niki what’s happening?!” Techno shouts frantically, as I struggle from their grasp. I hear people storming up the stairs. Tubbo and Ranboo slam the door open. They see me and I’m not sure what sparked it but I think it was looking at Ranboo, I never liked him, he took away my friend, and now he is here for Y/n as well. With newfound strength, I launch myself at Ranboo, ripping my grasp away from Techno and Niki. I go to attack him only to be hit with something and thrown off to the side. Looking at where the item was thrown I see a shaking Niki, standing on all fours I growl at them. My hybrid features on display. My tail swishing behind me defensively, my razor-sharp canines bared at all of them, the two joints on my legs ripping through my pants near the joints.

“Hey… Tommy, Big man calm down…” Tubbo says cautiously sidestepping towards me, in response, I let out an unnerving growl that makes everyone flinch in response.

“Niki! What is going on!” Techno growls, furiously.

“I don’t know this isn’t supposed to happen! Though there is a chance that the spector had said something to him!” she says, looking through her book frantically trying to find an answer.

“What do you mean! There is a chance! What could they have said” Phil yells, I ignore them focusing on Ranboo. Tensing my legs and lowering myself onto the ground I feel something fall from my mouth.

“Umm… Phil what is dripping from his mouth,” Tubbo asks, voice quivering. Suddenly everyone’s attention is on me again. I let out another growl, more of the goop falling from my mouth, looking at it this time I see it is a black-looking slime. Hearing someone step closer to me, my head snaps at them. I let out a roar. Tubbo and Niki are staring at me in fear, Phil is staring in shock, and Techno in distress. I lunge at Ranboo once more this time reaching for his horn with the reached ring on it. Tubbo shrieks when he sees what I’m going for, and he jumps at me. I make it to my target and start yanking on his horn trying to rip it off, so he will let me see Y/n again. Tubbo hits me off, falling to the floor with a whimper. Techno and Phil rush to restrain me, Niki rushes to Ranboo to check on what I hurt. I see Ranboo reach for his horn and realize the ring is gone.

“My ring is gone! Did it fall off!?” Ranboo asks, I plant myself onto the ground. It’s not like I needed to, I have two people keeping me on the ground. Smirking, I look Ranboo in the eyes.

“Tommy where is it!” He yells at me, part of his jaw unhinging. I close my mouth tighter, locking my jaw. 

“Guys… I think it’s in his mouth.” Tubbo says, noticing my jaw tense.

“How? We didn’t see it?!” Niki says, baffled. She runs over to Techno and Phil, something in her hand.

I feel something cold touch my neck as the world fades to dark.

-entering dreamscape-

“Tommy are you ok?!” I hear Y/n yell when they see the state I’m in.

“I wanted to come back… they are the enemy…” I mumble my words slurred.

“Ah… I see what happened. I’m so glad you came back,” they say, picking me up into a soft warm hug. Just like Mum used to do. Feeling the familiar warmth return.

“Don’t worry Big man I will protect you,” they say. I feel warmth flood my being and patterns scorchinginto my body. I didn’t mind though it felt nice.

“They’re going to sting when you wake once more, but don’t worry I will always be here when you go to sleep.” I nod limply.

“Want to see them?” Parking up at this I nod once more, not finding the energy to speak. A mirror appears in front of me. I have marks up and down my back and arms. They have symbols that look like, “⋔⊬ ⌿⎍⌿⟟⌰” I feel myself fading out of dream world into a deep sleep.

“Y/n would you stay with me?”

“Of course my pupil.”



Thank you for reading, don’t be shy if you have a recommendation

It all comes together. Vilbur and Reader pt 5

!TW! Freezing, mentions of harm, mentions of violence, trauma, dying, almost deaths, cursing !TW!

Got this done faster then anticipated check out my last post if you wanna make any inferences on what happened (:

Ranboo’s POV

It was a normal day for Ranboo, he had done some mining earlier that day, but something still just felt… wrong. He couldn’t put his finger on it. As he heads his way home he sees Tommy in the distance.

“Hey Tommy, what are you doing out in the cold!” I shout jogging at him. There is going to be a snowstorm later, I don’t want Tommy to be caught in it, that would be very dangerous and I wouldn’t be a good friend if I abandoned him.

Turning around I gasp, his lips are purple and his nose is almost black with frostbite, “S-sorry Ranb-boo I g-got an l-little lost-t.” He stutters out.

“Oh my come in, you need to warm up,” I say, picking Tommy up as he starts to go limp. I will have to talk to Tubbo about this later. Rushing towards the house, I quickly open the door and set Tommy on the couch next to the fireplace. Running around trying to find warm things and lighters. Finally finding a match, I light the fireplace. Running upstairs to get some blankets, I find them and scramble back downstairs. I make sure Tommy is comfortable, I feel bad. Everyone is living lavish lives and the youngest of us all is out here dying alone. Getting the blankets around Tommy and the fire roaring as hot as I could make it, I start to boil some water for hot chocolate when he wakes up. Hearing a clicking of paws behind me I look around.

“Papa, why are you running around?” I hear my son ask.

“Well a dear friend of mine is in trouble right now and I needed things to help him.” I try to explain without my voice shaking too much.

“Where is dad?” Michael asks. Looking around I realize Tubbo should’ve been home by this point.

“I’m not sure, would you like to look for him?” I say, not thinking straight, rushing to make sure Tommy doesn’t die.

“Ok bye bye Papa.”

“Bye sweety,” I say, grabbing some more blankets.


Michaels POV

Papa seemed busy, but he did say I could look for Dad. Looking through Papa and Dad’s room I don’t see anything. Oh, what is that? I grab it. It’s pretty I will show Papa later. Grabbing my stuffed cow Uncle Tommy gave me I wandered around trying to find Dad. I make it to the basement. Papa and Dad always said not to go down here… but Dad also said I could find Papa. Climbing down the latter I make it to the basement. Looking around the rows of chests I see Papa, he is on the ground. Oh well, I’m tired, maybe he was just tired too. Snuggling up with Papa’s arm over me I fall asleep.


3rd Person POV

When Tommy is in a stable condition Ranboo is looking around for Michael.

“Michael?” He says, looking around the house. He said he was going to find Tubbo where could he have gone, right as he thinks this he notices the open trapdoor to the basement. Furrowing his eyebrows he goes down the latter, “Michael?” He calls again. Peeking around the row of chests he sees Micheal with Tubbo on the ground. Panic strikes his heart when he sees that Tubbo is looking the same way Tommy was when Ranboo found him. Rushing to the pair he checks Tubbo’s pulse. It is weak but there. Picking up both Tubbo and Michael, he scrambles up the ladder. Getting to Ranboo and Tubbo’s room he sets Tubbo down gently, scooping Michael out of Tubbo’s reach he thinks to himself, how did this even happen? It’s not cold in the basement, how could Tubbo have almost died. And the same way Tommy almost did, seems too much of a coincidence. Getting the heating blanket out and resting it on Tubbo. He runs to set Michael in his room. Grabbing Tommy on the way back, he sets Tommy on the bed with Tubbo. Getting them as warm as possible, he pulls out his communicator. Dialing Techno and Phil.

“Hello,” Techno says.

“Hey mate what’s up.” Phil chimes in

“Something is happening and I don’t know what I need your help please as fast as you can!” I speak in a hushed rush, afraid to wake the boys.

“Woah slow down mate, what’s happening?!” Phil says concerned for the monochromatic man.

“Please just hurry,” Ranboo says, dropping the communicator to the floor, and rushing back to Tommy and Tubbo. Their condition is getting better… I think?

Over with Phil and Techno who are both equally confused and worried, already on their way over.

Making it to the young couple’s house, they knock furiously on the door.

“Shhh, come in hurry,” Ranboo says, opening the door.

The two look at each other briefly before walking in.

“This way,” Ranboo says, motioning towards his shared bedroom. The others gasp at the sight. Both boys laid on the bed noses black at this point but slowly turning purple. A good sign?

“What happened,” Phil says, concerned about the boys who were like his family.

“I found Tommy wandering outside, he didn’t even have anything protecting him from the cold. And when I thought Tommy was stable I went to look for Michael who was looking for Tubbo when I wasn’t watching. Tubbo was passed out on the ground in the basement.” He explains, grabbing more logs for the fireplace.

“How did this even happen? They would’ve found help before it got too bad!” Phil says exasperated.

“Yes Tommy may be dumb but not stupid,” Techno adds, equally confused. I taught him how to survive when he was younger he couldn’t have forgotten.

“I’m not sure everything should’ve been fine. I’m not sure what’s happened. I just need your help for now, until we can figure this out.

"Of course, I will call up Niki because she is better at taking care of people. Techno, you make sure they don’t die. Ranboo, rest a little we don’t want anything happening to you.” Ranboo nodding his head goes to Michael’s room to rest with his son, after being so stressed. Techno sets his cape on the ground, bringing a chair over at the end of the bed. Watching over them closely, every flinch of Tubbo’s ram ears to the flick of Tommy’s fluffy raccoon tail. Phil left for the porch, calls up Niki.

“Niki? Are you here?” Phil asks, his frozen breath escaping his mouth as he talks.

“Yes, is there something the matter Phil?” Niki replies, her voice hinted with worry.

“You know things about the creatures of the SMP… right?”

“Yes… do you need me to look at something?” She hesitantly asks.

“Something happened to Tommy and Tubbo. I think you should take a look. We are at Ranboo and Tubbo’s house?" 

Phil hears shuffling from the other line and hears. "On my way.” Coming from Niki.


Y/n’s POV

Floating overhead I see Dream make his way to the egg and Niki to the cabin.

“Good, When there’s no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth, and here I am. Soon I will make everything better.”


Thank you for reading! If you have a suggestion don’t be shy! Let me know if there are any errors



christmas with them

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❄ sapnap ❄

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❄ karl jacobs ❄

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❄ corpse ❄

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❄ skeppy ❄

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❄ tommy ❄

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❄ tubbo ❄

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❄ ranboo ❄

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↳ mtl likely to reveal what presents are under the christmas tree
