#lgbt problems


i am GENIUS. i stole my ex gf’s sweatshirt and now i have FEELINGS. what is WRONG with me i take it back i am DUMB ASS LESBIAN!!!

If you want to know what acephobia in the LGBT+ community does, it makes asexuals, like me, not want to go to LGBT groups because we won’t feel welcomed. It isolates us and tells us our problems are invalid. Acephobia in the LGBT+ literally scares aces away from places (like LGBT groups in our schools and communities) that should be safe for us.

If you’re tired of explaining your sexual/romantic attraction to others clap your hands

If you’re tired of explaining your sexual/romantic attraction to others clap your hands!

If you’re tired of explaining your sexual/romantic attractions to others when it’s really a topic that should be taught at a young age instead of being swept under the rug and made into this weird subculture that’s ridiculed and shamed by ignorant jackasses who don’t want to put in the effort to understand because deep down change scares them clap your hands!!

You ever just try to understand the logic behind biphobia? Like, we’re allowed to be a part of the LGBTQ+ community, but only when we’re in a same sex relationship. But we also can’t like people of the same sex unless it’s in a threesome with someone of the opposite sex. But also we don’t even exist. Like if you’re gonna hate on us at least get your stories straight

Me: “I’m bisexual, which means that I’m attracted to men and women.” Someone: “Yes, of course!” Me: “So if I want to be in a committed relationship with someone of the opposite sex, that doesn’t change the fact that I’m bisexual and a part of the LGBT+ community.” Someone:
