#platonic love



I’m such a slut for casual intimacy. Like yesss rest your chin on my shoulder while we’re in line at the grocery store, I live for that shit.




You know what the second I stopped saying “I wish I had a friend who-“ and started being “the friend who-“ my life has gotten 100% more fulfilling

No legitimately. I have a tea table in my room for when friends can come over again. Most of my friends have a key to the back door in my room. I make my friends sweaters and buy things they mention they want. I send handwritten letters in the mail to my friend who lives a block away. I annotate poetry books and give them as gifts when it’s not even a holiday. I keep extra gloves in my purse and jackets in my car.

I’m not trying to be like “ohoho look at me I’m such a good friend”, I’m saying the second I stopped going “I wish I had friends who would invite me to tea parties” and just. hosted the tea parties myself? I still got to do the thing. I still got to see my friends. I still got to be happy with them.

I don’t think it’s about who does it, I think it’s just the genuine act of caring for people, and giving a little light to the environments you’re in.

Okay. Apparently I’m not done talking about this.

It’s a lot of energy, I get that. Especially if you’re putting in all this effort, but not getting any back.

But I think that’s the reason no one does it. I mean we’re so worried we’ll start doing all these things and our friends won’t like it or won’t be into it, so we just don’t.

Only last week my friend messaged me, asking if I wanted to go stargazing with her. When I forget about our weekly virtual tea party, another friend called me to ask if I wanted them to host it this week.

I’ve been invited on hikes and picnics and pie making competitions over zoom, and it all sort of started with me going out of my way to be “that friend”.

I genuinely believe that the easiest answer to “how do I get friends like that?” Is to be one. In most cases, everyone else just follows by example, because they aren’t worried they’ll be wasting time and energy anymore.


“Welcome home, Tìo” - Part 5  Mirabel.  Part 6 with Antonio coming soon…  

 P.S. My Art about Bruno and the kids affection is all PLATONIC !!!

 A wonderful night where I had countless interactions w/women I’d just met & was reminded  A wonderful night where I had countless interactions w/women I’d just met & was reminded

A wonderful night where I had countless interactions w/women I’d just met & was reminded how NICE they are, and that I need more gal pals.

*Bonus panel of dancing with Sara, the one gal I DID know, because I kept trying and failing to capture her moves.

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Romantic love isn’t the only kind of love that matters, and I feel like there would be fewer people who feel unlovable or alone for not having a romantic relationship if the importance of platonic relationships was given more credit. As well as fewer people getting into unhealthy relationships or relationships they aren’t ready for because they’re so starved for affection and think a romantic relationship is the only place to get it. 

Platonic love is so important. Platonic affection is so important. Tell your friends how much they mean to you, tell them how much you care about them, tell them you love them. If everyone’s comfortable with it, it’s okay to be physically affectionate with your friends. You don’t need romantic love to be whole or lovable, you don’t need romantic love to get the affection and validation you deserve. 

Despite the bad positioning on the page, and the struggle to make the two of them correct compared t

Despite the bad positioning on the page, and the struggle to make the two of them correct compared to each other, I’m rather happy with this rough sketch of Maedhros and Fingon!

It’s still early, so I’m not sure how far I’ll take it yet, but it felt good to draw my favorite elves again!

(And Maedhros and Fingons friendship will always get me! I imagine this scene where Maedhros teaches Fingon to shoot, being the eldest!) ✨

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are you a hair up or hair down kinda person? horror movie or a rom-com? do you like coffee or tea? are you moon or sun? park or coffee shop? romantic love or platonic love?

if you ever feel alone or need someone to talk to i am here for you, you are never alone or unloved.

even on your darkest days when you can barely drag yourself out of bed you are loved, you have people who care for you. some of these people you know of and some may surprise you, some you may not even know of yet, they lie ahead in your future.

the world can be a scary place, but it’s also a beautiful place full of hope and happiness. the small things in life like the feeling of walking through nature, or drinking a hot drink make the world beautiful, finding a hobby makes the world beautiful.

every single day has something beautiful in it, it may be obvious or it may be hidden, but it’s there all the same.

hi guys so does anyone have any questions they want to ask, or anything you want to know about me? and please know i’m always here for you guys if you need someone to talk to or you need some advice (i will attempt to be smart for once and help)

i have never been upset at you, i have never been angry at you, i have never thought that you weren’t good enough. because i know how amazing you, how much you are worthy of love and all of the good things in this universe, and i know that you are such a beautiful person (both inside and out) and that i could never be mad at you, it would be like being angry at an angel. please remember this whenever the doubt creeps into your mind, just remember i said this to you, if you ever think we have fought remember this, but honestly i hope we don’t ever fight.

remind your friends how much you love them, how much they mean to you. just a simple ‘i love you’ ‘i care for you’ ‘you’re amazing’ can brighten up someone’s day so much, and you may not even know it.

you know that feeling of being utterly content when you’re with your friends. and just feeling how much love you have for them, i love that feeling.

I want to be your home, where you feel safe to love and be loved in return. If you’d like, I think we could be home to each other.

it’s ok to not be ok. you don’t need to be happy 24/7, it’s ok to feel sad. but it’s not ok to always be sad, i know it can be hard but happiness can be found everywhere. in nature, in friendships, in books, in music. just by looking you can find happiness, and one day you won’t need to find it, because it will be a part of you.

i love you so much, even when you can’t love yourself i will. i’m always here for you, i’m never leaving.

it’s ok to struggle, some days are bad. but know that it will get better, and your friends will be with you every step of the way.

i just want to always be there for you, i don’t want to be trapped behind a screen anymore

you are doing amazing, you may not realise that but you are. just by being here you are amazing. you may not think you are worth enough, that you don’t deserve love and happiness, but you have never been more wrong. you are so so beautiful and awesome and kind and sweet and caring and you deserve all of the best in life.

you are stunning, i’ve never met someone as amazing as you.

i want to sit in a cafe with you all day and just talk about nonsense, we don’t need to worry about the world, we can just enjoy each other’s company

you don’t realise this but all these happy things i post, they’re directed at you


you are enough

never let anyone tell you differently, you may feel like you need to change, or be different to fit in but you, this person that you are is enough. you are enough and you are worthy of all the good in the world, don’t let yourself or others tell you something different. yes change is good, and discovering yourself is amazing and you should definitely do that, but don’t feel like without that discovery you aren’t enough. there is no certain level you have to ever meet to be ‘good enough’ you just are. you are worthy of love and happiness, and if you need help to find that then that’s ok. people are here to help you, they will always help you and fight for you, don’t let yourself forget that. you are beautiful and strong, and that is the truth. you are enough, remember that.

you are too good for this world, you’re an angel, pure and sweet, better than this cruel world. you are amazing, and so much more than we deserve. thank you for being you, that’s the best thing you could possibly be.

you have such a beautiful soul, how am i that lucky that i get to know you.
