#dungeon mistress



YO I think we as a DnD community need to address the fact that when PCs flirt with NPCs they put the DM in the position of having to play that NPC and not all DMs are comfortable with that all the time and it shouldn’t be an expectation that the DM is comfortable playing NPCs that are being flirted with

I think that is something that you should talk about as a group before playing. In our group we allow npcs and PCs to have romantic interactions but we have respect for each other.

If someone is not comfortable we don’t push it. We don’t get graphic or cross lines with players or DMs that are not ok with it. If you are in a group that doesn’t respect your boundaries talk to them about it. If they don’t listen it is time to find another group.

I am a female Dm with a group of all males(one is my boyfriend of 10 years) all but 1 player has a romantic interest NPC. None of them have ever crossed my boundaries or made me (or my boyfriend) uncomfortable. Other DMs have no npcs that have romantic interest in the players. If you are clear about what you want from the game and what is allowed I find there is rarely a problem with a good group.

Obidienza I devozione sempre!

Crazy ?

#evaluxtop    #sexyshemale    #mistress    #dungeon mistress    #italia    #viareggio    #tuscany    #london    

CiAo a tutti buona settimana

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#evaluxtop    #dungeon mistress    #mistress    #sexyshemale    

Latex latex latex ❤️

#dungeon mistress    #mistress    #padrona    #evaluxtop    

And he’s done, Verbil Feeblebeard, a personal piece for my husbands divination wizard who has a direct line to Mystra and the weave (don’t ask lol) and provides comic relief to all. He’s amazing to both to paint and DM for and I will do my best not to kill him.
